Does anyone have experience of using adrenal liquesence to help improve adrenal fatigue? My doctor has prescribed it and it doesn’t seem to be doing me much good.
Adrenal liquesence : Does anyone have experience... - Thyroid UK
Adrenal liquesence

There is no such thing as adrenal fatigue, it is NOT a medical diagnosis, just a method of selling snake oil.
Hi there - I am sorry but I don't agree with or the medical profession who says this condition does not exist. The medical profession are always slow to come to the table with anything they don't quite understand e.g. Lyme disease or even low Vitamin C causing scurvy took 200 hundred years for that penny to drop.
I am now 70 years of age but from a very young age (7 or 8) suffered with extreme fatigue - this went on all my life - i was able to function until I had something stressful to deal with then I was out cold on the settee exhausted - twice I had what they called 'nervous exhaustion' and almost collapsed. The only thing that kept me going were Vitamin B and other supplements that fed the adrenal system.
Move forward to my 50's and I have the most obscure but serious symptoms and eventually I am given a small dose of thyroid hormone without any support for the adrenals and then all my troubles really started - to cut a long story short - eventually it has come to the fore that my adrenals were at fault but not necessarily via cortisol production directly but indirectly from the sex hormones running down in an attempt to produce cortisol to keep me alive - i.e. DHEA, progesterone, estrogen, testosterone, pregnenalone and aldosterone - these hormones from the adrenals glands have been desperately trying to help by diverting to make cortisol - particularly progesterone and pregnenalone - I have been diagnosed as deficient in all of these sex hormones and indeed I am now an Addison's patient together with everything else I have to contend with but this would not have happened had anyone thought to treat the sex hormone issue which would have re balanced the adrenal glands to make cortisol naturally rather than me having the take steroids for the rest of my life.
So please don't just dismiss Adrenal Fatigue as nothing - because I am afraid there is a phenomena out there that affects the adrenal glands from sex hormone deficiency causing the adrenal insufficiency - I wonder how many 'Doctors' that dismiss adrenal fatigue out of hand would even know about this. My blood tests showed a deficiency in all sex hormones but particularly Pregnenalone and DHEA - the pregnenalone loss is called "Pregnenalone steal" where it dashes off to help the adrenals to make cortisol to keep the body going - that is a clear sign that adrenal gland itself is under functioning.
Apparently the proper name for it is adrenal insufficiency, the adrenals don't get tired, just don't work right. Maybe that was what StephenHall meant
Think you are right
The trouble is that the medical profession seem to think that you either have Addisons or secondary adrenal sufficiency, or Cushings, but that if your bloods are right at the bottom or top of the range, until you drop (or rise) by one point there is nothing wrong with you even if you have all the symptoms. To me adrenal fatigue is all the symptoms of high or low cortisol, but bloods just in range. It's not logical to assume that everything changes radically with plus or minus 1 on the range - it's got to be a spectrum.
Can you be more specific about your adrenal tests.
Do you have low or high dhea and low or high cortisol?
A 24 hour saliva test can help you obtain the results. So you do one dhea test and 4 cortisol tests.
Also keeping temp with a balsal thermometer will help ascertain if you have adrenal issues. ( see )and on the home page in the top right hand corner type in orchestra. It will take you to a great article on improving your health. You can search for adrenal the gear box also which talks you through how you can overcome and problems.
Adrenal fatigue is a bit woolly. When you have specific results we can help you more.
I’m at a loss to understand how knowing my adrenal and cortisol test results will help you answer my question. I have adrenal fatigue (diagnosed) and my doctor has given me adrenal liquesence.
My question is does anybody have experience of using adrenal liquesence. Not do I have adrenal fatigue!
It’s not a standard diagnosis nor a standard treatment.
Specialists use more specific treatments that’s why I asked what your results are. I’ve seen over 4000 results.
The previous comments were right pregnenelone is used for low dhea.
Steroids or adrenavive for low cortisol.
High levels of both are treatable.
However one size does not fit all.
You are using a homeopathic remedy which in my opinion ( as i have severe adrenal issues) would be insufficient for me and not rectify my conditions.
However I wish you luck with your health.
I never heard of Adrenal liquesence. What are the ingredients? And what kind of doctor prescribed it?
Seems it should be used with caution if at all:

Looks like it is a homeopathic remedy
Active Ingredients: Equal parts of Glycyrrhiza glabra 1X‚ Bee Pollen 2X‚ Rosa canina 3X‚ Paullinia sorbilis 3X‚ Panax ginseng (Chinese) 3X‚ 6X‚ Adrenal 3X‚ 6X‚ Zincum metallicum 6X‚ Ephedra vulgaris 6X‚ Adrenocorticotrophin (ACTH) 6X‚ Adrenalinum 12X‚ Natrum muriaticum 12X.
Inactive Ingredients: 20% Ethanol‚ purified water.
What do the Xs mean? The dilutions?
Have a look here:
Personally I steer clear of things like homeopathy. The idea that "Like cures like" and the greater the dilution and shaking the more powerful a substance is seems to have more basis in magic than science in spite of Hahnemann's attempts to test it scientifically.
"Like cures like" does occasionally work, just as bloodletting (mentioned in the article) may. But only in specific situations, such as immunisation for the first and (forget the name of it) - the blood disorder where there are too many red cells - for the second. But the principle is more often applied in occultism and magic "As above, so below" kind of stuff.
I personally have not used the product you Are referring to, but I have used homeopathic remedies with success. What thing I've noticed though is that my body doesn't like the ethanol / alcohol based remedies and I see that the one you are referring to is alcohol based. So if you have sensitivies or are a sensitive person I would say be careful using it because of this. The alcohol based remedies are known to disrupt digestion etc.
The product had some positive reviews but others who are sensitive said it revved them up too much. When it comes to adrenals supplements and if one is weak and low energy taking a supplement that is meant to support your adrenals may be too much for you if your body is really depleted. So start on low doses always.
You mention your hormones are tanked ....have you tried bio identical hormones. My hormones are tanked as well ....due to hypo symptoms, along with adrenal issues cortisol grabbed from sex hormones to feed adrenals. Left me with an empty tank. My functional med doctor has me on biest cream and progesterone to help restore my hormones (I am 50), and I am on low dose NDt.
I am a work in progress.
My daughter suffers from Addison's disease (took many years to be diagnosed). Prior to diagnosis we saw many complementary practitioners who prescribed various remedies most of which contained adaptogens - ginseng, liquorice, rhodiola etc. Derivatives of which appear in your remedy. After many years of feeling worse and much research we found that adaptogens, in fact, lower cortisol. Despite what many practitioners say, adaptogens seem to make adrenal issues worse. This is only our experience but I hope it may help.
Good luck and take care.