Just want to be completely alone all the time - Thyroid UK

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Just want to be completely alone all the time

Zazbag profile image
157 Replies

Does anyone else feel like this? I have a lodger who moved in about a month ago and she never leaves the house. I work from home and am often exhausted so I don't go out much either. I get so frustrated by her constant presence. I've had to tell her numerous times that I need space and she doesn't seem to get it. I just don't have the energy to deal with someone being around all the time. Their noise, their mess, their emotional needs and questions. This makes me feel like such a terrible person 😔 My period is due within the next week and I get awful PMS (super irritable and angry and low) so I think that's making it worse.

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Zazbag profile image
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157 Replies
shaws profile image

Although you are under some strain at present, maybe your situation will resolve.

If, for instance, you became unwell and couldn't leave your home, you have someone who could get some shopping you need or make you a meal or phone for GP if needed in the middle of the night.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to shaws

Thanks for replying. I wouldn't ask her to do any of those things for me, I'm a very self-reliant person. But I need time alone to be able to function and process my thoughts/feelings. Having someone around all the time makes me feel really on edge.

jtype2 profile image
jtype2 in reply to Zazbag

Hi if your from Jorden . Please get your active B12 cheched. This is a gut / blood thing . It makes you very tired and depressed. It's genetic and may be found in people from around this area. Also vitamin D3 needs testing. Just simple blood tests. Good luck!

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to jtype2

I'm not from Jordan I'm from the UK. My vitamins are all optimal except my ferritin which is 53 and I'm taking ferrous fumarate for it.

Tinacros profile image
Tinacros in reply to Zazbag

That’s interesting.. my ferritin came back 21 and GP wouldn’t give me ferrous. My daughter is on it so I take hers now and again 😕

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Tinacros

I bought my own online, it's very cheap and you can get it without prescription.

Tinacros profile image
Tinacros in reply to Zazbag

I’ll have a look x

shaws profile image
shawsAdministrator in reply to Zazbag

Have you made any 'rules'. i.e. the times she's able to use the kitchen. Does she have a cupboard in which to put her items i.e. in bathroom and kitchen?

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to shaws

I'm not really a rules person but I have asked her to leave things as she finds them which she frequently fails to do. I would feel unjustified to give her times she's allowed to use the kitchen. That almost seems abusive/controlling. She does have her own kitchen space and bathroom space.

NWA6 profile image

Yes hun I’ve had various stages in my life of wanting to be alone. I wonder if you’re berating yourself for feeling this way and it’s a viscous circle? Be at peace with yourself that you want to be alone right now. If you need the lodger to help pay the bills then I guess you’ll have to find ways to cope with that. Otherwise I’d ask them to leave.

Are your levels good right now?

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to NWA6

Thanks for replying and being understanding. I never want to take my bad moods out on anyone else but I'm feeling so low I don't even want to look her in the face because I can't even muster a smile and I'm worried about her taking it personally. I have tried to explain but I'm not sure she understands. I know how unpleasant it is to be around someone who is moody/depressed and I feel so guilty for being this way around her because she doesn't deserve it. I just need solitude right now. In terms of the living situation, it wasn't part of the plan for me to live with her, she was meant to be living here with another person who moved out because of lockdown, so I moved in and then this new person returned from her home country once flights were back operating, which was a month ago. It's a temporary situation because I am moving to Jordan at the end of October, but I'm really struggling because of how exhausted I am all the time, this has been going on since last year.

My dose of levothyroxine was increased to 150mcg about 2 months ago. My T4 is around 74% and my T3 around 56% through the respective ranges. I'm trying to work out what ratio that is but I'm not sure what the correct method is, nothing I've come up with looks anything like 1:3–4 which is apparently what optimal conversion looks like. My vitamins optimal, ferritin 53 but I'm taking ferrous fumarate to improve this. I have an appt with a private endo on Tuesday because I want to try liothyronine. I was quite disappointed last week as I had my first appt with her then but was booked for the wrong kind of appt so it was cut short and I left with no answers and no prescription. I went feeling very desperate for a solution so it was a massive disappointment to have to wait for another 8 days. This past week has passed so slowly because of how tired I am. I've been falling asleep after I finish work, which isn't like me. I used to rely on lifting weights and sprinting to help lift my mood and boost my energy levels, but since last year I have found it increasingly difficult to recover from any kind of exercise which is making me really miserable. I went to the gym a few days ago even though I know I struggle to recover, because I thought I'm falling asleep all the time because I'm not being active enough, but I've spent the days since feeling absolutely terrible and barely able to function. I'm hoping liothyronine can help me get back my ability to recover from exercise as it's one of the few things that helps me when I feel depressed, and with hypothyroidism I do get depressed if I'm not careful with my habits. I hope that made sense, thanks for reading.

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to Zazbag

Yes I thought as much. You don’t sound optimal. You could push your Levo another 25mcg first and see if that tips your FT3 into a more optimal zone, I’d look at that first before trying T3.

The times that I’ve wanted to curl up and be left alone I too have not been optimal so I can sympathise. I wonder if you can wear earphones? I used to listen to music or audio books so shut out the world and distract me from the noisy but very normal sounds of family life. Also it could be an indicator to your lodger that you’re not feeling social.

I know you’ve said you’ve tried to explain but reiterate that you’re depressed and grumpy, you can’t help it. And for gods sake no exercise! Wait, be patient, exertion just exacerbates our symptoms and the recovery is such a strain on us. Walking, strolling, easy cycling, meditation yoga is good to try and combat the low feelings. When you’re optimal you’ll wonder how on Earth you could feel so low 🤗

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to NWA6

To be honest I don't think more levothyroxine is the answer, I actually feel worse now I'm on 150mcg than I did when I was on 125mcg. I'm much more irritable and tired, my moods are really unpredictable and I've been feeling really angry since the dose increase. The only benefits have been that my feet have actually felt warm (for the first time I can recall in my entire life) and that I'm less interested in eating and seem to have lost a tiny amount of weight. (Although my feet currently feel freezing). My hair is still falling out like crazy. I'm not sure I can cope with waiting around for another 2 months to see what effect more of it has. I'm already over the 1.6mcg/kg of bodyweight dosing guideline on this dose (I'm about 69kg atm so should be on 110mcg according to that). Am I being silly by not giving 175mcg a go? I just can't see it helping, but that might just be because I am depressed now, months/years of zero energy has finally taken its toll.

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to Zazbag

Sometimes I wonder if I’ve not had enough of an increase so yeah it can feel like we feel worse. I’m absolutely not sure if more Levo would help but I do know that you can’t dose but weight/height. It is only a guide to starting then it’s all down to symtoms. I’d try it for 6wks at least and see if you can push your FT4/3 higher. It may not work at all but it can’t be dismissed. My FT3 never rose beyond 0% through range no matter how much Levo I took (I got up to 200mcg, 72kg 5ft 8) it always stayed at 3.5 (3.5-6.5) Instead it made me feel wired and anxious but at least I knew for sure that I wasn’t a good convertor.

It is also said that if FT4 is raised too high that it can actually reduce FT3, so yeah it really is trial and error as to what’s going to work for the individual.

You are not depressed now because of years of zero energy. This is Thyriod but Docs will try to gaslight you into believing that you have some control over it or they’ll give you happy pills. It’s thyroid. Believe me.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to NWA6

What do you take, and does it make you feel well?

Yeah, I know you're right about the depression. Hypothyroidism is a truly miserable existence.

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to Zazbag

I’ve been on combo for over a year now. 135 Levo and 25 T3 (started on 15). Feel amazing. Totally normal now as if I don’t have Hashi’s, which is how treatment is supposed to work. Got my Vits and minerals sorted last year too as I had no idea they weren’t good. I’ll probably be on them the rest of my life too as when I don’t take them I don’t seem to be able to absorb naturally.

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to NWA6

Just to add I had my first hypo episode since starting last April. It’s such a slow process to become hypo (for me) like a clock winding down. So subtle at first I didn’t notice, only hindsight made me ‘know’ that it start at least 6-8wks before I thought ‘shit I’m hypo’ then another 3wks before I got my arse in gear to get the test, the results and increase. It wasn’t bad, just couldn’t be bothered, simple routine felt like wading through mud, well custard maybe, wading through mud is when I’m really hypo. A bit of insomina, pmt and constipation.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to NWA6

This is interesting, as I think I went through the same thing in February/March last year, around the time I got made redundant. I started feeling really depressed and went to my doctor about it. I had a blood test result at some point that year showing my TSH was above 3, but somehow I managed not to notice?! And obviously my GP said nothing as it was "within" range. I was on 100mcg at that point. Photos of me in August show a massively puffy face and weight again all over, and I remember being constantly hungry no matter how much I ate. Was also exhausted, moody, depressed, irritable, stopped going to see my friends or doing the things I liked. I stopped exercising too as I was finding it harder and harder to recover. Then Feb/March this year my hair started falling out and I got increasingly exhausted to the point I spent most of lockdown on my sofa in front of the TV. At some point I had a blood test with another TSH of more than 3, and this time I remembered that TSH must be below 2 so I insisted on a dose increase to 125mcg, which didn't help at all, so upped it again to 150mcg, the only difference has been that my feet are warm most of the time now and my appetite has gone down but now I'm actually more tired and have worse mood problems than I did before. It's maddening.

Edit: Didn't meant to recount so much detail, but you got me thinking and now I realise all the warning signs were there in a similar way to how you described. I now realise I need to learn how to recognise what's happening and not just put it down to random "depression" or whatever. Trouble is, GPs always act like you're fixating on your thyroid too much when you say you think your symptoms are thyroid related. I was also having extremely heavy periods all last year and this year, and that's one other thing that has improved since 150mcg, my last period was only 4 days with just one day of heavy bleeding. Normally it's 8 days with 3-4 days of heavy bleeding. But when I said to my doctor I think my heavy periods are because of my thyroid he told me my TSH was in range therefore it couldn't be, he sent me for a transvaginal ultrasound instead and told me to consider surgical ablation. All I needed was a f***ing dose increase!!!

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Zazbag

I was sent for 2 uterus biopsies because of heavy continuous bleeding and told I was suffering from the menopause when infact it was thyroid disease.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Lora7again

Jesus that's so ridiculous! I'm sorry you had to go through that

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Zazbag

Yes, you read can read my story on my profile ... my GPs were useless and still are to be honest.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to Zazbag

I sympathise greatly - with all of it - all my life I have craved being alone - I do like being around people but only in short bursts and I find it draining at times - and then I need to withdraw to recover. When I was able to work (long long time ago now) I would come home from work totally depleted and needed that time alone to recharge and by the end of a working week - well, you can imagine. Do you mind if I ask how old you are ?- I'm wondering could you be perimenopausal which, believe it or not, can start as long as a decade and in some cases more before menopause.

BrynGlas profile image
BrynGlas in reply to NWA6

Yes, I have felt the same many times, I remember those coiled spring episodes well. Sleep deluded me for years, I get restless legs, my shoulders are up around my ears and I am not fit to be around. I was on anti depressants for over 5 years until 2012 when I weaned myself off them, which took months on that alone.

I have been sleeping much better, but the last 2 nights I have been prowling the house at all times, take a shower at 4am, try to read a book, can't lie still, restless legs, etc etc, which worries me silly. I don't want to go down there again. I have got to get out today or I will definately be in the doldrums again.

Thyroid, OMG what we have to go through. Roll on my next blood tests and I should be getting my own T3 in the next week or so too. Have to have a blood test before I can start on those though. See if my Vit D and magnesium are making any head way, though now I am beginning to think that they might not be there yet. I have also gained weight again which doesn't help, so I am struggling to get back to sanity.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to NWA6

This is so nice to hear, as most people posting here are understandably talking about how bad they feel and how their meds aren't working for them. So good to hear a success story, really happy for you. I too am supplementing as though it's part of my medication, I have a collection of bottles on top of my microwave, like my own personal pharmacy haha. I bet visitors think I'm such a hypochondriac, but without supplementing my vitamin levels go rockbottom despite the fact that I eat a healthy diet. So I'm absolutely with you on the lifelong supplements!

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to Zazbag

I love talking about this stuff. Personal is better because you never know what we can glean from each other, we’re all we’ve got and I’m still here to learn and to offer a ray of hope. You never know if someone’s description or recounting will trigger another’s. I’ve had Hashi’s diagnoses for 12yrs but I think it’s been dodgy since my teens (now 46) spluttering and rallying for years before it final waved the white flag 🏳.

It was so difficult to describe what was wrong with me, my GP’s made me feel like it was my fault for not responding to treatment as well as the other 90% they treat. Look up the definition of ‘Gaslighting’ our medical profession and politicians are very good at this.

So recount away, writing out my feelings about s also so cathartic for me and I need someone to say ‘I believe you!’ 🤗

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to NWA6

The way GPs handle hypothyroidism diagnoses and treatment is truly appalling. I've lost years of my life because of sheer incompetence, and as you say, gaslighting. I've said numerous times "I'd prefer it if doctors said 'I believe you, and your symptoms are because of your thyroid, but we're not going to give you the treatment you need because we don't want to spend money on it'". At least then I wouldn't have to question my own perception of reality! I don't trust doctors at all now.

Juhu123 profile image
Juhu123 in reply to NWA6

To NWA6:

Sorry to jump in here, but are you in the UK? I’m asking because you are able to get T3. How did that come about please?

I self-sourced and self-medicated for 18 months with NDT and T3, doing my own blood tests and trying to tweak doses and get optimal. However, my T3 source failed to deliver after I paid for 6 months worth. (I don’t mind paying for it, but I cannot keep paying yet not receiving) so I reluctantly reverted back to levo.

I felt alive on T3, now I’m back to existing on T4, but for some strange reason by TSH remains suppressed so all the GP ever wants to do is cut my levo dose.

I virtually saw an endo last week who said they fought to keep the right to prescribe T3, but sadly were overruled. I know it all boils down to money but this is a joke. If I go to a private endo, how can I find out if they are on board with prescribing T3?


NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to Juhu123

I’m in uk. I get mine privately but for how long? I’ve no idea how Brexit will be for us who send our prescriptions off toGermany to be filled. So I may well be in your boat in the not to distant future.

ThyriodUk have a list of private Endos who ‘ ‘potential’ will prescribe T3.

With regards to TSH. I believe that once it’s suppressed for a period of time it either never or rarely will kick in again.

Sewit1 profile image
Sewit1 in reply to Zazbag

Try reading the book ‘Thyroid Healing’ by Anthony Williams! Get checked for Epstein Barr virus too as if you’ve had it in the past and eat wheat, gluten, eggs or dairy this can aggravate it being active again. Your immune system can then be triggered This could also explain some of your symptoms.

jtype2 profile image
jtype2 in reply to Zazbag

Google vitamin B12 and vitamin D3. On utub,e Dr ken berry has a good video 😀😎

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to jtype2

My vitamin B12 and D are optimal.

Nanaedake profile image
Nanaedake in reply to Zazbag

You say vitamin levels are optimal. What are your vitamin D, B12 and Folate levels? Have you had a full iron panel done? Also, are you taking magnesium to activate vitamin D? Sorry you're feeling so bad.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Nanaedake

Thanks for you reply! I'm taking:

150mcg levothyroxine plus low dose naltrexone and:

• Ferrous fumarate 420 mg (since February)

• Vitamin D3 + K2

• Methylated folate

• Methylated B12

• Selenomethionine

• Zinc picolinate

• Magnesium glycinate

• N-acetyl cysteine

• Probiotics

• Rhodiola rosea

Plus I'm strictly gluten and dairy free (and avoid soy and egg).

My vitamins are:

Vitamin D: 96

Vitamin B12: 548.2 (180 – 900)

Folate: 18.4 (2.5 – 19.5)

My haemoglobin and red blood count are at the lower limit of normal. I haven't had a full iron panel. Should I request one?

JaneChapple profile image
JaneChapple in reply to Zazbag

I hope the liothyronine works foryou. As soon asI read your first post I thought the symptoms you mentioned could by thyroid relzted. If you have any up to date results with ranges you can post on here and someone on here can tell you if they are ok. Dr will often only check TSH and wont do T4/T3 if TSH normzl which leaves patients with no option other than to get private thyroid finger prick tezting! I hope your situation improves very soon.


Cooper27 profile image

I think we all benefit from having a night to ourselves once in a while to just relax and recharge. I gues with Covid keeping us all at home, it makes time to ourselves less likely.

It can be tough when you have a lodger in your house at the best of times. You view it as your house and they are essentially a guest, but perhaps your lodger is trying to make it feel more homely for herself? Without being able to go out and socialise in the same way, she may be feeling a bit lonely? Unfortunately it's the way life is just now :(

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Cooper27

Yes I am aware of all of that, but it doesn't change how I feel. I've read that wanting to be solitary is a symptom of hypothyroidism, so I wanted to ask whether others had felt the same way at all.

Gophe profile image
Gophe in reply to Zazbag

I'd never heard that wanting to be alone is related to hypothyroidism, but I'm very much that way and have been for years now. I feel very peaceful and content alone but edgy when someone else is around. About half a day with someone is enough. Part of it is about control -- when I'm alone, I can decide what I'm thinking about, what I'm doing with my time, what/when to eat, etc. When someone else is around, everything has to be negotiated, which is tiring and time-consuming. But it's also about a sense of obligation. When someone's around me, I feel responsible (for their happiness, I suppose). So I can't just get on with things; I'm always hyper aware of the other person/people.

By the way, I've been taking Rhodiola Rosea for about 4 years now for depression, and it's helped me immensely. Inositol (which I take for PCOS) also helps.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Gophe

That's EXACTLY why it's so difficult, you described it perfectly.

I actually just started taking rhodiola rosea a few days ago but haven't noticed any change yet. I was just taking it as I heard it boosts energy, I didn't realise it could help with depression. Have you found it helpful?

Gophe profile image
Gophe in reply to Zazbag

Yes, Rhodiola has been a bit of a life-saver for me on the depression front. Keeps me from going into those despair drops each day, so I'm more even-keeled. I take the one from Viridian.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to Gophe

what dose do you take and is there a best time of day to take it???

Gophe profile image
Gophe in reply to Redlester

I take 1 capsule a day of the Viridian rhodiola. I used to get by on half a capsule, but then I was feeling so even-keeled, I figured I didn't need it anymore, so I stopped. Several weeks later, my depression came back and a half capsule didn't help, so I've been on a full capsule a day since then. (I've taken the one from the brand Now in the past, too, and that's also good.)

I think people recommend taking it in the evening, since it can apparently help with sleep, but I take it midday after a meal.

There's been a study on short-term use, showing no bad side effects and good effectiveness (pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/179.... But there are no studies on long-term use as far as I know, so that's something you'd want to consider.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to Gophe

Thanks Gophe - very helpful - I might try it - I like the Viridian brand as it seems to be the most additive free one out there. I think I have come across it re helping with menopause as having "adaptogenic" qualities so will have to look into it more. I have a lot of other stuff going on - condition wise - and have to research most stuff extensively before introducing, and already have a drawer full of "expensive mistakes" LOL!

Gophe profile image
Gophe in reply to Redlester

I can relate to that ; I've got my own drawer of expensive mistakes :)

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to Gophe

I bet we all have LOL!!!

Gophe profile image
Gophe in reply to Zazbag

Also, not sure if this would work in your situation, but when I need to block out other people and feel alone even when I'm not, I put on headphones and play one of those 'meditation music' channels on YouTube. Then I can focus on my work and forget about everything else for a while.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to Gophe

you describe me exactly - from what I have read it seems to amount to "hypersensitivity" - I can pick up very quickly how someone else is thinking/feeling when others haven't got a clue - TBH it is a bit of a burden at times - it would be better, for me that is, if I wasn't like that. But I wasn't aware that the wanting to be alone was a hypo thing - I thought that it was some sort of defect in me, so it is good to know that it is a hypo thing, and if that is the case it confirms for me that I have been hypo since early 20s or thereabouts and have been struggling all my life and neglected by every doctor who ever saw me.

humanbean profile image

I know exactly how you feel, and can empathise completely. I don't have the mental or physical energy to deal with anyone unless I have no other choice e.g. having to buy milk or some other household essential that I've run out of between Tesco deliveries.

humanbean profile image
humanbean in reply to humanbean

P.S. If you look at this list of hypothyroid symptoms it mentions wanting to be solitary as one of the known symptoms.


Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to humanbean

Thanks hb, I appreciate your empathy, it's really good to know I'm not alone, and I'm sorry you go through the same thing. I also saw it as a symptom on that list, but I haven't heard people say anything about it, and it's something I feel a lot of shame about, so I wanted to ask others if they suffer with the feeling as well.

dragonfly76 profile image
dragonfly76 in reply to Zazbag

I think the reason we want to be alone is because we feel so sick and people can't understand what we go through. It's draining to explain to people and you can tell that they think you making things up and they don't believe you. I have family members that just think I am crazy or think I make it more than what it is. They go on enjoying life, being productive with a lot of energy, going on vacation and here I am so many years feeling sick, don't go anywhere, no vacation because I feel just too ill. By the way they even joke that I don't want to waste money that's why I don't go on vacation. I have spent a lot of money for 26 years now but for me to get well. I am always trying different things and trying to find a good doctor to help me. I beat myself up because I know how much I have changed and this is not me.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to dragonfly76

I know exactly how you feel, I'm so sorry you've struggled so much with no support/understanding from the people around you.

dragonfly76 profile image
dragonfly76 in reply to Zazbag

Thank you, it's a battle everyday. I am glad I have this forum where I can read and comment with people in the same situation as me. Best of luck.

dragonfly76 profile image
dragonfly76 in reply to Zazbag

Sorry that you have deal with this. It would make me go crazy. I already suffer from severe insomnia so having someone making noise at the time I would be miserable.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to dragonfly76

yes - know the feeling all too well dragonfly76 - last week someone commented to me how all the houses on my development have been so well maintained, except for one that is. They were referring to mine. It is well enough maintained and the back garden is delightful, but there are weeds in the driveway which I don't have the energy to deal with and cannot bear anyone powerwashing in my vicinity [hypersensitivity again]. I am sure the neighbours think I am lazy. I have tried to explain, but when you "look" well people don't understand. Its very hurtful. I too have spent thousands over 20 years on all kinds of treatments and supps - its all I spend money on - to no avail. I beat myself up on a daily basis and shame is my constant partner because try as I might I just can't keep up. Is a full time job trying to doctor yourself!!!

dragonfly76 profile image
dragonfly76 in reply to Redlester

It is hurtful isn't it. You are just like me. I have been sick for 26 years and all I have been doing is spending money trying to get well. I figure if that doctor can help me and I get well I can get a job and make some money to cover the expenses. But unfortunately that hasn't happened. On top of everything doctor's tell you that they will help you until you realize that they won't and leave them. But by the time you realize you have spent a lot of money on them. I am going to try a new Naturopath doctor, I was told he has Hashimoto's himself. Keeping fingers crossed.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to dragonfly76

Maybe if the new naturopath has hashis you might get better advice from him - provided of course he is doing the kind of research we are - as you say fingers crossed. As far as I'm concerned I'm just about done with doctors - the best healthcare I ever got was from my holistic dentist, who at the start of each appointment would say "how are you?" and it wasn't just by way of polite greeting - he wanted to know, so I would tell him and he would sit down and spend maybe 20 mins to half an hour discussing things I could try and what might be going wrong and he was way way better than any doctor I ever saw, but then of course, he also had personal experience of the problems I am having. So hopefully that gives you hope re the new naturopath. My whole life revolves around trying to get well. I'm fed up with having to live like this!!

dragonfly76 profile image
dragonfly76 in reply to Redlester

yes. I am going to try but i can only talk to him by phone because he lives in another province. I want my life back this is not living is just surviving each day hoping tomorrow is a better day. If it wasn't for me I still wouldn't know I have Hashimoto's. I read a lot and had a doctor do all the thyroid tests and Antibodies. When he received the results said everything normal and I thought to myself can't be I feel so sick it has to be something. I asked for a copy of my blood work my Antibodies were really high and high TSH, Low Free's. Then I asked to send me to an Endocrinologist and he said no need everything is good. Endo diagnosed me with Hashimoto's. I left the family doctor since he was no use to me since he couldn't read blood work that says Out Of Range. By the way all these years my husband and I thought I was dying.

Got rid of the doctor I was really upset he wanted me to think it was all in my head. I happened to be the only one in my family with Hashimoto's or Thyroid disease. My family is worse than strangers they do and say a lot of hurtful things to me. They compare me to my healthy sister and heathy brother.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to dragonfly76

Oh that is really really tough - I had similar for long time until sister came down with hashis and it was only then that she and family began to understand what things had been like for me - until then I had to endure 15 years of comparison and total absence of understanding from family members which I am trying hard to forget and even then my sister was fortunate to get good medical treatment and is doing well now, whereas mine seems to have been similar to yours - docs who mark up out of range levels as normal, do the wrong tests, the wrong way etc. I eventually got to endo after GP trying to fob me off with "it's likely just menopause" (For Crying Out Loud). Endo said he couldn't dx hashis without an ultrasound because I had low antibody levels - he is supposed to have done the referral for the ultrasound but it hasn't happened yet over a year later - so I still don't know if I have hashis or not. So in the end have had to go down self treatment route. Doing nothing simply wasn't an option.

KT77 profile image

I feel like it when undermedicated. I cant stand people and their constant need to talk and wanting to engage with me. All that noise just iritates me. Being alone is such a relief. I even watch tv on mute. I think its to do with our brain not being able to process info coming in. Or maybe adrenaline higher so we react with irritation. However when I take enough thyroid hormones suddenly I dont mind people and im happy to be around them. I know my levels have gone up when I unmute the tv😁

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to KT77

So true about noise KT77. ‘Normal’ sounds just went right through me as if there was a riot going on or nails on a blackboard! 😬

I started putting the subtitles on a few years ago and even though I’m not sound phobic now I still prefer them on! Lol

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to NWA6

Oh God yes I'm so so sensitive to noise now.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to Zazbag

and me

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to KT77

Yes that's exactly how it feels, all the stimulation is just too overwhelming and draining, the only thing that gives peace is solitude. I don't mind noise I make but any external noise drives me crazy.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to Zazbag

you should live where I do - no job worth doing unless it involves a power tool. Autumn is the worst - I mean, you couldn't just brush the leaves up could you?? it could only be done by using a leaf blower. Arrghh!!!

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to KT77

Normally people sleep at a reasonable time which means I can stay up later than them and get the solitude I need, but this lodger has really weird habits, she's awake at 1–3am every night, she actually will come into the kitchen and cook food at 1am, and she wakes up during the night to eat most nights, then leaves unwashed stuff in the sink so it's the first thing I see when I walk into the kitchen in the morning. I can't get away from her and it's driving me insane.

Santori profile image
Santori in reply to Zazbag

Nothing as queer as folk. Stories of room mates never cease to amaze me.

I was considering a lodger or live in help, however, the prospect of sharing space put me off.

You can accept your feelings, but to make a change, you need to be practical and communicate your needs. Otherwise its unfair to her, as you're coming across passive aggressive and creating a negative atmosphere.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Santori

I have communicated them repeatedly, she reacts as though she has understood but then carries on doing stuff I have mentioned, which makes it awkward as she is basically then forcing me to nag her which I really hate doing.

Pookie50 profile image
Pookie50 in reply to Zazbag

Can you find someone a bit more considerate and compatible with you. She sounds a nightmare.

You are not alone in how you feel. I have always found people/family in the house a challenge, much as I love my grown up children and grandchildren staying with me for a few days, when they leave it is lovely to have the house back to ourselves. I hate the untidiness too. I feel very guilty to feel like this, but it is just so draining and feels like hard work rather than fun. Doesn’t help that they don’t understand hypothyroidism, my personal battery drains more quickly and charges more slowly than theirs.

Hope you find a solution, but someone getting up in the night and cooking doesn’t sound like a good house mate.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Pookie50

The thing is that she's a sweet person so I find it really stressful to get annoyed at her, as I feel like I am being unreasonable, so it's good to hear you think she's being a nightmare. I'll be sat at 11.30pm/midnight winding down for the night and then suddenly she'll come in and start cooking and it really stresses me out, but I feel it's unfair to say anything as surely she has the right to eat when she wants to? I just find it puzzling because I've never lived with anyone who has such strange habits. She stays in all the time, sleeps really late, eats in the middle of the night, doesn't wash up after herself. I need to tell her it has to stop.

Santori profile image
Santori in reply to Pookie50

I love the battery metaphor

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Zazbag

I wouldn't allow that ... Why don't you print out a list of rules informing her that no food is allowed to be cooked at night incase of fire or something like that. Gosh ... if I ate anything at night I wouldn't sleep at all and I only sleep about 5 hours night and have done since I was a child.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Lora7again

I don't feel justified to put restrictions like that, tbh it's uncharted territory for me as I've never lived with anyone with such strange habits. And yes, who the hell wakes up in the middle of the night to cook food and eat? Thank God I wear earplugs when I sleep.

Caroline8386 profile image
Caroline8386 in reply to Zazbag

I couldn’t be doing with that cooking smells at that time ! Maybe it’s best you ask her to leave as you like you’re own space and she probably does to very awkward situation unless out at work and just crossing paths at least you’ve tried and tell her you like you’re own company and maybe she can find somewhere else to live .

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Caroline8386

I would, but I'm moving abroad in two months so I know the situation is temporary and I feel it's up to me to try to persevere in the meantime.

Caroline8386 profile image
Caroline8386 in reply to Zazbag

Yes oh well if it’s a couple of months it will soon go quickly just ride it out go with the flow .

Ruthi profile image

You said ferritin is low. How about vitamin D?

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Ruthi

Vitamin D is 96, ferritin is 53.

Just copying and pasting from another post as I answered this in more detail above:

I'm taking:

150mcg levothyroxine plus low dose naltrexone and:

• Ferrous fumarate 420 mg (since February)

• Vitamin D3 + K2

• Methylated folate

• Methylated B12

• Selenomethionine

• Zinc picolinate

• Magnesium glycinate

• N-acetyl cysteine

• Probiotics

• Rhodiola rosea

Plus I'm strictly gluten and dairy free (and avoid soy and egg).

My vitamins are:

Vitamin D: 96

Vitamin B12: 548.2 (180 – 900)

Folate: 18.4 (2.5 – 19.5)

My haemoglobin and red blood count are at the lower limit of normal.

Ruthi profile image
Ruthi in reply to Zazbag

150 is optimal for D3, the ranges are rubbish as usual!

How much D, magnesium and K2 are you taking?

I do wonder if you arent taking so many supplements that it becomes difficult to evaluate it all.

Morgansare profile image

I feel the same, I also work from home and while I like having the designated days with my husband and 19 year old daughter I certainly recharge my batteries when they go to work!

You're not a bad person, I feel like that as well though, it makes me angry when i need space, you need a lodger that is out more, that would be better xx

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Morgansare

Thank you for understanding.

Lillywing profile image

I think anyone would find a lodger being there all the time or even a partner etc too much! We all need our own time.

Guineapiggy profile image

Have you considered it being non-thyroid related? Have you seen this?



It's worth looking at the questionnaire to see if other things are present.

Lora7again profile image

I actually like being alone and always have. I go shopping on my own or visit different places on my own. Mainly because I like different things to my husband and family. I am actually a only child and this might be something to do with it. My husband has just suggested we go fishing today and my heart sank because I hate it and rather do something else. The mess gets me down a lot because I live with my husband and son. I got up this morning to find the cushions and throws all over the place and none of the tea towels hung up in the kitchen! Toilet seats left up all the time baths never cleaned afterwards, I could go but I don't want to sound like a moaner! lol😀

Guineapiggy profile image
Guineapiggy in reply to Lora7again

It is worth looking at childhood emotional neglect if this has been a lifetime issue. See Niki Gratrix, Jonice Webb, Diane Poole Heller websites for info.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Guineapiggy

It is not a issue for me because I actually like my own company. I have a cousin the same age as me who lived opposite me and we would play all the time and our mothers were sisters so we even went on holiday together every year. I come from a very large extended family so all my much younger cousins would actually get on my nerves always messing with my books and toys etc. I am a typically only child who likes her own way but doesn't always get it. 😉

Lora7again profile image

Just to add to my previous reply ... at least you can get rid of your lodger mine are permanent unfortunately 😉

NIKEGIRL profile image

I’m sorry life is rough right now. Covid isn’t helping. I use evening primrose oil for PMS. You can buy it from the supermarket. I live with my husband and two adult kids and that’s bad enough let alone a stranger. I would recommend doing some meditation. Trust me I’m not into that stuff but it calms the nervous system down (bird song or Tibetan bells) and try belly breathing. Again not into that. Breath in for 4, hold for 2 and breath out for 6. It really works. It brought my heart rate down by 10 bpm. It actually works. You have nothing to lose but half an hour. Sending you love and virtual hugs 🤗 🥰

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to NIKEGIRL

I tried EPO last year and it made me suicidal! I had to stop it. I was undermedicated at the time. I'd taken it years before and the only thing I noticed was it made my breasts swollen so it was a shock that it made me feel suicidal.

I do keep wondering about meditation, thanks for the suggestion.

Staffsgirl profile image

Simply to add: I wouldn’t underestimate the unseen effects the current Covid situation is having on many of us. I’m finding people are experiencing unwanted symptoms and unexplained feelings. We need to be kind and gentle to ourselves, as well as others.

I totally understand this.

Do you consider yourself to be an Introvert or Extrovert?

Introverts like myself find it mentally exhausting spending too much time with people. Extroverts gain their energy from being around people where as Introverts gain their energy from peace and quiet away from other people.

The worst thing possible is if an Introvert and an Extrovert spend a lot of time together, they will drain the Introverts energy in order to feed their energy.

My advise, move somewhere else or kick them out.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Diazepam_survival

I'm an extravert who needs alone time and only enjoys talking when there's something worth saying, but my lodger is very chatty and likes talking even when there's nothing to say. Most of my friends are introverts so I'm not used to it. I was a lot more extraverted before the thyroid issues developed, but I have always needed alone time.

Lora7again profile image

I think I might have a mild form of aspergers but I might be wrong. I have a photographic memory and memorize loads of boring information for when I take part in quizes. I used to collect stamps, coins and books and have several toys from when I was a child stored up in the loft. My son wants to sell some of my Beano annuals but I won't let him!

london81 profile image

i have the same feelings at times. i just took a hormone test to see if i’m deficient in anything which might be making it work.

i used to live alone and moved in with my parents which really made me irritable. maybe start journaling or ask GP about counselling, there may be deeper issues. then again some of us are introverts and it’s normal not to want to spend too much time with a person you hardly know

Lora7again profile image

I have just looked at some of the symptoms and one of them describes me.

A person with Asperger’s might talk obsessively about one particular subject. For example, he or she might be able to recite different types of flowers or sports statistics.

Nutripea1220 profile image

I don’t think I it’s unreasonable to want to be alone and certainly you shouldn’t feel guilty about it. Even if you were completely well and feeling terrific, this is a reasonable thing!

I am 47 with 4 children (one grown and out of the house - my husband’s from former marriage) and the kids aren’t with us all the time, phew. I started living alone at 14 and this is my second marriage. Aside from living with my first husband for 5 years in my 30s, living with my second husband (now 7 years) - I’ve lived alone entirely since 14, and loved it!! Was a huge barrier to me getting married again. Thankfully my current husband really understands this and if I say I need a bit of space he never takes it personally, I can go and read in another room, or go for a walk. The fact that he says ‘oh, go for a walk’ or ‘take some space’ makes me no longer need my space 😊

There is NOTHING more annoying than someone in your space when you don’t want them there, making noise, talking or ... breathing. And usually it’s not their fault. I think that fiercely independent people need to speak up and say - hey listen - sorry I’ve never brought this up before but I’m the kind of person who needs a a lot of time alone. This has nothing to do with you and it’s my fault for not bringing it up sooner. Sorry I’ve allowed it to create tension between us. I need you to know what’s going on. When I’m in a room I like to be there by myself, so if you walk in and I walk out, it’s NOT you, it’s me, and my need to be alone and process my thoughts. So if that’s what happens moving forward please don’t worry.

Or something like that —and sure it’ll be weird but less so than the tension of her not knowing why you’re always angry ‘for no reason’...

It’s your home. Take the space you need. There nothing wrong with you. And do not apologize to anyone for it. Not everyone needs the company of others incessantly every minute of the day ... that’s ok and healthy!

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Nutripea1220

This is such a helpful and compassionate post, thank you so much for taking the time to write it as it has made me feel so much better about the situation. Especially how you suggested I could explain my perspective, as I can really struggle to do this calmly so I either get really annoyed when I speak which upsets the person or I go silent and moody which also upsets them. The only thing is I have already sat with her and explained this but she doesn't seem to have the ability to really understand what I am saying. I have had to repeat myself so many times that now I am annoyed just because of that. But I guess I need to lay it out in black and white and actually say – it bothers me that you are home all the time. It bothers me that you stay up all night and eat in the middle of the night and leave the dishes unwashed. It bothers me that you don't wash things up properly. It bothers me that you don't leave things the way you find them. I always worry that the things I would ask for are unreasonable and that's why I feel I can't come out and say them directly. Ideally she would be going out to see her friends and going to work and going on errands, but instead she literally stays in all day and is awake all night and I just never feel like I can get any space from her. She was meant to work Friday evening and Saturday and yesterday, then on Saturday she felt unwell so she took the day off, then she felt better but her boss told her she could have Sunday off too so she decided not to go, and honestly I was really excited about having space from her over the weekend then all of a sudden I had no space. I know it's not her fault she was unwell but she totally could have gone to work yesterday and it's more about the pattern of her always being indoors and skipping work whenever she can to stay home and do nothing. If she went out and did things some of the time then it wouldn't bother me but like, normally when people have jobs that's a guarantee they'll be out of the house some of the time. With her it actually isn't, so I can never predict when I'll be able to be alone. And when she's at home, even in another room, I don't feel like I am alone enough to recharge because I know she's there.

ljk1 profile image

Try massive doses of omega 3 for pms and 5HTP for mood. Since I swapped to T3 my life has improved 10,000%! I take loads of supplements, I can now go to the gym and swim but I’m careful not to overdo it. I sympathise with your predicament-I’ve felt the same-explain to your lodger that you feel unwell and her actions are making you feel worse and as you will be moving on shortly can she change her actions until you have gone, you have to put yourself first 🤷🏻‍♀️

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to ljk1

Thanks for the suggestions, I've just ordered some omega 3. I'll read about 5HTP a bit more before buying as I've never heard of it before. It's so good to hear that T3 has helped you. I hope it can do the same for me, if I manage to get some. Thanks for your advice, that makes me feel better.

dragonfly76 profile image
dragonfly76 in reply to ljk1

Are you taking T3 only medication or T4 and t3? How much are you taking? Thank you

ljk1 profile image
ljk1 in reply to dragonfly76

I take 75mcg T3 at approximately 4:30am- following Dr Lowe, I started off by researching on here and the net,read Paul Robinson and swear he saved my life! I was very ill and I needed 150mcg T3 a day to start- I didn’t feel I had any time to lose so stopped T4 and went onto T3, I monitored heart, temp and how I felt, I’ve been extremely lucky, I feel well, I still have some probs but compared to how I was 4 years ago it’s amazing! The relief of not being subject to some ignorant doctors whim is also worth it!

dragonfly76 profile image
dragonfly76 in reply to ljk1

Thank you, I tried T3 only for a few months and I only felt good for a few days and I kept on getting worse. I increased slowly and went to 50 mcg. I had to stop I felt really hot all the time and my night sweats got even worse. But those few days that I was better was heaven. I was happy, more calm, things didn't bother me as much and I felt hopeful that I was going to get better. I used to take it at 6:00 am. So sad was short lived.

ljk1 profile image
ljk1 in reply to dragonfly76

So sorry it didn’t work for you! It sounds as if you are pre-menopausal, have you considered HRT.

dragonfly76 profile image
dragonfly76 in reply to ljk1

Sorry I replied yesterday and I think I deleted by accident. When my doctor tested my hormone she said everything is normal but I have been dealing with night sweats for 7 years since I got pregnant with my younger son. I even stopped taking the thyroid medication thinking that maybe that was the reason for all the heat. Would you know how to read the hormones result? I have been struggling all these years because doctor's don't care. We are a number and that's it. I even had terrible heavy periods that lasted 25 days. I didn't get my period this month for some reason, never happened before and I am only 43 years old. I am thinking maybe I have been going through peri-menopause all these years and in early menopause. Can Hashimoto's cause early menopause? I used to be cold all the time, my feet and hands and now I feel like I am cooking inside. It's like you got a bad sun burn. I can't handle heat or cold when I used to love heat and I would tell my husband to turn off the air conditioner. Thank yoyu

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to dragonfly76

I would say hashis causes all sorts of hormonal imbalances and could likely cause early meno- I know it causes fertility problems and is responsible for repeated miscarriages. Jury is still out as to whether I have hashis or not but I am self treating for a form of thyroid hormone resistance and knowing what I know now and looking back I think I was prob perimenopause for abut 10 years prior to entering menopause and didn't know it - wish I had, could have tailored things so differently and might not have suffered so much. Doctors let the female of the species down so badly it is a disgrace. It's like we don't count and they trivialise symptoms as "women's problems"

dragonfly76 profile image
dragonfly76 in reply to Redlester

I have been suffering a lot with Hashimoto's and maybe peri-menopause all together. Doctors never listen, I never had any problem getting pregnant, I actually get pregnant right away which is scary. I also never lost any baby, thank god. I was always scared if that would happened and I had a lot of anxiety. I had iud for a couple years but took it out I was always spotting. Do tests show if you are in peri-menopause or only when you are in menopause only? I take progesterone cream and I am not sure if it does anything. My Naturopath gave it to me saying I had estrogen dominance without testing. She just went by my age.

Thank you for replying

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to dragonfly76

Hashis and perimenopause [docs don't seem to "get" either] are a nightmare. I don't need tests to show me I'm in menopause LOL!!! (if you get my meaning) and the blood tests my GP ran were next to useless anyway as to get accurate results you need salivary hormone testing. I think I have been progesterone deficient for years and started progesterone cream about 10 weeks ago - I think it does do something but just not the things I would want it to do yet and there is a bit of a dance going on with that and the T3 in terms of adjusting levels correctly at the moment in tandem with symptoms. What brand of cream are you using??

dragonfly76 profile image
dragonfly76 in reply to Redlester

I use a Compound Progesterone Biodentical that a Naturopath lady prescribed to me. I went to her because she could prescribe NDT but unfortunately didn't work for me. My life would be so much easier if it had worked. I used Emerita Progesterone before I got the Progesterone prescribed to me. I tried hoping on my own hoping it would help with night sweats.

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to dragonfly76

I'm using bioidential progrsterone cream and in the first 2 months it did help with night sweats - I recently did my first prog "break" which was tough and in the last 10 days or so the hot flashes seem to be back but in a much reduced way than compared to before - they barely interefere with sleep and I am using a lot of magnesium which is also helping with sleep. My biggest problem is my digestion.

Bunny12345678 profile image

I understand how you feel. I've had to move back in with my family due to me being suddenly unwell last December, so had to give up my rented home and my lovely life in the countryside back to the town that I grew up in and don't like. My parents love having me around and talking to me all the time but all I want is my own space (I'm very grateful for their help). I'm use to being on my own for most of the time apart from when I went to work and it was lovely coming home to peace and quiet sometimes.

Batty1 profile image

Does this person pay to live with you (roommate) or is she a friend just visiting?

If your use to being alone its hard to cope suddenly having someone around all the time.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Batty1

She's a lodger, the situation is not an ideal one.

Until March I was living in London and renting out my two bed flat in Bristol to two people. One of them moved out, this new lodger took her place, but she didn't really move in, she just got the keys and went straight to her home country for the lockdown. I told her that we can break the contract and I will pay her back her full deposit but she insisted that she wanted to keep the room and was happy to pay the rent even though she wasn't really living here yet. The other person living here decided to move out, so I moved in, but only temporarily. I was here alone since March until a month ago, then the new lodger moved in properly. I am moving to Jordan in two months so this is a temporary situation, and it was never my intention to live with her, she was going to share with the person who moved out and I think they would have gotten along well. So basically it's a complicated situation, I feel like I owe her because she paid rent for months without even living here, and she's nice, so I don't think she deserves to be thrown out. I just don't know how to manage living here with her because her habits are driving me crazy, I have spoken to her repeatedly and she doesn't seem to take the information in, which leads to me feeling angry about it and I don't think I can cope with her being the way she is for another two months.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Zazbag

Can you do your job in your bedroom and shut the door? Maybe shes just stir crazy from the lockdown and excited to see another non-family person.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Batty1

The idea of sitting in my bedroom all day then going to sleep in there at night is quite miserable to me, especially when the reason is because I'm trying to avoid someone else. And it wouldn't work anyway because when I do spend time in my room she sits in the living room/kitchen, so I have to see her when I go in there to eat. We just ended up having a confrontation about it because she came and insisted on talking to me even though I asked her to leave me alone, apparently my spending all day in my bedroom yesterday and asking her not to talk to me for one day was too much and induced a panic attack... Honestly she is too much. I now look like the bad guy because she is upset when all I wanted was to be left alone, and I have explained that to her MULTIPLE times including the reasons why. She doesn't realise that not getting any space from her has caused me to cry and feel anxious, the only difference is that I tried to handle my emotions privately and take ownership of them instead of making them her responsibility. I don't have the energy for this drama.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Zazbag

Agh... sounds like a difficult situation and she sounds needy.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Batty1

Yes, but she claims that she loves being alone so is clearly in denial.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Zazbag

Lol... from your description she does not have the ability to be alone.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Batty1

That's what makes it more frustrating. A few weeks ago I got the feeling she was lonely so I tried to check in with her and she totally denied it, but the reason I asked was so I could offer to have dinner together later on when I would have time to give her my attention. She denied being lonely so I carried on as I usually do, not making extra time for her, instead she leeches my energy constantly by just always being around.

Santori profile image

She sounds like a princess. Who is a bit spoiled and does what she wants rather selfishly.

If she continues living there after you leave, you'll need to be very diplomatic.

Its not uncommon for people to have weird anti social habits. I agree eating at 1am is crazy. Maybe she's anxious herself and a bit detached from reality.

2 months isn't very long, try to hang in there.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Santori

Thanks Santori, it's helpful to hear someone else's perspective on it.

ljk1 profile image

Ask her to move out until you leave! You can’t go on like this it will make you really ill, you have to put yourself first and she obviously has no regard or respect for you!

It would probably help if you could come to financial agreement for her to live elsewhere, I’m a night eater 😂 but I wouldn’t dream of upsetting a flat mate in this way!

MtnClimber profile image

I can relate to this wanting to be alone. I used to be a people person and it seems that when I was at my healthiest, I was stuck alone, wishing for company and now that I know more ppl/have more friends, I struggle with energy and focus and want to be alone. I think it's just your exhaustion. For me, every little decision zaps more energy and I often don't have energy for anything other than necessary functions after a day of work. (After 3 years of this, I am doing better, though.) I think worrying how she's taking it is probably consuming energy you don't have. Not everyone around us will understand our health journies, and that's ok. Have you ever considered going on a compounded thyroid medication? It has been making a difference for me. Best wishes, friend!

shambavi18 profile image

Yes, I very much enjoy my own space and am not interested in social chit chatting in my own home. Next time you get a lodger you must specify that you want someone in full time employment or study. Meanwhile make your bedroom your retreat and prepare to sit out this lodger until the Covid restrictions on eviction are relaxed. Remember this person is helping you pay your bills so take a deep breath, relax into the situation, and smile. This person is there to help you learn somthing....................

Lora7again profile image

I have actually just done a little dance in the kitchen after waving my husband off to work after the bank holiday break lol. I did sort of enjoy him being at home but I do enjoy my own company and have my day mapped out. I will be going shopping for various birthdays that are coming up this month and then a nice coffee and cake in a well known coffee shop ... bliss😁

Cartwheel_Girl profile image

Hello :) Real sorry to hear about your issues - both thyroid and with the lodger.

I am Bipolar - always have been - now I am in Menopause this has been made worse with the Hashi's. If I had a test for Hashi's when I was first prescribed Lithium (which causes hypothyroidism while you are taking it) then maybe an alternative would have been found. However, it was a question of life or death so obviously the right one. at the time.

Menopause and Perimenopause (ie hormones in general) really affect the thyroid.

You say you get terrible PMS so maybe you need to look at that. I wouldn't recommend it long term, but I took the combined pill and this really helped stabilize my moods on top of the medication and more importantly lifestyle changes for the Bipolar.

Also, with the conflict resolution with your lodger. Just keep at it and try and establish proper routines if you can. Just have a trial for a week and see if she can do that. As you say it is only for a short period of time until you move out.

But since obviously you have tried that then may I suggest using Mindfulness practices and deal with the way you are reacting. I guess it is based on Cognitive Therapy - if you cannot change a situation then you CAN change the way you respond to it.

There is a very good app called Headspace that has short 'guided meditation' and breathing exercises and I have found it absolutely brilliant.

I work on an offshore rig and do continuous shifts. When I change from Night to Dayshift energy levels are low, thyroid medication gets messed up, body temperature drops to 34 degC and of course the knock on effect is no space or proper rest.

I use earplugs to sleep but still don't get good quality rest here. When I started using Headspace it helped me chill out and reduce stress levels for things beyond my control.

Never underestimate the power of the mind.

Good luck!

And as you said - you have a lodger that pays the rent, you have your own room and you are leaving in two months :)

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Cartwheel_Girl

I'm 33 so I'm nowhere near menopause. Also the combined pill is not suitable for me.

Appreciate the time you have taken writing this, but I wasn't looking for advice, I was asking other people with hypothyroidism if they could relate to wanting to be alone a lot because of their low energy.

Good luck with your situation.

Cartwheel_Girl profile image
Cartwheel_Girl in reply to Zazbag

No problem.

Just that you came across as being stressed and irritated due to the fact you wanted to be alone but could not be because you need you lodgers rent. It was another possibility to help you get you feel better about your situation. So I just wanted to help.

I am fine with Offshore work and Bipolar and Hashi's.

Yes, the shift change is tricky, hours are long, I'm away a lot more at the moment due to strict quarantine on arrival (we don't have a full hospital on board and it's a long way by chopper) and it can be a stressful environment to work in for a lot of people but I love it :) although I'll certainly have to watch the Vit D levels over winter since I am up in the Arctic Circle ;)

Mindfulness is a very helpful tool to use :)

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Cartwheel_Girl

You're still trying to give me advice when I've already said I don't want it. Expressing emotions and asking for understanding isn't the same thing as asking for advice. If I had wanted advice, I would have asked for it.

Cartwheel_Girl profile image
Cartwheel_Girl in reply to Zazbag

" My period is due within the next week and I get awful PMS (super irritable and angry and low) so I think that's making it worse."

Obviously!! ;)

Funny, other people have also given advice in this post but you haven't commented on that.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Cartwheel_Girl

Please go away.

Cartwheel_Girl profile image
Cartwheel_Girl in reply to Zazbag

No problem :) surprised your flat mate hasn't moved out already!!

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to Cartwheel_Girl

I wish you would move out of this thread.

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to Cartwheel_Girl

Cartwheel_Girl low blow! If you are well and optimally treated, able to mange any and all other conditions that you have then maybe you can cut some slack to those who aren’t managing at the moment. You’re ‘obviously!’ comment is something that we hear from most men who have no empathy for our hormonal cycle and use it as their excuse to not understand!

You obviously put a lot of thought into your reply and it wasn’t well received. If you’re optimally treated then maybe you’d be able to apologise and move on, baiting someone who’s so obviously struggling at this time is not cool!

Cartwheel_Girl profile image
Cartwheel_Girl in reply to NWA6

Well yes point taken. NWA6. Apologies to Zazbag if any offence was taken.

As you said this is an open forum and people use it for different purposes. I have used it for advice on how to feel better and to learn about other people's experiences as well as share my own if I think it will help.

I didn't get the intention straight away from Zazbag's initial post because I guess I jumped forward to other replies offering advice.

If you enter an open forum then you should expect free speech and opinions.

However, that said, my comment was a low blow indeed regarding the hormonal PMS so I do apologise to you Zazbag.

I have worked in a male-dominated society for the past 40 years so I have often been the only female around for hundreds or thousands of miles where work is the focus regardless. I think I have even lost the ability to multi-task ;) and love talking about cars :)

I wish I was optimally treated like a lot of people on this forum. I never have been. Together with other health / lifestyle- / childhood- / age-related experiences to put up with I have reached the conclusion that regardless of these it is only myself that can control the mindset I have regardless of physical or psychological impairments.

To get back to Zazbag's original message then - yes Zazbag, I often want to be alone and in peace - mostly when I have no energy. In fact so much that several times I have committed suicide (fortunately revived!) and attempted suicide many many times. I am not sure if this was hypothyroid related or not, but I guess the undertreated hypo has a profound effect on energy levels and this in turn makes it too much effort to want to be around other people.

So yup, if the forum helps emotional release and achieves feeling of being understood and knowing others are in the same situation then great, but one should always bear in mind other people's viewpoints and use of the forum which I think is to make people feel better in whatever way.

Zazbag, sorry if you picked up the wrong message or missed my wild sense of humour - it wasn't intended to make you feel worse - and I hope you feel better soon :)

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to Cartwheel_Girl

Amazing response Cartwheel_Girl 🤗 Tjanl you so much for sharing and I’m am so so sorry to hear that you’ve been through so much! I truly believe that it’s hypo. No amount of mindfulness can help a brain that is deprived of T3 😞 I’ve been suicidal, told/asked if I was bi-polar, checked for MS, told that it’s ME, depression and the last one was Fibromyalgia. For me it was none of the above just absolutely shit thyroid treatment.

I can now ‘see’ when the anger and frustration is purely hypothyroid 😩 It makes me so mad that we’re all treated so poorly when really and truly there would only be a handful of patients who are ‘complicated’

Much love 🤗

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to Zazbag

😬 deep breaths Zazbag. I truly believe that all you’ve said it hypo related and trust me when I say been there felt that. But because we’re all so different different posters are going to read or relate to your post in different ways. I wonder if you can ‘see’ the good in what their trying to say. Personally I feel the ‘advice’ is misguided and being told to do this or that may come across as you having some control over your feelings or situation when actually until you’re optimally treated there’s very little you can do but posters can only come at this post the best way they know how, relaying what they did that helped. I’m sending love and calm vibes your way. It’ll do fuck all to help but I’m sending it anyway 😂

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to NWA6

I really dislike unsolicited advice particularly when the suggestions are all extremely obvious and therefore not helpful. Thanks for being understanding and supportive.

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to Zazbag

I get that but it’s an open forum and we’re all at different stages and it’s hard to interpret, we all read the words differently. I know it feels like fuel but I genuinely think in general people are trying to be supportive.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to NWA6

I admire your ability to see the good.

NWA6 profile image
NWA6 in reply to Zazbag

Zazbag, it’s optimal treatment not optimism 🤗

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to NWA6

Hahaha, that should be the slogan for liothyronine!

genesurf profile image

I realized that houseguests' perfumes and other odors invading my space made me irritable. So I bought a Honeywell HEPA room air filter for the guest room. Now 95% of the scents are gone, and I feel less intruded upon.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to genesurf

I didn't realise you could get devices that could do that!

genesurf profile image
genesurf in reply to Zazbag

Yes, the HEPA units actually work really well. I got another one for my main floor for cooking odors and such.

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to genesurf

Oh cool! I'm might get one for my kitchen, please could you share which device you have?

genesurf profile image
genesurf in reply to Zazbag

Sure, I chose units from the Honeywell HPA line. They make different units for different room sizes.

HPA300 for my main floor, it has three HEPA panels for more surface area: amazon.com/Honeywell-True-A...

And HPA100 for the guest bedroom, it has one HEPA panel: amazon.com/gp/product/B00BW...

Whichever brand you buy, be sure to check the cost of replacement HEPA filters, as they are pricey. To save money, I've used these knock-offs for the Honeywells, and they've worked well: amazon.com/gp/product/B082Y... . Any of the filters last a long time though.

HEPA units are expensive but they really do help me with house guests.

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to genesurf

Amen to that I have Ionic breeze units in each room, smells can seem to get lodged in my nose and I hate it. Shopping is bad for that, jeeeeez B.O in a supermarket and I'm out, over powering perfume makes me nauseous and yet some smells make me happy like fresh cut lemons mmm

Redlester profile image
Redlester in reply to endomad

I have been like that for years - at work I could smell the [very overpowering] perfume of the lady who worked in the next room through the wall. it made me so nauseous it wasn't true. As for the detergent aisle in the supermarket and those scented candle shops...kill me now!!!

endomad profile image

Iv been like this for years, not all the time but am going through this phase again at moment. Tbh just because I'm not rolling around on the floor crying and carrying on doesn't mean I don't feel that way. I'm very good at faking being ok for short periods. I often need to be left alone, I can't cope with 'chat', visits, the phone, fb, my husband, dearest friends or family, I just need to be left alone. My circle now understand this, early days it made them hound me as to why I was isolating arrrrrrrrrrgh I get a lot of pain in joints muscles and bones since thyroid removed I just need peace and quiet, I unplug the phone as it can send me into a rage and I don't have the energy.

I couldn't handle a lodger when I'm like this. Plenty of people feel this way and lots of them don't have thyroid problems on top! we handle it the best we can, I have days were I am literally murderous, just hearing someone talk would set me off I am high functioning autistic so I am very sensitive to noise or anything that annoys me on any given day 😂😂😂

You just find ways to cope. I'm sending you some love you are not alone feeling like this xxx

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to endomad

Thank you so much for sharing this, it's a comfort to know I'm not alone, but I am really sorry you have to go through it too. It's no way to live. Do you just have to ride out the cycles?

endomad profile image
endomad in reply to Zazbag

Yes I ride it out, things that make it easier, walk dogs in field, gardening both quiet in fresh air and nature or sewing so I narrow my focus and thoughts but tbh when I'm really bad I just go to bed, I'm fairly sure isolating indoors in the dark makes me worse but it's all I can do sometimes.

Phases can last days, weeks and a few times months but it always passes. Xx

Lora7again profile image

This thread has made me laugh because of all the different responses to your problem. I myself would tell your lodger how you feel about the cooking etc. Sometimes you have to be blunt and tell people that their behavior is unacceptable and you are the Landlord which I am also but luckily I don't live with my tenants. I used to love watching Rising Damp as a child and there have been some repeats on recently which are not PC but so funny to watch.

It is a little discussed fact the estrogen is a neurotransmitter. Estrogens rise precipitously before your menstrual cycle begins. This might account for your irritability. Women who take Vitamin B6 for their PMS report feeling much relieved. Seeing it is unlikely to harm (other than in massive doses), it might be worth trying. Also, liver cells, responsible for "metabolizing" estrogen, use remarkable amounts of B6 to do that. maybe you're deficient?

I think the women in the study took 50-100mg of "pyridoxal-5' phosphate" each day.

wishing you happier days ahead :-)

Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to

I don't think I am deficient in B6 as I was taking it for a few months and it started to give me neurological symptoms (internal tremors). I didn't realise it was the B6 until I did some research, apparently it is well-documented that large doses can cause those kinds of symptoms: cot.food.gov.uk/sites/defau.... When I stopped taking it they ceased immediately.

I believe that PMS is caused by a drop in dopamine and serotonin, not oestrogen. I'm pretty sure that oestrogen increases during the follicular phase, not the luteal phase. I think it's progesterone that increases during the luteal phase, which then drops suddenly, triggering menstruation. Will have a read though and double check this.

EDIT: Have double checked and turns out I am correct about oestrogen: helloclue.com/articles/cycl....

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Zazbag

I have previously posted about B6 - and it being the form of B6, the vitamer that seems important. Avoid pyridoxine. Pyridoxal-5-phosphare seems fine.


Zazbag profile image
Zazbag in reply to helvella

Ah ok, I was taking pyroxidine. Not sure I need B6 though, how would I know I need it?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Zazbag

I think I would start by considering whether your diet is likely to contain sufficient B6. If not, then consider taking no more than 2 milligrams of P-5-P. Even then, I'd do a bit more reading before making any decisions.

Lora7again profile image

How are things now Zazbag ?

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