Right ok. I’ve been put on iron tablets and I’m 10 days in. I’m taking them with vitamin c. I’ve also stopped taking lansoprazole and introduced cider vinegar tablets. My question is what can I now take to help me go to the toilet as I haven’t been able to go regularly since starting iron and coming of lansoprazole. The apple cider hasn’t yet stopped me having acids but so far hasn’t caused heartburn.I know iron tablets can do that to you but the last time I was on them I was the opposite. I eat plenty fruit and veg and drink plenty of water and exercise regularly. Any advice on what to take instead of apple cider or something to help my gut through the iron tablets again would be grateful.
Iron tablets: Right ok. I’ve been put on iron... - Thyroid UK
Iron tablets

How many iron tablets are you taking per day? What kind and what dose?
You could take more vitamin C, for example, 1 gram or 1000mg of vitamin C with each iron tablet. It has a laxative effect in high enough doses.
I've never heard of cider vinegar tablets before!

After a lifetime of constipation and trying all sorts, two things have helped me
1) Ortis Fruits and Fibres Cubes
They used to do different variations, not sure if they still do, but that one linked to doesn't contain Senna so if you look elsewhere then make sure no Senna is listed.
2) Magnesium Citrate - this is what properly normalised my bowels for the first time ever. If you use the powder form (I make a small drink with orange juice and have it before I go to bed, normal BM next morning) start with a small amount and work up to what you need.
I use the unflavoured version so no added ingredients like flavouring.
I take my levo at night so would it still be ok to take magnesium then too.
Hi for as long as I can remember I’ve had a sluggish bowel. My normal bowel movement would be once every 7-10 days.
Since being diagnosed I read an article stating gut healing was essential and to take a good probiotic so I started the process several weeks ago and now I’m going almost every day! No pain no nausea no loose motions and no hard stools!
I’ve been taking the following probiotic one tablet once a day every morning with breakfast. I wish I’d found them years ago!
Prunes have iron in them. You might want to get your calculator out, look up how much iron you are getting in your pill, read up how much iron is in prunes and substitute some of your pills with prunes. And we all know how good prunes are for constipation.
Magnesium citrate has been a revelation for me with this problem....now solved, I also take Solgar Gentle Iron. May look into SeasideSuzies powdered version as I hate taking tablets.

Would also recommend "Calm vitality magnesium powder", helps improve sleep too.
Best taken afternoon or evening, depending on when you take your Levothyroxine
Magnesium and iron both need to be four hours away from taking Levothyroxine
The best soloution to your iron problem is quit the dairy! If you do it even for a few months your iron level will soar. Also if you drink alot of tea stop! Eating dairy stops your body from absorbing iron as does tea. I struggled with low iron, couldn't tolerate iron tablets it was awful. Then last year i gave up dairy my iron levels made a remarkable recovery. Of course my doc was mystified and still is lol! X
Or you are intolerant of dairy, many with Hashimoto's are.
Going dairy free may have improved gut function
I dont have hashimotos i have an iodine deficiency. Trouble is everytime i take iodine my heartrate goes crazy. All stimulants make my heart race even levo did the same. I was put on natural progesterone and in the begining it made my heart race too. I hypo and my body is craving t4 and t3 but i have to go slow because i have been hypo for so long all my vits are now optimal and my hormones are on the right road just have to fix the iodine. The t4 i have i convert very well just dont have enough of it. I cant stand seafood so no iodine! I had a ct scan 2 years ago my heart rate went bananas ended up in a&e. I lost weight fast was like a miracle and my t3 jumped to 5! The docs said they had no idea what caused it. It was obvious it was the iodine, idiots! Now its all worn off im back to low t4 and t3 again😞
You can have Hashimoto's and yet never have high antibodies
Did you ever get ultrasound of thyroid, this may give diagnosis
Your reaction to iodine sounds like Hashimoto's
Anyone with Hashimoto's is advised to avoid iodine by many leading Hashimoto's experts. Eg
Have you tried strictly gluten free diet?
Another option when patients can't tolerate increase in Levo to adequate dose, some Endo's will advise adding propranolol. Many years ago I was able to increase Levo dose by this route. Needed 125mcg, could only tolerate 75mcg. (you can't take propranolol if suffer from asthma)
Yes im gluten free and dairy free. Ive tried propranonol for 3 months slowed my thyroid even more made me feel terrible. I have my antibodies tested every year very low. My tsh has never been higher than 4.1 but gp says my thyroid is fine even though my t4 and t3 are low. It was a private doctor that said rubbish i needed thyroid hormone but my gp refused to give it to me. I tried it for 3 months but no good so im stumped? X
How much propranolol?
I use to take 10mg 3 or 4 times per day. It was incredibly difficult to start with.
If that's not an option
You may need to introduce Levo incredibly slowly
Some need to start with just 12.5mcg. Wait 6-8 weeks, test. Then increase to 25mcg repeat etc
Have you done DIO2 gene test?
A drop in the ocean do some sea kelp which states that it can return you to normal thyroid function. There staff will advise you dependant on how long you have taken levothyroxine. If you have been on levothyroxine it may be too late to try their sea kelp but you must tell them if you are taking any other forms of iodine.
Staff are paid wages. Those wages come from sales. Do you really expect balanced and utterly truthful advice from them?
And if by some chance they are wrong? Do they compensate you for the problems they caused?
Yes they are very well trained and very professional and have steered me well in the past. Unfortunately manufacturers who have patented recipes of good medicine either conventional or alternative charge big money for good cures and its not fair to blame the suppliers. Mistakes are made by all why pick on alternative medicine suppliers.
I say exactly the same about anyone who is both advising and selling the product they are advising about. There are some people who put integrity ahead of profit.
Do you have a link to the company?
So I now have apple cider 1000mg tablets, Acidophilus tablets, magnesium citrate tablet, vitamin c and prescribed ferrous fumarate 305mg twice a day. Please advice best times to take. I currently take Levothyroxine at night. Was taking iron tablet with vitiamin c in the morning and and around 5 with apple cider in the morning too. Any advice appreciated as I’m trying to get the balance perfect.
Hello trendywends,
If you are on iron tablets from your GP, I can almost guarantee your pills will be dirt cheap ones that are not easy to absorb. Many people get given Ferrous Sulphate or Ferrous Fumerate. My experience with these, was the same as yours and my system didn't work properly (though gave me black pooh and appalling headaches) however years later and trying all sorts of forms of iron supplementation. Finally I tried Spatone Liquid Iron mixed with fresh orange juice. Have been taking it three months now. Within the first two weeks I began to feel better. Spatone is very easy on the stomache and whilst it is not strong like some of them it is natural and no constipation or headaches experienced.
Reaction to iron tablets is different from person to person. I took ferrous fumarate 210mg, one tablet three times a day for nearly 2 years and coped with them with no problems.
I still take one tablet 2 or 3 times a week to maintain my levels where I want them.
Going gluten free improved my iron absorbency, although I doubt if I'll ever be good at the absorption of anything.
Also take Magnesium Glycinate and that keeps system normal!
I take lactulose 15ml twice daily, helps with bad bacteria too. Doesn't work overnight but takes several days to kick in but does the trick. Gives you terrible stinky wind be prepared. When the pharmacist prescribed me lactulose she was working on the principle that my constipation was related to my hypothyroidism and not diet related.
Oh and I nearly forgot theres a version of T4 called Tirosint which is for those that have sensitivity to the usual forms of T4. It comes as a liquid filled capsule there is lots of info on the web if you would like to check up on it first.