Vitamin D intolerance: Hi , I was wondering if... - Thyroid UK

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Vitamin D intolerance

bubbatetley profile image
37 Replies

Hi , I was wondering if anyone has Vitamin D intolerance?

Any advice greatly appreciated please.

Thank you

Take care


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bubbatetley profile image
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37 Replies
Starfish123 profile image

I’m not sure if this will help but I used to take vit d3 supplements but found it hard to hang on to it. I now take magnesium and don’t seem to have a vit d3 deficiency any more. I believe there is a link between them.

pump321 profile image

I cannot take Vit.D3 in any form. It gives me dreadful migraine headaches and I have to stop taking it but I need it so badly as my levels are really low and it's affecting my health. I am wondering what other people do in this situation.

meme profile image
meme in reply to pump321

Sunbathing or a special sun lamp.

pump321 profile image
pump321 in reply to meme

Thank you for your reply meme. I have had terrible skin cancer on my face with two huge operations for melanoma so cannot be out in the sun without using sun cream, poleroid sunglasses and sun hat and have to stay in the shade most of the time etc. also cannot use a sun lamp for the same reason. That's why I am so short of Vit.D3. It's so difficult to replenish Vit.D3 through diet alone although I try and eat all the right foods. I try and get a little sun on my legs in the summer but nervous of overdoing it with my skin cancer problems.

meme profile image
meme in reply to pump321

I think arms are best for absorbing sun /D. I also keep fully covered and wear a hat when outside. I use D spray under my tongue. Some think that magnesium helps to raise D on its own. I cannot tolerate magnesium powder or tablets but the body oil is great.

pump321 profile image
pump321 in reply to meme

You seem to have the same problems as me meme. I cannot take magnesium in any form, even rubbing a little on my skin gives me an upset tummy so I'm stumped to be honest. I have spent a lot of money trying different magnesiums types and Vit.D3 different strengths but end up having to abandon trying due to all the side effects.

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to pump321

ReMag liquid magnesium doesn't upset gut (but expensive

Developed by Dr Carolyn Dean who wrote the Magnesium Miracle

pump321 profile image
pump321 in reply to SlowDragon

I have looked at Remag before on Amazon and it's £36.00 plus £5.00 delivery. I would pay £100, I truly would, if I thought it would work for me but I cannot afford to throw anymore expensive stuff down the sink etc. I have got Carolyn Dean's book here as I thought it would be the answer to my migraine problems and I think it would have been if I could have taken magnesium. I just have to accept that my body won't accept supplements of this nature.

ZoBo profile image
ZoBo in reply to pump321

What side effects do you get from magnesium and also BVit D?

pump321 profile image
pump321 in reply to ZoBo

Magnesium upsets my stomach, they put it in laxatives and it has that effect on me even in the tiniest dose. Vit.D3 gives me migraines. I took a very high dose when I was first diagnosed as being very low on it and it made my legs and feet feel numb so my GP took me off the high dose but I cannot take even low doses sadly.

cein profile image
cein in reply to pump321

I suffer really badly with SAD so much so that my Dr and the Surgery Patient Fund helped me buy a Light therapy box .

A proper '' Medical '' SAD light doesnt cause skin cancer as the bad rays should have been removed .

I have been using mine for 13 years and I also take vitimin D3

And even so my D levels are still bottom of the range at 74 nmol /L ( 50 - 374 )

I need replacement tubes now and I can really feel the difference for not using my box so new tubes were ordered this morning.

Scientific research has shown that light therapy does in fact reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. ... Light therapy is also recommended by the Mayo Clinic for treatment of SAD and for other conditions.

Light therapy - Mayo Clinic › light-therapy › about › pac-20384604

8 Feb 2017 -

Light therapy for skin disorders uses a lamp that emits ultraviolet (UV) light. ....... This type of light should be filtered out in light therapy boxes used for SAD and other conditions because it can damage your eyes and skin.

pump321 profile image
pump321 in reply to cein

Thank you cein for your reply. It sounds like a very good idea to have a Light Therapy Box but I'm not sure if it would emit Vit.D3 as that's what I'm so short of. I'll have to ask my dermatologist when I next see her. Thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to reply to my post. I am pleased to hear you are benefitting from using your light box and it seems to work for you, that's brilliant.

chrisbuy63 profile image
chrisbuy63 in reply to pump321

Dr Berg on youtube said that if you have trouble taking vitamin D it is usually due to a Magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is needed to absorb vitamin D and there are different types that are more gebntle on the stomach, also Vit K2 makes sure the calcium goes to the bones and not the blood vessels.

Also I did have some suspect skin growths last year, I have spent a lot of time in the sun. I treated the scaly growths at first with iodine and then I used Frankincense oil and it got rid of the scaley growths in approx a month of applications twice a day. I do think they looked suspect maybe pre -cancerous and I would recommend anyone to get them checked out first but I read good things about frankincense oil for skin lesions and as I was away from home for a month I used it. I 'm sorry you have exerienced skin cancer and have had to deal with huge operations , do read up on Frankincense oil yourself as it might help the healing and act as a possible additional preventative measure, it is really nice to add to skin cream and keeps my face soft and usually blemish free although at the moment I do have a blind boil like blemish that has appeared between my eyebrows that is painful and proving difficult to come to a head.

I know you try to use diet too for Vit D and you probably already know that mushrooms are a good source of vit d and also fish oil but thought to mention it in case not. Also look up youtube video's about Moringa it has so many health benefits claims, although I can't take it because I have thyroid problems and am on medications and it seemed to interfere with them..

bubbatetley profile image
bubbatetley in reply to chrisbuy63

Thank you 😘

pump321 profile image
pump321 in reply to chrisbuy63

Thank you reading my post and for taking the time to reply with all your information. Sorry for delay, I am not well at the moment so haven't felt much like writing.

I really do understand that Magnesium and K2 are important when taking Vit.D3. I could be low on Magnesium which is why I'm having trouble taking Vit.D3. I just know I cannot take any form of magnesium supplements even in a spray or to rub on your skin. They put it in laxatives and it has that effect on me so I cannot risk causing myself any more problems with my gut as I've had so much trouble in the last few years.

I try every so often to take a very small amount of Vit.D3 and usually end up with a migraine as it really doesn't suit me. I am one of those people whose systems just cannot take all these supplements. Thank you for info. about mushrooms, I do eat quite a lot of those and eggs and salmon too so I try and get as much Vit.D3 as possible through diet. When I talk to any doctor about being low in Vit.D3 they just dismiss it and say not to worry, they probably are too! I live in the UK and they don't seem to bother about being low on Vitamins etc.

I will read up on Frankincense Oil as I am always interested in anything that may help me. I'm not sure my body would like that either. I spend so much money buying all these supplements and remedies and they just don't work for me but I will ask my Dermatologist when I see her if she has heard of it helping. She is very good and a leading light at several hospitals around where I live. She used a very new focal microscope on me to look deep into my skin and discover where all the little seeds of skin cancer were and then map them so she knew exactly how much skin to take away. After this is done they then test to see how accurate it is and take away more skin if necessary. I also had major MOH's surgery on my face as well as basal cell carcinoma. It was pretty horrifying but my Dermatologist and the amazing plastic surgeon worked wonders together and did the best job they could. I am pretty scarred but they saved my life by operating so quickly and supported me through every step of the way. Two amazing surgeons and always there when I needed them. I thank God I was lucky enough to find them, the best I have ever come across! Anyway, many thanks again for getting in touch and for sending the information, I am very grateful to you.

chrisbuy63 profile image
chrisbuy63 in reply to pump321

Thanks for your reply and I truly hope you find a way through all of this and find something that helps you to start feeling better, it is so difficult to get enough vitamin D if you can't go out in sun much , I do ,but I am always aware of the damage I could be doing to my skin as I am fair skinned and I dont wear sunscreen as it causes a rash and I have freckles. I try to restrict sun exposure to just enough now and as i have got older i can't lay in it like I did when younger. I have trouble taking vit D too as i seem to get severe neck pains when I do. I too buy loads of supplements that I research and think might help with my myriad of health problems that I suffer with, low vit b 12, hypo thyroid and a rare condition orthastatic tremor (I think they are all linked but doctors have not been much help when their standard treatment does not work well enough). I have had to do a lot of trial and error experiments myself and I soon realized I am very sensitive to supplements so have to always start low and slow. The one thing that I have found that has really helped me with autoimmune disease has been very low dose naltrexone but that is another story and not one that really applies to your vit d deficiency.

pump321 profile image
pump321 in reply to chrisbuy63

My goodness, you have a raft of problems and I truly sympathise with you. I used to lay in the sun when I was younger and regret it now as I am fair skinned too. Thankfully I can wear 50 factor sun screen and always always wear a wide brimmed sun visor to shield my face at all times. Look freaky but hey ho!! I'm not quite to so worried about my legs as the skin seems tougher. I also wear poleroid sun glasses all the time too during the summer months so it's a constant battle to stay safe. When we go on the beach I have to sit under a 50 factor umbrella most of the time. It's a nightmare that we are both in the same boat and our bodies don't like all these supplements, I wonder why? I think I am low in B12 too and I often wonder about thyroid problems but the doctor just says I'm fine but I know the NHS acceptable levels are very low and doctor's don't look for problems as they are just too busy. Your rare tremor condition sounds very difficult to deal with, I'm so sorry you have so much to cope with. Life is tough when we have several different health problems. I've had chronic migraine for 40 years so it's ruined my life pretty much! I get 3 a week at least so cannot make arrangements to go out with friends etc. and be sure I will be able to go. I don't belong to clubs any longer as nobody understands migraines. They think it's just a headache but it's a neurological condition that's inherited. Anyway, thank you very much for your reply and info. We are all struggling along trying to get well and improve our health and keep trying supplements in the hope that we will find something that will suit and and make us feel a little better.

bubbatetley profile image
bubbatetley in reply to pump321

I am deeply sorry to hear of your terrible predicament, I do hope things improve for you..

Kind regards


pump321 profile image
pump321 in reply to bubbatetley

Thank you so much bubbatetley for taking the take to contact me. It was very kind of you x

SlowDragon profile image
SlowDragonAdministrator in reply to pump321

Migraine is common hypothyroid symptom

Improving low vitamin levels helps us use Thyroid hormones better

So you may need increase in Levothyroxine

Do you supplement magnesium?

This is cofactor when taking vitamin D

pump321 profile image
pump321 in reply to SlowDragon

I don't seem to have thyroid problems and am not taking Levothyroxine. I cannot take magnesium in any form, having tired so many. I know this is a co-factor when taking Vit.D3. but my body just won't accept it. I've had to go gluten free recently to help with IBS problems and it does help. It's difficult when your body cannot accept all these supplements. I've done so much research etc. but it doesn't help when it comes down to actually taking the supplements. I cannot afford to go back to having constant diarrhoea as I have spent several years trying to get this problem resolved.

bubbatetley profile image
bubbatetley in reply to pump321

Hi pump, I do hope things are improving for you. I too am getting violent daily headaches and was wondering is it because of my Thyroid shutting down, or is it the Vit 3 I take daily.. I take 3,ooo units a day.

Take care


pump321 profile image
pump321 in reply to bubbatetley

You could try reducing the dose to 1,000 units a day to see if you feel better on that. I think there are just some people who cannot take Vit.D3 easily. I have tried taking Wellbaby Vit.D3 drops which is a tiny dose of about 400 iu. (0.5ml. once daily) but even that doesn't seem to suit me. I wonder if I have Thyroid problems as I waking up sweating in the night and have to change my nightie. Do you have this kind of problem? Is it related to low Vit.D3 problems, I am just searching around for answers as I am so poorly and unwell.

posthinking01 profile image

Yes I have a problem with D - I was only taking 2,000 IU's - but it still upset me - I have a kidney issue and was warned by my consultant to keep off D if possible as it was bad for the kidneys. Try taking magnesium as someone has suggested - I do.

pump321 profile image
pump321 in reply to posthinking01

I also have a problem taking magnesium as well in any form, even rubbing a little on my skin gives me a tummy upset. I know magnesium is good as it helps you sleep etc. but am so frustrated as I cannot seem to take anything that will help me. Thank you for your reply.

Summer64 profile image

I had vertigo when I first started taking it but I am prone to vertigo but when I asked the pharmacist about it he looked it up in his big book and it was a side effect but not a common one. I leave a few days in between now. My levels have come up but still not optimum. I try and get out in the sun in the summer but not at the hottest part of the day and I don't sit in it in one position.

pump321 profile image
pump321 in reply to Summer64

Thank you for your reply Summer64. I will just have to try and get out in the sun for short periods in the summer, protecting my face and hope I don't get skin cancer anywhere else on my body. It really is such a problem.

tinkerbell22 profile image

Hi, I found I couldn't tolerate vit D in tablet form but I can in low dose spray form. I buy BetterYou brand at Holland and Barrett online subscription, DLux 1000.

I have a problem taking most supplements! Vit D spray is the only one I can handle at the moment.

SlowDragon profile image

I couldn't tolerate vitamin D at all until improved magnesium levels first ......more details on my profile

SlowDragon profile image

As you have possible parathyroid tumour you need to read up on vitamin D supplements when hyper parathyroid

May not be recommended

Celestialbeing profile image

Hi. My Vitamin D level was in range but more on the lower end of it. I tried a few better kinds of D 3 supplements but felt as if I had reacted to them. I read studies that state wearing sunglasses in the sun disrupts the production/absorption of natural vitamin D in the body.

meme profile image
meme in reply to Celestialbeing

Your eyes have nothing to do with D. It’s your skin that turns sun into D. Not wearing sunglasses causes cataracts. Wear a hat and sunglasses in the sun.

Celestialbeing profile image
Celestialbeing in reply to meme

I understand what you are saying. What I read was a neurological component. If I find the study I will share it. Since we are not permitted to share links here, I copied and pasted below one article I found about the topic. You can do a search to find other articles.

[During the few short months of summer we experience here in New England we all do our best to get outside, enjoy the beautiful weather and “obtain our vitamin D”. With all the research out there showing the benefits of vitamin D on bone health, enhancing mood, preventing sickness, preventing tooth decay, optimizing hormone levels, and preventing cancer we could all benefit from getting a little sun on our bodies. However did you know that getting a little sun in your eyes can actually be just as beneficial?

After recently reading an article in an older edition of the popular family wellness magazine “Pathways”, I came across a write-up that addressed the importance of light, specifically full spectrum light, on the eyes. Full spectrum light is defined as light that includes a balance of wavelengths from all colors of the visible spectrum including ultraviolet and infrared. Although this form of light (aka “natural light”) is most commonly recognized as benefiting health when it strikes the skin, the same is also true when it strikes the eyes and plays a vital role in body chemistry. According to two researchers, German Ophthalmologist Fritz Hollwich, MD as well as John Ott, Hon. D. Sci, the array of bodily organs and systems that depend on full spectrum light is astounding. “When the eyes are exposed to natural light the pituitary gland, thyroid, adrenal glands, ovaries, testes, pancreas, liver, and kidneys all function better.” In fact, when studies were performed using full spectrum florescent lights vs. cool-white light bulbs (which allows strong yellow light but is deficient in most other wavelengths and contains no ultraviolet or infrared light) it was shown that “the development of the male sex organs was only one-fifth as great in hamsters under the cool-white light as compared to hamsters under full spectrum light”. This is primarily due to the lack of vitamin D (which is naturally made in the body when exposed to sunlight) necessary to synthesize Testosterone, a steroid hormone. Also interesting was another hamster study in which those hamsters without enough direct sunlight through the eyes, more particularly through the retina of the eye, had sleep disorders. Since the hypothalamus was not stimulated due to lack of light, the pituitary and pineal glands could not be influenced to make proper body chemicals and this caused a disruption in the animal’s diurnal rhythms affecting proper sleep. These same effects can be seen in people who are always indoors. A third and final study the “Pathways” article touched upon was one involving children. It mentioned that children under full spectrum lights in school had fewer cavities in their newly formed permanent teeth, whereas ten times as many children under cool-white bulbs had new cavities. This study was also confirmed using hamsters and showed that hamsters placed under cool-white bulbs 12 hours per day for 15 weeks had 5 times more cavities and 10 times greater tooth loss than hamsters placed under a more natural full spectrum light. This again demonstrates the importance of vitamin D on bone health.

What all this great research seems to suggest is that natural aka full spectrum light (which contains ultraviolet and infrared light) is necessary for increasing and maintaining health despite the popular belief that these particular light rays are damaging. In fact, in our society today, especially during the heat of summer, we do everything possible to avoid these rays- whether it is slathering toxic sunscreen on the largest organ of our body (our skin) or blocking our eyes with the newest and most effective UV light blocking sunglasses- all in an attempt to avoid what we have been brought up to fear- poor eye site and blistering sunburns leading to cancer. Unfortunately, by doing these things we are actually being counter-productive to our bodies and purposely avoiding a means to good health because of the bad name UV rays have been given. In fact, the article mentions that there has never been any research showing the health benefits of blocking UV light to the eyes yet it is impossible to find sunglasses that don’t block this type of ray. In conclusion, the article recommends either getting outside for 20-60 minutes without wearing glasses, or functioning under full spectrum lighting indoors rather then cool-white lighting. Also if you are unable to do either, the article further recommends that Vitamin D can be acquired through supplementation of distilled Cod Liver Oil which is high in vitamins A and D but has all the heavy metals removed or to check with your naturopathic physician. Of course, getting adjusted regularly can help your body function better and allow all your hormones and body systems to work at 100% to make its own vitamin D when you are exposed to the ideal environment/light. I thought this was an interesting article to share especially during these beautiful sun-lit days of summer and figured it may cause you to re-evaluate and perhaps question some of your everyday practices. Wishing you a wonderful remainder of this awesome season and better health every day.]

bubbatetley profile image
bubbatetley in reply to Celestialbeing


SlowDragon profile image


Here's the page about vitamin D and parathyroid tumour

I suggest you read whole page CAREFULLY

If you are over 35 years of age, and your blood calcium is high (over 10.1) you are almost certain to have primary hyperparathyroidism--a disease caused by a tumor. If your blood calcium is high and your vitamin D level is low, then you are almost guaranteed to have a parathyroid tumor (primary hyperparathyroidism). As we discussed above, the vitamin D is low because they are measuring vitamin D-25 which the parathyroid tumor converted into Vitamin D-1-25 (the active form of vitamin D that your doctor is not measuring). Keep reading... you are learning a lot here, and will know more than your doctor in about 5 more minutes.

If your endocrinologist tells you that your calcium is high because your Vitamin D levels are low... and wants to give you Vitamin D to make your calcium go down... then you should print this page and take it to them. This is wrong. You should also download the CalciumPro app on your iPad, iPhone, or Android phone/tablet. The CalciumPro app will graph your data so you can show it to your doctor. If you have read this far down on this page, then you need this app--it will save you from getting lots of silly tests and wasting your time and money. Just go to the app store and search for "Calcium" or "Parathyroid"--the CalciumPro app is number 1.

meme profile image

I think this article mixes up D and sunlight to eyes. Too much cod liver oil is dangerous because of the amount of A in it.

I do think it’s important to get some natural sunlight to your eyes in the morning. It helps with mood and sleep. But in general eyes should be shielded from the sun.

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