Anyone else tie their moods and feelings to thyroid problems?
When I was first diagnosed w Hashi's I felt v cold emotionally, like a snake. Even though I knew intellectually that I loved my partner, and I actively enjoyed being in his company, it was hard to actually feel the loving feelings. Not sure how finely to break it down here, but it was as though I could feel enjoyment but not love, as though he was an interesting and entertaining acquaintance. When I was on enough meds I began to feel it come back.
For the last few weeks I've been staying w my mum and feeling increasingly impatient and cross w her. She is 75 and we have always been close so I didn't feel v good about myself. I tried to hide my feelings and couch my reactions in politeness instead of just acting out but it was hard and I'm sure I was rather radiating resentment the whole time.
I started to feel a bit odd - hot, twitchy - and realised recent events (change in both levo dose + ldn meds) must have made me go a bit hyper. I swapped out some levo and voila, I feel much better. We've had a few really nice days together and I can feel all my usual feelings of closeness coming back.
It's so important to experience closeness w those we love, and we have limited time together. I'm cross that so much of this visit was spent brooding when the source of the upset was largely hormonal. I mean I also have normal human experiences and emotions and sometimes I'm cross, sometimes impatient etc (and now on the verge of menopause, a whole other can of worms, yay!), but so much of it is coloured by thyroid hormone. I can't believe how much more relaxed I feel today.
Anyone else finding their thyroid meds are fine-tuning or distorting emotional issues?