So, I just received my test kit from above-mentioned provider. I weaned off Medrol for adrenal fatigue a couple of years ago and would like to know where I stand before possibly going on any kind of adrenal support. I am currently not taking anything for my adrenals. Some symptoms suggest I should, while others point to highish cortisol, so I decided to order the saliva test.
Cortisol and DHEA will be tested first thing in the morning, and then cortisol levels though out the day, the last time at bedtime.
I have read the instructions carefully several times but still don't fully understand so wanted to see if anyone else here has ordered the same tests.
It says that samples should be frozen immediately and that they can be kept in the freezer (at -20 C) for about six months without deteriorating.
But when it comes to shipping it gets complicated...there is the option of using DHL delivery Monday-Thursday (at an additional fee of 23 GBP), but there is also a box provided (postage pre-paid) along with a special resealable bag to put the samples in.
So my question now is: if in Europe but outside the UK, would it be best to use DHL to ensure the samples are delivered the next day?
Sorry if those questions sound stupid, but my head is spinning right now from the effort of trying to read all those instructions...!