Hi. I am happy with my level of thyroxine and am generally healthy but my skin is so dry. I don’t mind on my body but my face has just grow older, droopier and crows feet getting deeper by the day. I have spent a fortune on creams, electrical face massagers and various UV light machines. I am now thinking of using the Collagen shots that are on the market as thinking that perhaps I need to go internally for help. Has anyone tried them or will they interfere with the Levothyroxine. I take 75mg a day and am wheat free and dairy free. I’m sorry if it appears that really I haven’t anything to worry about considering the problems you all have, but am getting depressed and feel that people, ie, on the bus or in a cafe, just judge me and on occasions aren’t quick enough to look away. I also have very bad Acne scarring and ‘pits’ which I know nothing can be done about and have accepted this.
Collagen shots: Hi. I am happy with my level of... - Thyroid UK
Collagen shots

I know nothing about collagen shots, but it sounds to me as if you have low human growth hormone. Do you also have receding gums and thin lips? What is your FT3 level?
Thank you for replying. My Ft3 levels are OK. I don’t have receding gums or thin lips and over the last 3 months my hair has started growing and thickening up and my eyebrows and eye lashes are now practically normal. Downside is that I now have to shave my legs again!!
Do you low thyroid? hashimotos ?

I have an underactive Thyroid. I started taking Collagen powder in a drink last thing at night and after a few nights noticed that my sleep improved. I slept the whole night through. I feel so much better and wake up ready to get out of bed and get on with the day whereas before I had to drag myself out.