Has anyone heard of this?: Elevated Liver Enzymes... - Thyroid UK

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Has anyone heard of this?

Batty1 profile image
34 Replies

Elevated Liver Enzymes In Hyperthyroidism and Graves’ Disease.

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Batty1 profile image
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34 Replies
Lora7again profile image

Yes I have had them a couple of times and I had a full liver function test to check my liver was ok and it was. Just to add my GP was more bothered about this than my high thyroid antibodies.... go figure?!

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Lora7again

I never heard of this Before now. I just had recent blood test and I have high Alkaline Phosphate and my thyroid levels are low.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Batty1

It is all to do with your thyroid or lack of one I'm afraid. I have had a couple of results which showed my liver enzymes were slightly above the range and I think it was because my thyroid was struggling. My last blood test showed my liver function was ok and this was because my thyroid seems to be working at the moment.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Lora7again

Interesting. I went back 16yrs into my medical records and the liver test has been elevated quit a lot through the years and I always suffered with severe panic attacks and feeling constantly on edge and before my thyroidectomy I had episode of my eye popping out of socket and liver test elevated then too.... never had weight loss and never heart palpitation.

Might need to mention it to my Endo next month.

Gilbo72 profile image

Can anyone elaborate on this? I always have elevated liver enzymes and I am hypothyroid/hashimotos. Although my FT4 is over range and my FT3 is very low in range...?

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Gilbo72

According to my research it says hyperthyroidism can cause elevated Alkaline Phosphate although their is other reasons. I have no thyroid and my FT4 is low no idea about FT 3 since Endo won’t do it.

rmd27 profile image
rmd27 in reply to Gilbo72

I too have Hasimotos and my ALP has been elevated since my levothyroxine was increased from 50 micrograms to 75 (and then to 100). My T4 is towards the top of the scale, but my T3 is not. My TSH is low. My liver function has been tested on more than one occasion and is fine. I have noticed that the ALP is always more elevated when I get it tested first thing in the morning and I have fasted due to testing for thyroid function as well. When I get the blood test done late afternoon, my ALP is still elevated, but not as much so. I am not sure if this difference is due to me eating, the time of day or perhaps because I've taken thyroxine.

MaSet profile image

I am told mine is elevated, never knew why as i don't drink. So perhaps mine is also due to my hyperthyroidism. I take 125 Levothroxine daily. My biggest struggle is to loose weight. I never had weight issues, was always between 10.5 & 11 stone now 15 stone 😥 i eat a balanced diet and walk and exercise but still cannot shift this weight.

I became hyperthyroid apx 7 years ago, not sure why but it was around the time I gave up smoking.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to MaSet

One thing I know for sure is I had thyroid cancer and prior to the cancer I was always told nothing is wrong but she only ever tested my TSH over the years and it was in range (all over the place) but that could simply been because of random testing times🤷‍♀️ and upon further investigation after recently receiving my recent blood test my Alkaline Phosphate is elevated and I looked further back in my health record and it has been elevated off and on throughout the past 16yrs ... prior to my thyroidectomy I had severe episodes of panic attacks and asked her about being hyper was always told NO I even had my eye pop out of socket a couple times and still told NO to any thyroid problems. Just cancer “weird”.

It’s interesting about Alkaline Phosphate being connected to hyperthyroidism and other stuff and I too struggle with excessive weight gain after the thyroidectomy and of course no endo can find a logical explanation “except its my fault” before the surgery I was fit, thin and full of life ... now everyday is a struggle.

diogenes profile image

It's quite well known: eg this paper

Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism

Open Access

Liver enzyme profile and progression in association with thyroid autoimmunity in Graves' disease

Albert Hsieh Stephen Adelstein Susan V. McLennan Paul F. Williams

First published: 15 July 2019


Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to diogenes

Thank you for the information.

klr31 profile image

Elevated liver enzymes are common in hypothyroidism too.


Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to klr31

I read this the other day its kind of strange that doctors don’t associate this with hyper/hypo when assessing your thyroid/symptoms...hmm

klr31 profile image
klr31 in reply to Batty1

There are lots of things they seem not to remember or know unfortunately!


bantam12 profile image

My LFTs have been very high for over 15 years, all tests repeatedly done including liver biopsies and no other cause found. My Gastro and Hepatologist now consider it normal for me.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to bantam12

When you say high, how high?

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Batty1

They vary quite a bit up and down and I don't have all to hand but ALP has been 386, ALT 153, GGT 285, they are just the ones I picked out, there are lots !!

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to bantam12

Mine vary too and I just had my first Video chat with my Rheumy such a crummy experience and she said oh your inflammation markers and Alkaline Phosphate levels are pretty high but its fine ... honestly I think doctors are too casual with peoples health to even consider the little things if your not full blown sick or half dead “its the no big deal” attitude you get.

Its been my personal experience with illness that every issue starts out small but troublesome to me to only be blown off by the doctors as no big deal and this goes on for a while even years until BOOM my no big symptoms increase or turn strange and things start to happen and then they finally give me a diagnose of thyroid cancer ..... this is how my entire health goes no big deal to full on this can kill you disease! “sigh”

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to Batty1

Yep same here, gallbladder polyp found a year ago and just monitored as not a worry until now when I'm being fast tracked to theatre as very urgent !! but then again a lot of things do turn out to be nothing worrying so I understand the docs approach, my LFTs as I said have been whacky for years, I've had numerous scan, tests and liver biopsy which I wouldn't wish on anybody ! yet nothing dodgy found so I have to go along with that 🤷‍♀️ It also depends how high is high, with LFTs they don't really get worried until results are consistently very high, usually into the 1000s and with such high numbers other obvious signs would be present. I'm at an age now and with a life history of medical troubles I've got to the stage of not worrying anymore.

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to bantam12

It was my GGT which was high and it was 159 at one time so they did further tests to check my liver. The last time I had the liver function test it was normal.

Rocky profile image

I was told this last Sunday after spending the day in A and E with a fast heart rate. I was told I had high level liver enzymes as if I had been drinking lots of alcohol.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Rocky

Did they say high liver enzymes would cause fast heart rate?

Rocky profile image
Rocky in reply to Batty1

No they still haven't told me what the problem was. I had a CT scan because they suspected a clot on my lung because the blood test they did was abnormal. Luckily I didn't have a clot but as a result my GP has given me 6 weekly b12 injections now instead of 8 weekly. All the A and E Doctor said was that the liver test was normally found in people with Type 2 Diabetes. I am borderline for that. I still don't know the exact tests I had until my notes come through from the hospital

Lora7again profile image

I have just received a copy of my medical records from the hospital from 10 years ago. I am fuming! Some of the remarks about me are very unkind like "she thinks her symptoms are caused by her thyroid but I think she has sub-clinical hyperthyroid or Graves' disease" This was a few months after starting treatment with PTU when my T4 and T3 were low and my TSH was 0.01. He then says "I have told her to have RAI but she has refused this". I am still trying to read my Endocrinologist rubbish hand writing. He has put words like "anxious" and "depressed" and he then suggested I have counselling. I will start a thread about it once I have finished reading it all. I am just pleased I asked Elaine Moore's advice because I don't know how I would have ended up without her site.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Lora7again

It would be interesting thread to listen to others medical experiences

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Batty1

I am still trying to read his records because he seems to have written notes all over the page and it is very messy. One thing I didn't know was he had commented that I had high platelets and wanted further investigations to be done but this never happened. It could not have been that serious because I am still here 10 years later. Also my T4 was 45 and my T3 was 19 from what I can make out from his writing. He did mention I had been suffering for over 2 years ... why I wasn't treated sooner I have no idea. He says very likely Graves' disease from my blood results but I can't seem to see a record of them in his notes.

Batty1 profile image
Batty1 in reply to Lora7again

Bad doctor is he still in practice?

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Batty1

Yes he is a consultant but I think he specializes in diabetes.

I have just researched him and I was wrong because he actually specializes in Endocrinology and Metabolic Medicine ... I am surprised!

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Lora7again

You were going to check which anti-bodies were tested to confirm Hashimotos or Graves. Any luck ?

Marz profile image

I was only responding to a comment you made in the past when you were unsure which anti-bodies were tested. At the time you said you were waiting for your hospital records to check. Having read above you have now received your records I was merely wondering if you had any answers. I was not aware I keep asking - so I presume from that remark you still do not know - or perhaps you do !

Lora7again profile image
Lora7again in reply to Marz

I was feeling unwell yesterday and unable to function properly because I have had some stressful news which I was not expecting. For some reason the hospital records that I have received do not include any blood results. I have the consultant's written notes where he mentions I have Graves' disease and he says that it is because of my high antibodies that he has come to that conclusion. I have now emailed them asking for a copy of the blood tests he did 10 years ago.

Just to add I know you think you are being helpful but sometimes you come across as a bit sharp and unsympathetic. There are a lot of sick people on this site and sometimes our brains become confused and we forget that you may have given some information to us the last time we posted a question. I think we need to be a bit kinder to others because we have no idea what they are going through in their personal life and stress can have a big impact on how we are feeling with this horrible disease.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Lora7again

There are a lot of sick people on this site and sometimes our brains become confused and we forget that you may have given some information to us the last time we posted a question.

And, remember, Marz is one of them.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Lora7again

Having been an active member on this Forum since 2011 - created 805 Posts - with 361 Followers - I am more than aware there are many poorly people.

Yes you are right you have no idea what members are going through. Perhaps you should have asked why my Replies are shorter and to the point rather than dishing out your opinions ... as it happens my eyesight is deteriorating and I am awaiting surgery - so I am finding it difficult to type and am keeping things brief where possible.

Perhaps you are referring to my suggesting people re-read their earlier posts to see previous replies - again this is to save time duplicating information already detailed by helpful Admin. and others. Should you check you will see those Replies are endorsed by many Likes - including Admin. I am sure they would soon tell me if I was being sharp and unsympathetic. You cannot please everyone all of the time - with almost 110K members that is unrealistic. We all have our individual styles - and appeal to different members.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to Marz

Very well said, Marz.

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