Hello everyone,
Please forgive my sudden rise in posts and questions these last few days but I find myself bed bound some days, frustrated and in pain...looking for help and answers.
Has anyone had any success in reducing mucin? I must admit, in desperation I visited a surgeon with a view to try and get rid of it with liposuction, but he heavily advised against it.
I found the post below to be helpful as well and thought I would share for anyone else who is struggling with mucin. Especially as I have been told by countless GP's and Endo's that "its not a thing and its just fat so I should eat less and exercise more"! Grrrrrrrr!
A Post from Dr Shim's Liposuction Detox Stem cell on February 14, 2016 -
The fluid engorged tissue in the photo is caused by an overabundance of a naturally produced substance in the body called mucin. This is a result of hypothyroidism.
Myxedema, which is the retention of mucin, can occur when the tissues do not properly process and utilize thyroid hormone. (Myx is the Greek word for “mucin,” and edema means “swelling.”) Mucin is a compound comprised of sugars bound to a protein and in modest amounts is a constituent of connective tissue. (Connective tissue lines blood vessels, comprises nerve sheaths, is part of the fascial envelope surrounding muscles, and is in organs and glands, in the gastrointestinal and urinary tracts, and in the mucous membrane lining of the respiratory tract, including the sinuses.) By nature, jelly-like mucin absorbs water. When present in normal amounts, mucin is not a problem. But in excess, the hydrophilic (water-loving) mucin can cause serious problems wherever it accumulates in the connective tissue. Over half of the hypothyroid population (55%-60%) has abnormally high amounts of mucin, which accumulate more with age. In fact, the medical term for “hypothyroidism” used to be myxedema.