I need to run another blood test later this week to check on things. I am not sure how to do it.
I am currently taking 125mcg Levo + 6.25 Liothyronine T3.
I know to leave 24 hours from last dose of Levo. But what to do with such a small dose of T3.
NOTE: I am not looking to keep levels as low as possible where T3 is concerned, rather looking for what my actual levels might be during the day because I have developed the dreaded Atrial Fibrillation.
In the past I have had random episodes of Afib that have resolved spontaneously. Sadly this one has got stuck in the "on" position for 5 weeks tomorrow. I had to go to hospital last week as my pulse was 135. They have changed my meds and now I wait, exhausted, for my cardiac appointment on 24th April. But already the hospital doctors have focussed in on my T3 usage. When the Afib started I was taking 12.5 T3 a day with the 125 Levo. But I cut the T3 in half just in case that was doing it. I don't think it's the T3 because reducing the dose hasn't helped at all and has made me feel more tired in myself. But the letter for the cardiologist states I was reluctant to stop T3 but that if the Afib is hard to control then I will need to stop it.
To say this is all a blow is putting it mildly. So I want my blood test to best reflect the status of my blood so that I can decide what I think. I'm not taking T3 if it's doing this to me. But I don't think it is the culprit really. For a time in the past I was T3 only and on quite a high dose per day with no Afib to speak of.