Result from TPO antibody test showed a result of 15 with normal range < 34
What exactly does this mean?
Result from TPO antibody test showed a result of 15 with normal range < 34
What exactly does this mean?
It would indicate that you do not have hashomiotos.
It would indicate that you MIGHT NOT have Hashi's. But, as antibodies fluctuate, it's not definitive. You would need several tests. And, even then, you could still have Hashi's.
Did you have your anti thyroglobulin antibodies tested too? Some people with Hashimoto's have normal TPO but high anti thyroglobulin... Like me. It's not as normal but still happens with some people.
But yes test relatively regularly in case these antibodies suddenly become high or start creeping up.
As you have Graves your vitamins are likely low.
even if you do have Hashimotos your immune system can be too low to produce high antibodies. Although the range is up to 35 healthy people should have no antibodies. An underactive thyroid can be caused by hashimotos or an iodine deficiency but 95% of cases in developed countries are due to hashimotos.
What a tricky disease
Thanks everyone
I’m recently diagnosed too...tricky is definitely one way to describe it
It doesn’t mean you don’t have it, when the doctors first decided to test me for TpO antibodies (after me pushing for it) mine was 4, so, they told me I didn’t have hashis, but when I started doing my own tests privately my TPO had shot right up. TpO fluctuates when you have an attack, and also bearing in mind, gps never think to also test for TGAbs, when these were done, they are even higher!