SUPPLEMENTS REVEALED - Episode 7 is live for 22... - Thyroid UK

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SUPPLEMENTS REVEALED - Episode 7 is live for 22 hours

Heloise profile image
31 Replies

We live in a world that is being more and more sterilized every day.

Much of it is being done under the pretense that it’s the healthy thing to do.

If you watched the episode about gut health, you’ll want to see this. It turns out that we’re only adding to an ever-growing gut problem, and we’re not just talking about the size of the waistline!

ALL THIS HYGIENE IS MAKING US SICK! You’ll want to stick around for this one. It’ll make you think twice the next time you run for that Lysol spray.

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Heloise profile image
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31 Replies
Heloise profile image

Also in this episode: We’re also talking about a few more key things:

Multi-vitamins and the “expensive urine” debate.

Sprouts and supplements.

CBD (there is so much to discuss on this)

I cannot overstate the importance of understanding the things we’re discussing in Episode 7!

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Heloise

The second speaker gave some good specifics and how to buy supplements. His company called organixx cannot claim a totally organic supplement simply because there are no capsules which enclose the element can be called organic even though the compound inside makes 93% organic. Combing a few ingredients can be synergistic and cheaper than buying individual bottles. Pepper is often used to help absorb but it actually inflames the stomach so for an every day supplement like turmeric which often combines it might be too irritating. Turmeric with vitamin C may be better.

The next speaker is from Designs for Health.

wellness1 profile image

The interview with Kiran Krishnan is interesting. It's sobering what he has to say about probiotics and how few actually contain what is claimed on the label. Good content.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to wellness1

I'll watch but last night (for me it was night) I caught the bonus episode and she talked about their probiotic guaranteed to get to the intestines and then start working. It's called Just Thrive endospores which has a natural coating and gets through the acid in your stomach.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to wellness1

I just checked the product at Amazon and it's $50 but it includes K2 which she said many have a deficiency, plus magnesium. One reviewer mentioned Krishnan but the bonus I watched was with a woman but I think she must be related. Well, I'll find out after I watch it.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to wellness1

He must have two brands because he mentioned Megaspore.

Interesting that a household has microbiome cloud, they found that even months

after taking antibiotics the gut was deprived of good bacteria and it affected others

in the family. Overcleaning with antibacterials had children with more asthma in those households.

wellness1 profile image
wellness1 in reply to Heloise

I'm not clear on why there are two different products. It appears both are blends of Bacillus spores. MegaSporeBiotic includes one additional, Bacillus licheniformis.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to wellness1

I'd like to figure this out. The woman said they found this bacteria in the soil and decided to patent? it. Yes, a blend of four. His Megaspore is only sold by practitioners he said and I remember during a thyroid summit I think or maybe Broken Brain (which I don't know what happened to the rerun) of Betrayal, they were recommending Megaspore. That was a couple of years ago.

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to wellness1

He said he has done loads on YouTube, Podcasts etc if anyone is interested ... I really liked him !

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Marz

Kiran Krishnan? Good to know and he's a real Geek as he said:)

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Heloise

Even a Super Geek !

Heloise profile image

Leaky gut means the epithelial layer that lines the gut opens and allows microbes or molds to pass through. This begins a cascade response from immune cells and they are calling it metabolic endotoxemia. inflammatory markers went up as well. They did a study with 100 college students using the probiotic and 60% were improved.

"To master Nature you must first obey it".

Marz profile image
Marz in reply to Heloise

Also their inflammatory markers were raised in the blood after eating fast food.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Marz

I wish I could get those tests, maybe I'll apply for one of the experimental studies....the ones for old people:))

Heloise profile image

I like the idea of a drop of essential oil on a pad and just water to clean counters or anything.

I've taken it upon myself to put a few drops of essential oil on a wash cloth and put it in the dryer with the wash instead of smelly fabric softeners. And the use of E cloths has made cleaning so much easier with fewer chemicals.

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to Heloise

Dr Bronner's liquid soap contains essential oils. It's very good for cleaning and quite economical too as you can dilute it.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Serendipitious

Does that use Thyme? I think Seventh Generation might but I don't care for the smell. I like lemongrass. Clove is very antibacterial for an oil. Melaleuca uses tea tree oil. Wonderful products but with an E cloth you need nothing.

Serendipitious profile image
Serendipitious in reply to Heloise

I dont believe so:

The Lavender one has the following ingredients.

INGREDIENTS (INCI): Aqua, Potassium Cocoate (Saponified Coconut Oil*‡), Potassium Palm Kernelate (Saponified Palm Kernel Oil*‡), Potassium Olivate (Saponified Olive Oil*‡), Glycerin*, Lavandula Hybrida (Lavandin) Oil*, Potassium Hempseedate (Saponified Hemp Oil*), Potassium Jojobate (Saponified Jojoba Oil*), Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) oil*, Citric Acid, Tocopherol (Vitamin E), Helianthus Annuus Seed Oil (Sunflower Oil), Geraniol♢, Limonene♢, Linalool♢ *Certified Organic Ingredients/ ‡Certified Fair Trade Ingredients ♢From Pure Essential Oils

I've never used an E Cloth before. Looks really good. Thanks.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to Serendipitious

Thank you, S. Definitely try one E cloth to wash your sink, the chrome, granite........

Heloise profile image

The third speaker was talking about folic acid. We know it is synthetic and this man says because he sells b vitamins that folic acid sells for $15/kelo but 5-mth......methylfolate costs $10,000/kelo.

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Heloise

Something is wrong. Either with those figures or with my working out!

Standard low dose = 400 micrograms

Which means there are 1,000,000 / 400 = 2,500 doses per gram

Or 2,500,000 doses per kilogram

At a price of 10,000 dollars per kilogram

That works out as 10,000 / 2,500,000 = 0.004 dollars per dose

Or 0.40 cents per dose

Jarrow Formulas Methyl Folate costs 4.64 Jarrow

For 60

Which is 4.64 / 60 = 0.08 dollars per dose

Or 8 cents per dose.

So that is an excess of 7.6 cents per dose over ingredient cost.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to helvella

I divided $10,000. by a million and got .01 cents per mg. or .00001 per mcg. x 400 mcgs. or .004 per dose

MATH is not my subject so I really don't know.

YOU: At a price of 10,000 dollars per kilogram

That works out as 10,000 / 2,500,000 = 0.004 dollars per dose

So why do you say .40 cents per dose?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Heloise

Because 0.004 dollars is 0.40 cents.

0.004 * 100 = 0.40.

I just thought it easier to think about a fraction of a cent than a smaller fraction of a dollar! :-)

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to helvella

LOL, I've already spent too much time on this but do you think they are making too much profit or not enough?

helvella profile image
helvellaAdministratorThyroid UK in reply to Heloise

What I am saying is that the ingredient cost of methylfolate tablets is still only a very small fraction of the retail cost.

Most significantly, the difference between the prices of folic acid and methylfolate tablets (or whatever other form) is many times the difference in the ingredient cost, if it is as you reported.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to helvella

Oh, yes, the synthetic is so cheap by comparison especially for the person buying it. I don't know how they derive folate or where but this whole program makes you aware of what you are often buying when it's a discount.

The more disfigured our food becomes the more we are going to need supplements which are hopefully better. Most of the interviews are with scientists with intriguing stories of how they began. They seem very sincere and I find them a valuable source of information.

Heloise profile image

Delta Tocotrienols The third speaker is excited about a new supplement that is helping with ovarian cancer. Amazing results from testing. This comes from vitamin E. He is going on and on with other benefits, fatty liver, blood sugar, osteoporosis because it supports the cell wall membrane and almost every scientist has brought up the problem of degradation in the cell membrane. He takes 600 mgs but suggests on 300 mg or less. He gives it to his dog so you know he thinks it's safe! Cancer trial people took much higher doses. Always a good idea to have a functional doctor's advice.

wellness1 profile image
wellness1 in reply to Heloise

It's great to hear about a supplment that might be beneficical, but also frustrating when there isn't enough evidence to support the claims or give guidance on safe, effective dosage. I tried to find studies that addressed proper dose and I came upon the ovarian cancer study he referred to. The ovarian cancer patients participated in a phase II clinical trial and took 900 mg/day divided into 3 doses. But they were also taking bevacizumab (Avastin). I'm all for anything that will help with ovarian cancer treatment, but that was a bit misleading. (unless I'm misrmembering and he made that clear)

Wrt to his claim about osteoporosis, most of the research is animal studies, although there is an interesting study The Role of Tocotrienol in Preventing Male Osteoporosis - A Review of Current Evidence with good information and references. NB: they refer to tocotrienols as T3, which can be a bit distracting for thyroid types. :)

Getting dose right is important. Most vitamin E supplements contain alpha tocopherols, a different variety of vitamin E, and this study found that "... αTF may have a dual role in bone health, whereby in the appropriate doses it is beneficial but in high doses it may be harmful to bone."

It's good that he's calling attention the possible benefits of tocotrienols and urging some caution regarding how much to take. Thanks, Heloise.

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to wellness1

The osteoporosis in men was interesting especially this: However, studies revealed that most bone fractures occur in patients with osteopenia rather than those with osteoporosis.

That doesn't seem to make sense but I'm sure there is some as the body always has a reason.

You can buy the T3 without tocopherols probably for the reason it may harm bone.

I had begun checking that out on Amazon and iHerb but was surprised to find it. An interesting discussion at the beginning of episode 9 with Jeff Hays brought up the fact that the supplements were often sold only through a practitioner. Well, it turns out they said that the one from the practitioner will be a superior product in some ways. We'll probably never know but maybe more potent.

It is becoming more difficult to make decisions, isn't it? I like Jay Davidson and yet there are several, more than several, others who have also been convincing. How do you choose? 🤔🤔🤔

Heloise profile image
Heloise in reply to wellness1

Oh, another rule during that summit was that they were not to try to sell their own products. In fact they had to dismiss a number of interviews because so many crossed the line. That's probably why we didn't get more specifics.

Heloise profile image

I think we can assume the dosage on the label is what they recommend since they came up with the formula, don't you think? I see that is what is on the Delta formula. Well, sort of , one has 150 and one says 300 and that's what he takes. Yes, cancer studies are too complex for a patient to determine how helpful. The are so many components for a tumor to deveop. I'm convinced as someone said it is the last stage of autoimmune disease.

The T3 ??? seems to inhibit new blood vessels which clearly is essential to beating back cancer and to a scientist this would be like finding the pot of gold. I think as humans we seek a whole lot more progress before opening the champagne. I understand your frustration.

I'll check your other links.

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