I’ve been suffering with Hashimotos for 25 years and my symptoms worsened over the last 15 years. I have the usual symptoms including brain fog, insomnia, no energy etc. I tried lots of things like going gluten free and introducing T3, but nothing worked. I have read other people’s success stories and wanted to give others some hope.
My very knowledgeable friend (who has autoimmune diseases) mentioned LDN (low dose nortrexone). I had never heard of it. After much research, I decided to give it a try and got a prescription via a recommended online doctor, after proving I had hashimotos (copy prescription, copy of endos letter). The prescription was posted to a leading LDN compounding pharmacy in Scotland and within a week I had my LDN.
I knew it usually takes days or weeks to work, but In some cases works immediately. I was finally the lucky one! I slept 8 hours the first night and I woke with a completely clear head, I could think straight and was bursting with energy. The first weekend I walked 6.5 miles. Last year I couldn’t walk 1 mile. It’s further than I’ve managed for 8 years. I can finally think straight and I honestly feel like I’ve got my life back. I didn’t realise how dreadful I’ve been feeling all these years.
I’ve only been on it two weeks, but every day has been fantastic, and for the first time in years I feel amazing. I know I need to titrate my dose up to a level that suits me, and at times take a break, but I am really hopeful that I’ve found my ‘cure’.
My GP has been fantastically supportive and is closely monitoring me and my thyroid levels. It is very likely that I’ll have to reduce my dose of levo and T3 and some people even have to stop taking it altogether.
I’m very excited by LDN and wanted to share my story to give other people hope and maybe another thing to try. This is the link to a very informative website.
I really hope it helps others out there, who like me had never even heard of it. It’s not usually available on the nhs, but is cheap and affordable.