Hi everyone - I went for a thyroid ultrasound yesterday and I have always had very high antibodies against the thyroid - 1,000 etc. - only to be told it has been almost entirely destroyed by the autoimmune attack. I asked the radiographer if when it had finally gone - there is a small piece live - would my autoimmune issues go away - he said no - anyone know better. Has anyone else had this happen to them? My thyroid has always been unstable e.g. even if my levels said they were OK in blood tests my symptoms were still thyroid based - which has caused the medical profession to call me a complex case as they are baffled.
Thyroid burned away by the immune system - Thyroid UK
Thyroid burned away by the immune system

Depends what you consider to be your 'autoimmune issues'. That question is very vague.
Well the autoimmune attack on the thyroid that is Hashimoto's would that stop at the now 'missing' thyroid or would it continue within the body.
It stops there.
I do hope so because I have the most peculiar symptoms that are Lupus like but my Lupus went into remission when I went on thyroid meds but the Lupus like symptoms continued - will this be the end of 25 years of awful awful symptoms - I do hope so - it will be a miracle.
If your lupus symptoms continued, how do you know that the lupus is in remission?
Hashi's symptoms are caused by low T3 - like any hypo symptoms. So, just because the Hashi's has gone, doesn't mean the symptoms will go if the T3 is still low. When I said the Hashi's stops there, I mean that without a thyroid gland, there will be nothing for the Hashi's to attack, so no more swinging from hypo to 'hyper' and back again. But, you will still be hypo, and need adequate thyroid hormone replacement. If you don't get that, then you will still be hypo with all the symptoms that that implies.
And, in remission or not, you will still have lupus. That won't be affected by the end of the Hashi's.
Because for the last 25 years I have been under a London Hospital being tested regularly for my complex symptoms - Lupus in remission - 14 phials of blood taken every 3 months testing for all aspects of chronic issues I was experiencing. Nothing found only the antibodies. I have just had an ulltrasound on my abdomen as suddenly so swollen underneath the breast area that I look 9months pregnant but nothing found yet I am itching like mad in the liver area and my skin is breaking out which means something wrong as my immune system presents like this when I have an infection somewhere. I am unable to metabolise choline - but there again adult metabolic hospital appointments - no reason found. I am about to self pay for an MRI scan because I am so fed up with all this when I know something is wrong. Thyroid and T3 levels perfect - if I take any more I feel very ill so keep off taking more.
OK, but, if you're thyroid is dead, and the Hashi's has nothing more to attack, it will slowly die down and be gone. It won't be responsible for your other problems. That's all I'm saying.

Do you regularly test vitamin levels ?
Low vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12 extremely common with Hashimoto's
What vitamin supplements do you currently take?
Are you on strictly gluten free diet, or tried it in past?
Many people find gluten free diet helps reduce symptoms (and/or dairy free diet)
Changing to a strictly gluten free diet may help reduce symptoms, help gut heal and slowly lower TPO antibodies
While still eating high gluten diet ask GP for coeliac blood test first or buy test online for under £20, just to rule it out first
Assuming test is negative you can immediately go on strictly gluten free diet
(If test is positive you will need to remain on high gluten diet until endoscopy, maximum 6 weeks wait officially)
Trying gluten free diet for 3-6 months. If no noticeable improvement then reintroduce gluten and see if symptoms get worse
My TPO antibodies attack has never diminished - I am regularly tested for vitamin and mineral deficiencies but nothing will help now as now been finished off by the autoimmune attack. Has anyone else had this attack that has taken their thyroid out.
Many, many people (but not everyone) find TPO antibodies do slowly diminish on strictly gluten free diet
The TPO antibodies aren't the cause of the attack, they are cleaning up the results of the attack
Have you considered parasites? Dr Jay Davidson and Dr Todd Watts with Microbe Formulas (sold in UK as Cellcore Biosciences products by Amrita Nutrition) have some great content on their Microbe Formulas website.
A Full Moon protocol might be worth exploring?