Please need your advise knowledgeable people. I got my test and I'm shocked. I have a long history of Hashi's hypothyroidism. I m now on a 150 Ltyroxin. My test 8 months ago was very good, TSH was 0.1 with 0.1-0.4 reference. Today, my TSH jumped to 18.6 and this was after I had a very discipline, gluten free diet, light intermittent fasting, detox, work to reduce stress, mild exercises, didn't change brand... My chronic sinusitis has gone and my general condition has improved, but my weakness and drowsiness still remaine. Only the change, I started to take estradiol for my osteoporosis, but only with 5 hours interval after L tyroxin. Tell me please what else could be the reason for the sharp increase in TSH? What tests to pass? I have to increase the dose, but maybe another reason for such changes. Very grateful for all your support and care.
Help me to understand why my TSH jumped up ? - Thyroid UK
Help me to understand why my TSH jumped up ?

With just a TSH test, you can't really tell anything. It could be that more of your thyroid has been destroyed due to the Hashi's, and your FT4/3 have dropped. But, unless the FT4/3 are tested, you can't know. It's totally inadequate to just test the TSH, it doesn't give you enough information.
For example, if your FT4/3 were still at a reasonable level, or hadn't moved since the last test, you would know that the high TSH was due to laboratory error or interference with the testing process. Do you take biotin, or a b complex? That can interfere with test results.
I had a very discipline, gluten free diet, light intermittent fasting, detox, work to reduce stress, mild exercises, didn't change brand...
A gluten-free diet is not going to have any effect on your TSH. Nor is intermittent fasting. Detox and reduction in stress might, but I would think they would reduce your TSH, not increase it to such an extent.
Mild exercise shouldn't, either. But it does depend on your definition of 'mild exercise'. Too much exercise could affect your conversion of T4 to T3 which would cause the TSH to rise, but there again, unless the FT4/3 are tested, we just cannot know.
Thank you for your reply.
My FT3 is 2,2 with reference 1.5-4.1 and FT4 is 1,1 ------------------- 0.9-1.7
Also Eosinophils is high 6,6 with reference 0.1 - 0.6
I use vit B complex with biotin, will stop it now and recheck 2 months later.
I read article that coronavirus worsening autoimmune disorders. Just thought maybe I got it before, was very bad cough in January. Once more, thank you

HRT can often mean needing dose increase in levothyroxine
"Estrogen has a well known indirect effect on thyroid economy, increasing the need for thyroid hormone in hypothyroid women "
Thank you for your reply. Very sanctifice article, as I understood that estrogen can provocate thyroid cancer. Maybe good idea to get ultrasound.
Also I didn't know about that estrogen
"...increasing the need for thyroid hormone in hypothyroid women "
Will stop estrogen intake for couple of months. Very greatful to you and all forum. Stay safe 🙏
Hi again olgadimitri ,
This paper may be more appropriate for HRT/Thyroid than the first one.
Hi olgadimitri,
I got very ill after starting Estradiol gel and got Shingles three weeks later and then my Thyroid packed up x