Hi everyone,
I was diagnosed with Grave"s disease last feb and been taking neo mercazole and levaxin for 7 months now. Since May, my tsh and t4 values are in normal range, my antibodies in normal ramge in june. I start to feel "normal" n July so i went back to work in Aug. Things started to feel strange again in August after my doctor have increased my levaxin, instead of tapering my dosage. This is because here in Norway, you have to follow a TSH of 1.5 (1-4.3 range) while under treatment. After increasing my levaxin dosage, i started taking beta blocker again and i feel tired. I feel like i am going backwards again, getting the symptoms back. So i asked my dr that want to be off meds just to see if i am overmedicated. I know this sounds crazy but the thing is, nowadays when i take levaxin i will get heart palpitations after 30 min of taking it (6 microgram, i know it is too low, but from the very beginning my body cant take higher dosage than this) then ill take neomercazole for blocking, but i will feel very very weak after 2 hours of taking it. I cant find relief in these 2 meds! Since i have normal levels for 5 months my dr agreed to try that ill be off meds. However, what i experience now is that i dont have any appetite and feel weak for some hours a day but i feel "normal" again after i lied down. But no palpitations. Is this normal, is this the side effect of drug withdrawal or did i become hypo now? My next blood work is in 2 weeks. I hope there are some people out there that have similar experiences. Thanks in advancw for your replies