Hi gang, sharing this great article in regards to foods that may affect hypothyroid. I am taking Liothyronine with a lot of ups and downs and suspected the foods I am eating are affecting my absorption. Hope it can help you too!!
Food interactions with Hypothyroidism low iodine - Thyroid UK
Food interactions with Hypothyroidism low iodine

Do you take your liothyronine with food? If you always take it on an empty stomach and leave at least an hour before eating or drinking anything other than water, there should be nothing to affect your absorption.
Lots of people find they feel better on a gluten-free diet, or a dairy-free diet, but that has nothing to do with absorption, but more to do with sensitivities to that food. But, that is one thing that hypos should avoid at all costs, and that's soy. Soy doesn't affect absorption at gut level, but at a cellular level. It impedes the uptake of thyroid hormone by the cells, meaning that you can have good levels in the blood, but it isn't getting into the cells so you are still hypo. So, if you're consuming soy, it would be best to cut it out completely.
Thank you so much greygoose for the info. I take liothyronine 2 times per day once when I wake up at 6 am and again at noon. The noon dose is taken away from food but I do eat a big breakfast with some healthy fats around 10 am. I never eat soy so that is good I have very high estrogen right now(my pituitary gland has been affected by a surgery of a bone growth last April) so perhaps this could be an issue as well according to this video I just saw youtube.com/watch?v=LpNqXUz... I will be tracking my food and supplements and thyroid drops for the next 2 weeks working with a naturopath so hoping we can figure this puzzle out. My adrenals are very stressed right now. Perhaps my next visit to my hormone functional doctor he will prescribe estrogen blockers to see if this makes a difference.
I don't have time to watch that video now, but I just want to say that iodine is a very tricky subject. It's not recommended to supplement it when you're hypo unless your hypothyroidism is caused by low iodine - and even then it should only be done under the supervision of an experienced doctor who knows about iodine because it can make things a lot worse. Excess iodine is anti-thyroid, so will make you even more hypo.
You don't say how much T3 you're taking, but you should know that 25 mcg T3 contains approximately 12 mcg of iodine, which is recycled in the body. And, as you're taking T3, you actually need less iodine, not more, because your thyroid is not making hormone anymore.
Interesting, I am taking 37.50 mcg per day half at 6 am and half at noon. The only thing I can think of causing an issue is my estrogen is very high which he mentions in the video could be an issue. So perhaps the doctor will give me an estrogen blocker next time. He is having me take quite a lot of DIM(concentrated broccoli) 300 mg to bring down my estrode. For one month of taking DIM at 100 mg it did not drop it. Perhaps this high level of estrogen is the root cause?? Still puzzled until next round of blood results.
I am taking oestrogen blockers following breast cancer but I didn't find it easy for quite a while and the blocker didn't seem to sit well with me. Levels went all over the place and I had to increase my thyroid meds a little till things settled down then I tapered off them again. So wasn't plain sailing for me for a time.
Good to know, thank you for sharing!! I have been given a thyroid meal plan from natropath that includes eating seaweed(for a bit of iodine), I have lowered vit c to 500 mg per day and dont know if its coincidence, but I am feeling a heak of a lot better!! Lets hope this continues. Will keep u all posted!