Doctor in a Million!!!: Further to a previous... - Thyroid UK

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Doctor in a Million!!!

11 Replies

Further to a previous thread:

So utterly relieved and absolutely over the moon!!! :-) :-) :-)

I finally had a long chat with the doctor, and he was amazingly helpful. Not just because of agreeing to raise my Levo (by a whole 25mcg rather than the cautious 12.5 I had thought to do) but his whole attitude, so different from so many doctors who are convinced they know it all. He admitted he didn't "Know it all" about thyroid treatment and that they were taught very little in med school. He said he was rather out of his comfort zone about this, but wanted to learn more.

He also commented on the fact that I had done my research and the literature I gave him wasn't just an "Article from the Daily Mail" as many patients tend to do. We talked about the medical profession's resistance to change and he brought up the fact that women with heart trouble are so often underdiagnosed. Then I mentioned the years it took before the theory was accepted that Helicobacter bacteria really were associated with stomach ulcers. It was like talking with an intellectual equal, (which in all medical matters except for thyroid - thanks to this forum - I obviously am not!). Mutual respect and seeking to solve a problem together - nothing like the usual doctor-patient relationship.

Maybe the increase in Levo won't work and I might end up needing T3 (and probably being unable to get it), but we'll face that if and when it happens - Together!

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11 Replies
MissGrace profile image

Brilliant. I’m so pleased for you. 🤸🏿‍♀️🤸🏿‍♀️🤸🏿‍♀️🥛

Hope it will encourage others to persist. So much tact, persistence, and in my case prayer, needed to convince even a good doctor that we do know what we are talking about. And especially to admit that we might know more than they do in this particular subject!

It was awesome to realise that I had managed to earn his respect.

Wetsuiter profile image
Wetsuiter in reply to

very well done

shaws profile image

It's great that your doctor was sensitive and wants to learn more. That, in itself, is wonderful. He may have relatives who've been struggling with hypo and medication.

It's also a boost to your morale, which we do need at times instead of 'fighting' for doctors to better understand how to treat us.

in reply to shaws

Yes. Message to everyone. DON'T GIVE UP

wellness1 profile image

Very happy for you! Hope you feel better with the dose increase.

Wish everyone could have the same success. Although it has taken over a year, and coming across one of the best doctors!

Nothing against the others, Just that this was exactly the one I needed.

Buddy195 profile image

Well done👍 Research and solidarity pay off! 😊

in reply to Buddy195

Thanks to everyone on here, the very many who contributed with support, encouragement and loads of information

TaraJR profile image

I am SO pleased to read this! I remember reading some of your previous posts and really worrying for you. Yes, persistence is important, in the right way. But that is so very hard when we feel so unwell. The system should not be like that. Keep us posted won't you?!

in reply to TaraJR

Bless you! I am not nearly as bad as so many on this forum, and being retired don't have to worry about losing my job. Even while still battling to get the right dosage, thyroxine has made a huge difference from how I was before. And, unlike many, my T4/T3 conversion has been OK so far.

But why be satisfied with being nearly well or fairly well when there are solutions that can and should be explored?

I also have an advantage of a friend who is a retired nurse, and will not stand any nonsense - even from doctors! Her support and encouragement has been invaluable when my instinct has been to cave in and even apologise for bothering them.

To find a doctor who is willing to explore with me is an amazing gift, for which I am so very grateful to God.

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