Hi all been reading this forum and others and gathered some information on how amenorrhea may be caused by Hashimotos. However what I’ve read implies this is normally by untreated hashimotos and should be fixed by proper treatment.
Personally I have been treated with levothyroxine for 3+ years (on 100 mcg) and came of the mini pill hormonal contraception at the end of January. Whilst I appreciate this isn’t 3 months (yet) for amenorrhea I have not seen any hint of ovulation or period (currently tracking with a basal thermometer - although I think this is being affected by my hashimotos too!)
- does anyone have experience with this
- is it worth going back to the doctor to ask for a broader blood test (my last when unwell in November was tsh c. 2.4 which is quite high compared to previous measurements around 0.4)
- any other advice for women trying to conceive with hashimotos?
Thanks in advance