I normally take 25mcg T3 in one sitting in the morning. The day before my latest blood test I split into 12.5 in the morning and 12.5 12hours before the blood draw. Labs showed FT3 at 5.6 (3.1-6.7).
So if I normally take 25mcg at once, 24h later the next morning there should be 12.5mcg left in the blood if half live is 1 day. So when splitting dose the day before bloods there will be 9.375mcg left in the blood (12.5*0,5 from previous morning + 12.5*0,25 from 12 hours before ) right ? So when not splitting the dose labs should show higher FT3 because 12.5mcg>9.375mcg in the blood ?
And people say splitting the dose because T3 will be gone from the blood after 24 hours but I doubt that my FT3 results would show 5.6 only from 12.5 mcg 12 hours before ? There needs to be some left from 24 hours before ?