Has anyone taken beef liver tablets to boost iron levels rather than actual iron supplements- its just because I can't stomach liver/black pudding etc. The mere thought of it makes me gag
Beef liver tablets: Has anyone taken beef liver... - Thyroid UK
Beef liver tablets

This does not quite answer your question, but you might find something of interest in this document of mine:
Yes, I take desiccated liver capsules for the same reason that I hate liver!
These are the ones I take. perfectsupplements.com/Perf...
I buy them in bulk so they work out cheaper. I've been taking them since June 2018 and my hair is regrowing so much. I've overjoyed. My nails also grow like crazy.
I'm thinking of buying a dehydrator and making my own.
Hi faeriesue, thanks for your reply. Do these tabs have the same sort of side effects as iron tabs do, ie. constipation and having to take Vit C (or taking them with fruit juice) at the same time. I am one of those people who do not get on very well with synthetic drugs. I'm glad they have worked for you. Have you had your ferritin level retested since being on the liver tabs?
No side effects whatsoever. But they’re not synthetic so that may be why. It’s just dried liver ground into a powder. I’m getting my ferritin tested tomorrow so will let you know when I get my results.
Many thanks, I'll wait until you let me know if its been a success 😄 I hope so because this could be an answer for me
Hi Faeriesue, Have you had the results of your blood test for ferritin level yet. If so, has your liver tabs made any difference, I would love to know when you have a minute to reply
Apologies, I kept meaning to update you, thanks for the nudge.
Serum ferritin level 36.7 ug/L [20.0 - 130.0] 17/04/18
Serum ferritin level 43.5 ug/L [20.0 - 130.0] 27/03/19
I started supplementing in June. I stopped taking the supplements 5 days before my blood test as I didn't want it to impact my thyroid results. I'm not sure if my ferritin results would have been much higher if I hadn't stopped.
It hasn't gone up by much but my hair has started to grow back so something is working. I'll continue to take them but I may consider trying to hide liver in my food.
Sorry faeriesue, didn't mean to nag. I'm glad you've had some improvement but it's not that much. How many do you have to take and can you increase the dose? Hiding liver in my food definitely wouldn't work for me as I can't stand the smell of it. I've stopped cooking it for my husband for that reason. I was made to eat it as a child - Doctors orders and I gagged on every mouthful
No need to apologise.
I take 4 capsules a day which is the recommended dose. A weeks supply is only the equivalent of 85g though so I could increase. I get mine from America for about £100 for 6months supply, that doesn't include import taxes. I'm tempted to start making my own.
I'm guessing you would have to handle raw liver in order to make your own plus buying a tablet making device? Can't imagine what the smell would be like whilst your drying it. I think the recommended "eating" amount is about 200 g per week so you would have to increase the dose of your tabs by 125 g per week so that's quite a lot of tablets per day - then you might experience some of the side effects that Angel of the North had
These are the instructions I was looking at:
I don't think my colleagues would appreciate the side effects lol.
When I was body builder I took desiccated liver tablets. They really make you fart and tend to repeat on you, so not good if you don't like the taste! But it's been a lot of years since I tried.
Thankfully I haven’t suffered with any of those side effects.
I have hypo and on thyroxine for 6 years. Does thr beef liver interfere or raise level? I'm so dizzy can barely stand loss iron vertigo palpitations tinnitus list goes on. I have thallesemia so heomoglogim and iron is always low plus heavy periods. My ferritin is now 18 and these ectopoc heart beats are scaring me to say the least . You think i could benifit from the supplements? I'm scared to try if i feel worse.. i bought them thinking i take 1 a day.. love from Australia