I've posted about this before, but what is the legal status of thyroid disease in relation to employment law and reasonable workload . what I mean is if I need the odd rest to recharge my batteries etc I'm entitled to take it .
Rest breaks : I've posted about this before, but... - Thyroid UK
Rest breaks
Good question. I’m going to ask our union tomorrow about this too. Hopefully have an update for you then. I work for DWP and their idea seems to be to run people into the ground with statistics and non stop mounting work loads. Been so worn out at times from my thyroid issues that I’ve had many sick days. We get two 15 minute breaks per day and lunch. Never heard about other breaks.
I went from a full time job / career to working part time / casual because I couldn’t maintain a f/t job anymore. I have Hashimotos. I hope one day to have a more regular job but not sure when my symptoms will stabilise to allow that. It’s a life changing condition in my case. Fatigue and pain etc. I’ve accepted it. I have a young child too and that keeps me busy! I think you need to be realistic about what you can maintain long term. Your employer may be supportive but they only have to make reasonable adjustments. They might accept you going from ft to part time if you’re ft at the mo. Good luck.
I wanted to carry on working, and just missed a voluntary redundancy payout because of trying to carry on in the face of increased hours and more travelling (quite often during city rush hours). I was getting too tired even to enjoy a job I loved. Also, the work sometimes included taking people out in the car, so for their safety and mine retirement was the only choice in the end.
Being already over 65 I've had a good innings so can't complain! But it's terribly hard for younger people.