A free webinar is playing regarding autoimmune issues. We know Hashimoto's is an autoimmune condition and most of those begin in the gut. These functional doctors have wonderful information and are worthwhile. I've personally learned and implemented some of their ideas. These talks are time sensitive for the next few days.
GUT-AUTOIMMUNE-THYROID : A free webinar is... - Thyroid UK
Supplements may not work when the gut cannot utilize them. If you heal your microbiome, your microbiome will heal you and it is made of layers of microbes which line the gut. It extracts nutrients and delivers them to receptors. They explained that if the stomach contains toxins, that bacteria will produce endotoxins as they die. The liver has receptors for endotoxins and so does the brain and muscle, hence with leaky gut after a meal you may suffer from endotoxemia which brings on brain fog, muscle fatigue, etc. This process is a new discovery and how leaky gut may manifest and then these receptors call for the inflammatory response.
wow that explains a lot of brain fog and muscular weakness . Do you think many ibs sufferers have these endotoxins which may improve with diet and supplements ?
Hi Birmanblue, the key is to keep the lining closed so they cannot leak out. If you have time, try to watch some of this video. It will be online for the rest of the day. It's well done and there are three interesting cases.
We've also learned about the nasal passages allowing a direct connection to the brain and they have found periodontal bacteria in the brain as well.
That is scary but if the gut is leaking is this connected to sinus and a runny nose? Read post from member who was convinced that cerebral spinal fluid was leaking but did not know whether it was from nasal sinus or ear.
Comment welcome as it could be rhinitis due to hay fever or a reaction to lactase or other multi intolerances.
One comment was made that if you have a pain in your ankle, it is related to leaky gut. They talk about leaky brain as well. Dr. Datis Kharrizian is studying the brain at Harvard. But they know how much power those microbes have and there are many more of those than actual DNA cells. They stressed how dangerous antibiotics are to your microbiome. Candida actually survives very well and often causes further problems.
Another comment about the brain is that neurons are circled by 7 different microbes to make it work. The gut needs to provide those microbes. We have to take this seriously because they also turn genes on or off. Even healthy foods may be the ones that disregulate your gut. For one of the doctors it was SPINACH. It cause inflammation and weight gain. Forget the calories it's about the bacteria.
That is confusing as everyone has a different microbiome but the spinach if eaten raw or unwashed might contain oxalic acid and bacteria . We had a case in our country with listeria in sandwiches sold by nhs in hospitals and over 5 people died. This is not what people expect as most hospitals may have administered antibiotics to kill the bugs but with cuts if you are ill after sixpm or over weekend you may not get tests done for several days so you might pop off unexpectedly.protecting the imune system from over use of antibiotics should not be an excuse for quick lab results and treatment but things have worsened since fifty years ago. Must not grumble as have had help but it takes time to get it.
In the U.S. it's almost everyday to have an outbreak of something from our produce or cheese. Everyone has their individual composition of flora and it is constantly developing (like almost everything else in the body). The type of testing in food sensitivity was through a stool test although hair analysis can also come up with similar results. I think these tests are going to be far more valuable than blood tests as you will know it advance what you may be vulnerable to. If you stay within those guidelines you microbiome will be enhanced. Bad microbes will not be made due to ingesting foods that disagree with your microbiome.
Antibiotics can be lifesaving but people don't often work on repopulating the good microbes after treatment. There is an antibiotic called rifaximin which does not have the same ramifications as broad spectrum. Augmentin destroys a huge amount of your gut bacteria.
The increase of gut disease and mental disease is often brought about by the use of GMOs and Glyphosate beginning around 1995. The mid portion describes the method of gluten sensitivity.
This has turned into a very informative series. Alyssio Fassano is a Harvard researcher and coined non-Celiac, gluten sensitivity because this will still be a gluten problem. Glutamine helps with gut repair, may also cut cravings. It acts like sugar on the brain but some people with certain snps should not use glutamine but other amino acids instead. She recommended putting 500 mgs of glutamine under the tongue for an acute desire....even for alcohol.
The knowledge regarding autoimmunity is more extensive than ever and can be useful to the average viewer and very motivating when you understand that even weight gain is involved with your microbiome.
Many thanks. Seems good series. Watched Episode 1 which confirms several things I agree with as an avid "Microbiomer'!
Functional doctors have been vitally important because they seek the "causes" which conventional doctors ignore completely. At least we do have some control over our health. Changing the bacteria can even help with weight loss. Who would have thought!
Episode 2 is now playing. gutsolutionseries.com/episo...
This one is about IBS, Acid Reflux and SIBO.
Thanks for this Heloise, I found it very informative. I definitely need to heal my gut and get building on good bacteria 👍
Thanks for useful information. Have found histamine flare tests from smart blood tests helpful as well as United States health writers such as Suzy Cohen, Jessica Madden and Isabella Wentz very interesting. Self help is easier with expertise of pharmacists and doctors aware of nutrition such as above. Enjoyed first episode. Need more exercise to help weight loss.
Oh, good. I like them as well. I think Izabella was the first to put The Thyroid Secret online. I've actually posted summaries on TUK. We've made a lot of progress since then. The only exercise I get is playing golf except although I still do the 4-min. workout to produce nitric oxide by Zack Bush, another trail blazer. I posted that here as well if you want to look it up. I had also encouraged people to try using unfilterd ACV with meals. If you can also minimize carbs you will be surprised. The vinegar will kill some unwholesome bacteria, block some starch and more. You can then burn fat instead of carbs. Your body will first burn carbohydrates (protein actually falls into that category in nutrition) if it is available and store the fat. Very nice chatting with you, keep learning.
If anyone wants to view the series, it takes ~20 seconds to register via gutsolutionseries.com. Alternatively I or someone else already registered can send on each Episode as they occur daily, on request.
Episode 4 has an interesting take on parasites. gutsolutionseries.com/episo... No doubt we've ALL encountered them. They love protein. He recommended using digestive enzymes to break down protein before parasites can use them. Proteins break down into amino acids which help make neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Dr. Davidson has also recommended something to kill parasites and I know someone who used it successfully. I think it's called mimosa pudica.
There is a wonderful testimonial in this episode (4) from a female police officer who had everything from bipolar to Parkinson symptoms and weighed 200 pounds. She was very motivated by other sufferers which led to her recovery.
Dr. Davidson ground his teeth at night and needed crowns and stated parasites are classic for sleep issues because they are active at night. That also increases cortisol.
Being puffy and bloaty is another factor of toxin overload. The body's process is to dilute the toxin by increasing fluid which then causes the puffiness. We recently had a summit on detoxing and realize these functional doctors have been learning and expanding on natural methods to assist the body. Another test brought up in this episode 4 is urine note. I had never heard of it but she said some of her patients did not improve on a protocol so this urine test actually opened their eyes to what was stopping the treatment.
I'm trying to find out more about this test.