Change of thyroxine: I have just been told that... - Thyroid UK

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Change of thyroxine

Odinil profile image
37 Replies

I have just been told that my gp has sent a prescription to the pharmacist for a months supply of Eltroxin. I had no idea they were doing this. Ive been on Actavis 50mg and 25mg Wockehart, because i have been feeling so ill since i started on Accord from Actavis i called the pharmacist to ask if i could try Mercury Pharma, thats when i was told about the month supply of Eltroxin that had been ordered for me by my gp. I hesitated as i knew nothing about it or anything about Eltroxin, she said its very good, very expensive and we have to pay for it. Can someone help me please, after the struggle i have had for the past 6 years i cant risk swapping from one brand to another. I see that Mercury Pharma seems to be popular on here.

Please can someone advise me.

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Odinil profile image
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37 Replies
helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK

I am not sure who is most confused! Might be me. :-)

Mercury Pharma Eltroxin is the same product as Mercury Pharma levothyroxine. Absolutely identical. Same number and everything. Mercury Pharma Eltroxin is neither better, nor worse, than Mercury Pharma levothyroxine

The cost is next to nothing. See the British National Formulary here:

(The information isn't quite as clear as you might wish. But it is obvious that none of them is approaching the "expensive" range!)

Looks like the person who told you doesn't understand. Or I have got it all wrong. I sincerely hope I have not.

UK Levothyroxine Tablets


Last updated 20/09/2020.

This is a list of currently marketed levothyroxine tablets in the UK.

Please note that re-branding (whether by a manufacturer or as an ‘own label supplier’) – which has happened with several products – does not mean any change to formulation.


🔹 Accord (marketing authorisation holder) – formerly Actavis

🏭 Accord-UK (manufacturer)

🥛 contains lactose – 39.95mg in 50 microgram tablet, 54.90mg in 100 microgram tablet

  50 microgram  PL 0142/0104

  100 microgram  PL 0142/0105

🟢 50 microgram and 100 microgram PIL: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 50 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 100 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....


🔹 Advanz (marketing authorisation holder) – branded both “Mercury Pharma Levothyroxine” and “Mercury Pharma Eltroxin” which are identical

🏭 Custom Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (manufacturer)

🥛 contains lactose – 30.49mg in 25 microgram tablet, 48.86mg in 50 and 100 microgram tablets

  25 microgram  PL 12762/0016

  50 microgram  PL 10972/0031

  100 microgram  PL 10972/0032

🟢 Eltroxin 25 microgram PIL: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟢 Eltroxin 50 & 100 microgram PIL: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟢 Levothyroxine 25 microgram PIL: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟢 Levothyroxine 50 & 100 microgram PIL: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 Eltroxin and Levothyroxine 25 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 Eltroxin and Levothyroxine 50 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 Eltroxin and Levothyroxine 100 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....


🔸 Almus ‘own label supplier’ – (a brand owned by Walgreen Boots Alliance – Boots pharmacies and Alliance distributor)

  50 microgram – This is repackaged Accord – formerly Actavis.

  100 microgram – This is repackaged Accord – formerly Actavis.


🔹 Aristo (marketing authorisation holder)

🏭 Aristo Pharma GmbH (manufacturer)

No lactose ingredient

  100 microgram  PL 40546-0159

🟢 PIL: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....


🔹 Glenmark (marketing authorisation holder)

Note: This product may not currently be dispensed.

🏭 Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Europe Limited (manufacturer)

No lactose ingredient

  25 microgram  PL 25258/0293

  50 microgram  PL 25258/0294

  100 microgram  PL 25258/0295

🟢 PIL: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 25 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 50 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 100 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....


🔸 Northstar ‘own label supplier’ – (a brand owned by McKesson – Lloyds pharmacies and AAH distributor)

  25 microgram – This is repackaged Teva. ❗

  50 microgram – This is repackaged Accord – formerly Actavis. ❗

  100 microgram – This is repackaged Accord – formerly Actavis. ❗


🔹 Teva (marketing authorisation holder)

🏭 PLIVA Croatia Ltd (manufacturer)

No lactose ingredient

  12.5 microgram  PL 00289/1971

  25 microgram  PL 00289/1972

  50 microgram  PL 00289/0038

  75 microgram  PL 00289/1973

  100 microgram  PL 00289/0039

🟢 12.5 and 50 microgram PIL: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟢 25, 75 and 100 microgram PIL: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 12.5 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 25 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 50 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 75 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 100 microgram SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....


🔹 Wockhardt (marketing authorisation holder)

🏭 CP Pharmaceuticals Ltd (manufacturer)

🥛 contains lactose

  25 microgram  PL 29831/0130

🟢 PIL: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....

🟣 SPC: mhraproducts4853.blob.core....


🔹 – identifies marketing authorisation holder

🔸 – identifies ‘own label supplier’ products

🏭 – identifies manufacturers (where known)

🥛 – contains lactose

– Take particular note of the actual product which varies by dosage.

🟢 PIL – Patient Information Leaflet

🟣 SPC – Summary of Product Characteristics document

🟢🟣 Single document combining typical PIL and SPC information


Only products which definitely contain lactose are identified (🥛 – contains lactose). Please always check other products. Where products are ‘own label supplier’, check the marketing authorisation holder for the specific product.

There are links to product information on the MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency) website. These are the latest versions known.

If there is anything inaccurate in this information, please let me know by Private Message, or on the forum:


This document is updated whenever I am aware of any changes or enhancements are needed. Please check the Last updated date. The current version is available as a PDF here:

The PDF version of this document has a QR code above this sentence. If your device has a camera and can interpret QR codes, this QR code should take you to the same place as the link and make it easier to download on devices, such as phones and tablets.

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to helvella

Oh right so it is Mercury Pharma thats been prescribed for me?

Why is one called Mercury Pharma and one Mercury Pharma Eltroxine if they are actually the same?

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Odinil

It's a complicated pharmaceutical company issue, that makes things annoyingly confusing for patients, pharmacists and doctors!

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to RedApple

Its unbelievable, i feel so out of control with it all, we have a right for it to be less complex.

So theres no point in me asking that my prescription states Mercury Pharma and not just Eltroxine or Mercury Pharma Eltroxine, sorry to keep on but its so important to get it clear in my head.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Odinil

I would keep things simple at this stage. Try the Eltroxin first, at least to placate your GP. If it works for you, then you will know that you can take both of them, and that may be the time to have a new discussion about what your prescription does, or does not need to state.

Realistically, your prescription doesn't necessarily need to state anything other than the dose. Many of us deal with the brand issue directly with our pharmacies. In other words, take your prescription to your preferred pharmacy, tell them that you want either Eltroxin or MercuryPharma. If they can't supply it, take your prescription to another pharmacy and try again. Eventually you'll usually find one that will take your preference into account and give you your preferred brand every time.

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to RedApple

Thank you i will do that. I have a telephone consultation tomorrow, different gp always, probably to tell me why i cant have a serum methylmalonic acid test or a pernicious Anaemia test or are they the same thing? that i requested because of my low B12 and Folate Medicheck blood test results and recommended by Medicheck to get done, i suppose i'll have another fight on my hands. If gp's listened to us they could educate themselves and make theirs lives so much easier and ours.

teacherspet profile image
teacherspet in reply to RedApple

That's exactly what I have to do. Sadly many pharmacies are at the mercy of their suppliers and it's whatever they have, which isn't always the brand you want.

Sybilla14 profile image
Sybilla14 in reply to RedApple

I take MP. I asked my GP to add the brand a while back as some pharmacists asked for it to be on the prescription. He added a line to ‘please dispense MP or Eltroxin’ but one pharmacy recently refused to dispense despite having it in stock because they needed the brand to be specified on the same line as the dose.

This week boots had the 100mcg and an independent helpful pharmacy had the 50mcg. They both can’t order the other strength. Looks like I need storage prescriptions for both strengths in the future to make things easier.

It is becoming increasingly frustrating to source this brand and I’m having to run around and grovel to chemists who are kind enough to want to help.

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to Sybilla14

Oh no, i didnt realise i will have a problem getting it, what a nightmare.

Sybilla14 profile image
Sybilla14 in reply to Odinil

If you do stay on it watch out for the changes when MP generic is replaced with Eltroxin for a while. This totally confuses the pharmacists and I got caught out by this a couple of years ago before I realised what happened. Eltroxin was out again for a few months last year and early this year but think MP may be back now (I’m due to collect my prescription from the pharmacist tomorrow). Once you get over the hurdle of filling your prescription, the pills are identical so don’t worry about the different boxes.

My GP is extremely helpful and gave me an extra prescription for 8 weeks after I explained the problems with finding the brand in time and the need for the name on the prescription. Now I always have a buffer stock allowing me plenty of time to find it and I did struggle at times. May be worth asking your GP for one too.

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to Sybilla14

Thanks for advice. When that happens do you go from MP to Eltroxin and vice versa? They dont both go off at the same time do they? Theres always one or other?

I cant believe how difficult it all is, nothing is straight forward.

When i sat down with my consultant discussing the removal of my thyroid he said, i'll whip it out, you'll take a tablet everyday and you'll be fine. I havent been fine since although i must say i havent been as bad as some on here.

222222Kc profile image
222222Kc in reply to helvella

Hi im wondering what the dearest version of levo is and what people think the best one is. Thanks

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to 222222Kc

The prices of all levothyroxine tablets, as in NHS Tariff prices, are the same. (And the NHS indicative prices don't vary very much.) The highest prices are for 12.5 and 75 microgram tablets. The rest are all between about £1 and £2 for 28 tablets.

I do not think of there being a "best" one. Some people find they don't get on with some makes. The best is really just the one you do well on. (If you are lucky, you might find they are all much the same to you.)

We have seen some members say that each of the available makes has been their "best"!

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to helvella

No idea what pharmacist was thinking. I was happy on Actavis and Wockehart but when Actavis changed to Accord thats when i felt ill.

I experimented, stopped Accord, took Actavis for 28 days that the pharmacist managed to source, i was ok again, when they ran out back on Accord, felt ill within two days. I cant explain why if theres been no change in the ingredients or fillers, but i know how it made me feel, terrible!

222222Kc profile image
222222Kc in reply to Odinil

Yes ive found the same 🤔

Sanjita123 profile image
Sanjita123 in reply to Odinil

Exactly the same here 🙁 feeling dreadful on accord, want to try liquid levo but they won’t let me.

222222Kc profile image
222222Kc in reply to helvella

Thank you

paulaelizabeth profile image
paulaelizabeth in reply to helvella

Hi there

Do you know of a thyroxine by Martindales?

I had a choice of Teva or this at the pharmacy so chose Martindales. It was given to me in a brown bottle and is upsetting my stomach.

Wouldn't normally have a accepted a brown bottle but had run out!

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to paulaelizabeth

Martindale Pharmaceuticals used to appear to be, primarily, a supplier of "specials". These are typically made to order. However, it appears that they are now producing several medicines that are not specials.

I know that in some cases, the difference between true "specials" which are made for individual patients, and making a small batch and supplying several patients, then making a slightly larger batch and treating it as small scale manufacturing is a slippery slope. There is no obvious point at which things change from one classification to another.

Even more confusingly, some of the documents for these medicines say "Macarthys Laboratories Limited T/A Martindale Pharma". Some of the documents show a completely different Marketing Authorization Holder. Which makes them appear to be acting as a contract manufacturer.

All super-confusing.

The end result, the MHRA do not list any documentation I could find for levothyroxine produced by Martindales. Therefore, I would tend to assume it is a special of some sort.

Such specials and very small scale manufactured products will not have printed, product-specific packaging.

You should still be told the ingredients.

And you most certainly can put in a Yellow Card report for side effects. Have a look at a previous post of mine:

Martindale Pharma, an Ethypharm Group Company


Building A2, Glory Park Avenue, Wooburn Green, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP10 0DF, UK


+44 (0) 1277 266 600


Medical Information e-mail

paulaelizabeth profile image
paulaelizabeth in reply to helvella

Thank you so much for this. I need to speak to the chemist on Monday!

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to paulaelizabeth

Please do!

And let me/us know. If you don't wish to put something on the public forum, feel free to send me a Private Message.

In particular, you should have been informed of all ingredients.

paulaelizabeth profile image
paulaelizabeth in reply to helvella

Hi Hellvella

Thank you for your reply.

Can you please help me with something else.

I currently ive in Manchester and take T3 (Morningside 40mcg) plus 25mcg T4.

I will be moving to Shropshire in a few months and am terrified that I will lose my T3!!

Is there anything I can do before I move to assist in continuing with it? If 1 Endo in one part of the country prescribes it, does another have to? (The Endo here is not very user friendly!).

I understand that I will have to find a new Endo but would be very interested to hear your thoughts.

Thank you

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to paulaelizabeth

I'm sorry but I really don't know.

I have never seen an endocrinologist! And I do not take T3.

I hope that others with specific experiences will reply. I suggest you are more likely to get useful replies if you write a brand new post. :-)

RedApple profile image

Odinil, How old is your GP? It may be that she's quoting very out f date info to you. Eltroxin was once touted to be "the only branded' levothyroxine in the UK, and did command a higher price at that time. This was quite a few years ago now though.

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to RedApple

Im confused why she never discussed it with me, its news to me. I spoke to her a week ago over the phone about my medicheck results, she didnt seem to care what they were and said she was going to send me blood test form to have them done again i said why medicheck results were up to date, i told her i was concerned that my t3 was low and my t4 was high my b12 was low and so was my folate, she disagreed, said they were all in normal range, totally disregarding medicheck results and now hearing that i have a months Eltroxin prescription waiting for me to pick up. I havent heard about this brand i want to try Mercury Pharma as its seems popular, im scared to keep trying different brands. I wouldnt of changed from Actavis if it hadnt been taken over by Accord and i experienced horrible symptoms.

I never know what doctor i speak to different everytime, she sounded young and had an answer before i finished my question. It was the pharmacist who said how expensive it was, i asked if she could get Mercury Pharma if the gp put it on my prescription, she never said but it is Mercury Pharma surely you would expect her to say that instead of trying to convince me that Eltroxine was some new brand. All very weird.

RedApple profile image
RedAppleAdministrator in reply to Odinil

Odinil, Your GP doesn't seem vey clued up on hypothyroid testing, which is no surprise as most of them aren't. I wouldn't worry about the Eltroxin because as helvella pointed out, it is identical to MercuryPharma. They are made by the same factory, same ingredients, same pills but just in a different box. Just try the Eltroxin and see how it is for you.

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to RedApple

I know it sounds ridiculous but i would feel happier if it said Mercury Pharma as ive seen it mentioned alot on here. Sounds like im losing my mind lol.

Is it better in your opinion that i take one brand for both doses, i was Actavis and Wockehart because Actavis didnt do 25mg?

Partner20 profile image
Partner20 in reply to Odinil

The packaging, the PIL and the actual blister pack itself will all be marked the manufacturer's name. You will probably get a box marked Eltroxin on the front, as this is the brand name, and elsewhere on the packaging you will see Mercury Pharma, the actual manufacturer. If you were to get the usual generic version, it would simply be called levothyroxine, like all others, but the Mercury Pharma name and logo will appear on the box and inserts. As pharmaceutical companies can be subject to buyouts and subsequent name changes, it is important to check the labelling of medications and their formulation, too. It is not always possible to have each of your levo dosages from the same manufacturer, as not every UK company produces every dosage. Out of interest, I have always had my 50 mcg levo dispensed from Boots under their Almus branding. Previously produced by Actavis, now Accord, these are identical. Always check the PIL for the formulation in case it contains an ingredient you are sensitive to. Hopefully the Mercury brand will suit you, and I would also try to work out what ingredients in your previous brands caused issues, as excipients used in levo are common to many other medications and supplements, too.

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to Partner20

Thank you i'll look out for that.

I checked the ingredients in the Accord box to the ingredients in the Actavis box and they were the same. All i know is that when i took Accord it made me very ill, dizzy, headaches, blurry vision, sick, stomach pains.

Partner20 profile image
Partner20 in reply to Odinil

How strange to get that reaction, because nothing has changed apart from the manufacturer's name. I noticed no difference at all when the name change finally appeared. (The actual takeover was a while ago now). Did the name in the actual blister pack inside say Accord, too? If so, that's really puzzling. Hope you get on with the Mercury. I have Mercury 25mcg with no problems.

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to Partner20

Been takung Mercury Pharma for 4 days days and feel unwell.

Dizzy, brain fog, not with it, achey joints and no energy.

Im hoping it gets better, not sure, not feeling very confident about that at the moment.

Sanjita123 profile image
Sanjita123 in reply to Odinil

On accord I have post nasal drip, headaches and chronic sore throats

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to Sanjita123

I felt so ill when i took it for 28 days, my eyes blurred, had to go a and e eye clinic on my opticians request. Ive now been on Mercury Pharma 62.5mg for 4 days and feeling weird, dizzy, brain fog, not with it, achey joints, no energy grrr!

Sanjita123 profile image
Sanjita123 in reply to Odinil

So sorry you’re suffering - it’s awful that we are not heard.. criminal in fact.

Odinil profile image
Odinil in reply to Sanjita123

Oh its definitely criminal. I feel ive been deceived for years by nhs doctors and endo's. Ive always been made to feel that i was the only one who didnt feel well on levo, now i know about T3, it all makes sense now. Im being told only a private endo can prescribe T3 and B12 injections. Im frustrated and upset i feel ive been lied to and i cant do anything about it

Sanjita123 profile image
Sanjita123 in reply to Odinil

I’ve never seen an endo and haven’t really felt well for many years, I settled for the least dreadful of the levo meds in the end and feeling under par has become normal for me 😕

Sanjita123 profile image
Sanjita123 in reply to Odinil

I’ve read that it’s the fillers they use

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