Generally you can choose which App you would like to use to access your online GP record. My GP uses EMIS software and there are a variety of options I can use. You do need to know which software platform your GP uses. If you read my earlier post about prospective record you will see that GP Practices that use VISION cannot give access to Detailed Coded Record Access in line with the new GP contract.
In reality you should be able to choose the App which suits you best. I have a brilliant comparison of the most popular Apps which are Patient Access and Evergreen Life. This is from a Northern GP in England and published on his website so his patients can choose which suits them best. If you are not happy with your App do check to see if you can change. I use both of the Apps below as they offer different features. You can download an App and use your practice registration details to set up an account. If you are not sure the App tech teams are always happy to advise. Patient feedback is like gold dust to them and they are always happy to help.