I can hardly talk my voice is husky and squeaky - Thyroid UK

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I can hardly talk my voice is husky and squeaky

Kirstylstocks profile image
6 Replies

Hello all I have graves disease and hyperthyroidism and Saturday night I had a drink with friends. Made me feel rubbish next day my heart was beating fast dont think I'll be drinking for a while but anyway I wasnt shouting or singing. Next day about tea time my voice just suddenly changed i thought it was because I'm tired but was wrong as Its still the same. I saw my gp Monday mentioned my voice and he said the hyperthyroidism can do this at times as anyone else expierenced the voice change struggling to talk.

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6 Replies
SlowDragon profile image

Sounds like you may be need levels of carbimazole adjusting

Have you had vitamins tested?

Have you definitely had a Graves confirmed by high TSI or TRab antibodies?

For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4 and FT3 plus both TPO and TG thyroid antibodies tested. Plus TRab or TSI antibodies for Graves Dionne

Also extremely important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12

Low vitamin levels are extremely common, especially if Thyroid antibodies are raised

Recommended on here that all thyroid blood tests should ideally be done as early as possible in morning and fasting. This gives highest TSH, lowest FT4 and most consistent results. (Patient to patient tip, best not mentioned to GP or phlebotomist)

Private tests are available. Thousands on here forced to do this as NHS often refuses to test FT3 or antibodies or all vitamins


Medichecks Thyroid plus ultra vitamin or Blue Horizon Thyroid plus eleven are the most popular choice. DIY finger prick test or option to pay extra for private blood draw. Both companies often have special offers, Medichecks usually have offers on Thursdays, Blue Horizon its more random

Have you tried strictly gluten free diet?

Helps many with Graves or Hashimoto's

Changing to a strictly gluten free diet may help reduce symptoms, help gut heal

While still eating high gluten diet ask GP for coeliac blood test first or buy test online for under £20, just to rule it out first

Assuming test is negative you can immediately go on strictly gluten free diet

(If test is positive you will need to remain on high gluten diet until endoscopy, maximum 6 weeks wait officially)

Trying gluten free diet for 3-6 months. If no noticeable improvement then reintroduce gluten and see if symptoms get worse





Kirstylstocks profile image
Kirstylstocks in reply to SlowDragon

I'm taking 40mg a day my vitamin d is a little low so I'm taking vitamin d tablets all my other vitamin levels are fine well they were 4 week ago yeah maybe they need checking again thankyou

TedHutch profile image
TedHutch in reply to Kirstylstocks

I think you need to check your vitamin d label.

It is possible you are taking 4000 iu daily. however that isn't a huge dose and is barely sufficient to maintain 25(OH)D.

40,000iu is a reasonable amount to raise 25(OH)D above 50ng/ml 12nmol/l however if doing 40,000iu daily you would need to check 25(OH)D frequently to be sure levels were not becoming toxic.

It is worth knowing that tablets are usually solid while vitamin d3 is a fat soluble vitamin and generally better absorbed when carried in a liquid oil, such as olive oil, fish oil, mct or other healthy oil/fat

from IU to mcg: IU/40 = mcg

For example: 400 IU/40 = 10 mcg

40,000iu / 40 = 1000 mcg = 1mg

40 mg vitamin d therefore = 40,000 x 40 = 1,600,000 iu which if you took it daily would be toxic.

Kirstylstocks profile image
Kirstylstocks in reply to TedHutch

Sorry I meant 40 mg of carbimizole I'm taking over the counter vit d

Valarian profile image

Yes, I remember the squeaky voice syndrome, along with the shaky hands and the weak leg muscles....hopefully, as your thyroid levels come down, they will resolve, but really horrible until then.

I didn't drink much when my symptoms were at their worst (too tired to socialise!), but can't say I noticed the odd glass of wine making things worse.

Take care !

Kirstylstocks profile image
Kirstylstocks in reply to Valarian

My levels are improving I'm on 40mg of carbimizole a day it's only my free thyroxine that's high but I'm not improving physically and my goitre is getting worse

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