Hi I’ve been on thyroxine for several years now, I am never told what my results are I expect I should but none of them make any sense, I didn’t go to the doctors with any thyroid problems apart from being tired , but at the time I was looking after my 3 grandchildren all under 5 two being twins and 10 mths old . My doctor told me I was borderline hyperthyroidism, my dosage is 125 mg , I have felt no different from the day I started taking them in fact I’ve put lots of weight on, don’t sleep very well , wonder if I could just come off them for a trial
Can I come off my meds : Hi I’ve been on... - Thyroid UK
Can I come off my meds

Really not advisable! And, if you had been 'border-line hyper' I doubt your doctor would have prescribed levo.
Doctors rarely tell you your results - most of them would prefer you didn't know, and the others think you wouldn't understand. But, in the UK, it is your legal right to have a print-out. So, ask for one at reception. Only then will you know what's happening.
You may not think it's been doing anything. But if you stopped it, I'm sure you would soon feel the difference - and not in a good way.
There are many reasons why levo doesn't seem to be doing anything - an absorption problem, a conversion problem, or maybe you're just not taking enough. It's complicated. But you won't know until you've seen your results. We can explain them to you. So, it's essential that you get hold of them. That's the first step to getting better!
Thanks Greygoose for the info , I will find out my readings when I next have my blood checked never know when that’s going to happen can be more than a year unless I go with another problem , thanks again
Yes, don’t be afraid to ask for your results. I work in a GP surgery and it is perfectly normal to ask for them and it is indeed your right. I find it strange that they told you that you were borderline but that you are on a reasonably high dose of levothyroxine. You might want to look at ways to improve your gut health by following a gluten free healthy diet and taking probiotics for instance. It will help with absorbtion. I have been seeing a nutritionist for the last 11 months who really helped me sort my digestive system out and my thyroid symptoms are largely gone ( unfortunately I am now suffering with interstitial cystitis instead). Good luck in taking charge of you own health.
Hi I came on as you read my first post some time ago, with ref to coming off my meds as I didn’t think they were doing anything , I thought I was on 150 but it’s 100 grams
Here are my results from my blood test does it look ok for the meds I’m on
Serum TSH level 0.30 miu/L [0.2 - 4.0]
Ideal T4 replacement therapy indicated by TSH 0.2-2.0 miu/L
thanks for looking 👍🏻