I have Hashi's. I've been on Levo for about 9 years but about 3 years ago my symptoms flared up (before then I was subclinical with no symptoms). Endos have not helped, so my aim was to try to get T3 added to my Levo. But before going down that route, I decided to try going gluten-free. So I have been 100% GF for the last 4 months, with no obvious improvement in my symptoms. Since re-introducing a little gluten last week I have had bloating and wind.
Whilst being GF I have been successful in getting T3 prescribed privately - but I have not started taking the T3 yet.
I'm interested to know whether, once I start on T3 and assuming it works for me, would staying 100% GF forever help with thyroid symptoms, or would it just make life a bit more comfortable (ie less bloating etc)? Am I right in thinking that if I wasn't GF then my immune system would just continue merrily attacking my thyroid (and reducing its T3 output) - but why would that matter if my prescribed T3 was keeping me well, albeit presumably with dose increases as my thyroid withered? Basically, once on T3 and it works, I'm hoping being GF can then just be an option for me if I want to feel more comfortable digestion-wise.
greygoose and SlowDragon : SeasideSusie suggested I tag the Hashi's experts