Can anyone please tell me if NHS doctors in the north east accept medicheck results .I'd like to have their tests done but it would seem a waste of money if my GP won't accept the results.Thank you
Medichecks: Can anyone please tell me if NHS... - Thyroid UK

Whether any GP accepts private test results is an individual thing according to their personal or professional inclination. It's not linked to a geographic or CCG area. But discovering data about yourself, whether it rules a medical condition in or out, even if a particular Dr doesn't act on it, can be very useful in helping you make your own health decisions and/or take action. For instance, I took my private blood test results and my genetic test result on my iPad to my Endo appointment, and he was both very interested, and acted on them, when my GP had previously responded with a glazed look. Or another scenario might be that we discover we have an autoimmune thyroid condition for instance, when previously antibodies hadn't been tested by the GP, and that information enables us to make lifestyle changes that could be of benefit, irrespective of any treatment our GP is prescribing. Worst case scenario, in the event of having to formally make a complaint or plead our case, having evidence of being inadequately treated can make a difference to the outcome. But you won't know if your GP is responsive to private test results, until you try TBH.
Thank you maisiegray
Hi Pet Lamb. I think it probably depends on the individual doctor. I had a Medichecks test done (TSH, T4, T3 and antibodies) which indicated I had sub clinical hypothyroidism. I took it to my GP who was happy to see it. She prescribed Levothyroxine on the strength of that and even phoned me the day after to discuss the antibody levels. I can’t guarantee the response you’ll get from your doctor but I don’t know why they’d want to turn down blood results just because you got them privately
Thank you I had full blood count taken again yesterday and I'm waiting for test results from my doctors .my problem is I saw the practice nurse about a month ago now and requested bloods to be done as I was and am feeling ill. she agreed eventually and promised full blood count b12 folate Ferritin vitamin d among others well i didn't get the vit d or the folate but thyroid bloods were done as i have hashimotos. anyway the bloods were taken on the 27th of February and the results back on the 28th doctors wanted extra fbc done this was achived yesterday. Problem is I never feel well and have asked several times over the years and again this year for vit d b12 folate and Ferritin but doctors seem reluctant to do them I have a history of them being low but even though a test last july indicated borderline anaemia and when my level have been on the bottom of normal or boarderline I have been refused treatment.
Depends on the surgery. Mine insisted on having my ferritin tests redone at the NHS's expense. Silly man! They came back even worse than the private test results, so it cost the practice more. All I wanted was ferrous fumarate, but I ended with all sorts of expensive referrals after that,
Thanks for youre reply can't help laugh .sorry its just that the doctors think they k no it all .when will they realise we are our own experts in how we doctors receptionist has just phoned to say my doctors what to see me (now have an appointment next week) blood results's not like i haven't been trying to tell them 😊