I wonder if anyone can help me ?28 years ago I had a partial thyroidectomy due to multi modular goitre.The Drs weren’t going to do anything as all my bloods were normal, but an ultrasound picked up the problem.
Over the years I’ve been referred to endocrinologists because of various problems, but each time nothing has been done as my bloods were normal.
Last Friday I saw my gp as I’ve been suffering the same symptoms as I had before when was operated on.
This time as well as feeling the familiar feeling of a lump in my throat that makes swallowing food difficult.
I also wake up feeling very jittery and haven’t hand tremors , I have great trouble getting to sleep and my hair is very dry.
It also feels like someone is pulling a belt very tightly round my throat. I have a pain at the front of my neck which goes up to my ear.
My gp was very patronising and reluctantly sent me for a blood test to see if I am Hypothyroid.
I mentioned about my other bloods being normal and all he said was blood tests don’t lie .
He said what was left of my thyroid was bulkier than normal and is sending me for an ultrasound.
But has warned me if both results are normal he won’t take it any further.
I really don’t know what to do as I just feel like nobody believes me .