I'm 18 years old and after a very stressful time, had some issues and was VERY quickly diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and was put on a 25 MCG tablet. I originally went in to speak with a OBGYN for some other issues. She then had her nurse put me on birth control and then took a blood test. Later, she called me and said my levels were high (only at a 7) and that she was going to put me on Levothyroxin.
This made no sense to me. I showed zero symptoms of Hypothyroidism; I had high energy, I was small in stature and weight, I had no intolerance to the cold, in fact I was mostly hot, had nice, strong hair and nails, and I felt fine. Only after I started taking the pill did I start to feel worse. I began to lose energy and not want to get out of bed, I gained weight, started eating poorly, became cold at the slightest degree drop and never wanted to do anything; Plus my hair started falling out more and my nails became poor.. It was terrible.
I've been on it for about 3 months now, on that very, very small dosage but have recently run out. I decided not to refill my prescription and to figure out how to get another doctors opinion. I highly doubt I have hypothyroidism and believe she only put me on it because my levels were high due to stress and because my eldest sister has it. When I asked my doctor for my medical records, she refused to give them to me and claimed that I would sue her for some reason. Another thing that was odd is how she put me on birth control which I've heard interacts with levothyroxine...
Does it sound like I really needed the medicine? What will happen since it was such a low dosage and I stopped taking it? How do I go about getting another doctors opinion?