I have ordered Medichecks test for my husband on the 21.06.18 but because he was going private and had blood tests there was no need to use it and he wanted to use it this month. The expiry date on the test is 28.02.19. I had a query about an account and they then also told me that the test is no longer valid as it has to be used within 6 months from the date of purchase and I have to purchase a new test for £25. All these is written in T&C’s which I didn’t think to check and nobody pointed me out to them when I purchased the test. I’m just feeling a bit angry that the T&C’s were not highlighted to me and confused about expiry date on a kit itself. Do Blue Horizon kits work in the same way?
Medichecks test expiry date: I have ordered... - Thyroid UK
Medichecks test expiry date

I don't know how Blue Horizon kits work, so if I were you, I'd contact them directly to ask. They're very helpful and if you're quick, you could even use their online chat which is available M-F 9-5pm bluehorizonmedicals.co.uk Chat window is at bottom right on my laptop screen.
Thanks RedApple, I have done that and they said that as long as the kit is valid I could use it.
Which is how it should be in my opinion
I also didn't know about the 6 months from purchase with Medichecks. I guess most of us use the test fairly soon after we buy it.
Since the expiry date on the test is 28.02.19, I wonder how the lab would know it wasn't valid if you sent it in anyway. I'm mot suggesting you do though, because you might not get the results through if you did.
I guess that the test is somehow linked to my account.
Yes it is. But my guess is that the connection might not actually happen until after the lab processed the blood sample and logged the results. So the blood might get tested, but the results would be blocked from appearing in your account. Which all seems somewhat petty really
I've used a test that was well over 6 months since date of purchase. I contacted them beforehand and they said they had to "re-activate" it in the account to add 6 more months, which they did (no extra charge). I used it a few days ago and all ok. Try with another customer services rep, maybe the one you spoke with did not know much about that. I'd think that so long as the test has not expired it should be ok to use.
Thanks Kitten44, I’ve spoken to 2 different reps so not sure why some customers are able to use them and done don’t
The expiry date of a kit is to do with whatever "preservative" is in the microtainer. I sent for one in November and the expiry date is end of February. I contacted them, said I bought it when it was on special offer, and didn't want to use it until March/April. They checked all their other kits at the time and they all had the same expiry date. I was told to contact them a couple of weeks before I want to use it and they will send me a new one with an in-date microtainer.
It is in their Ts and Cs about using it within 6 months, but their Ts and Cs are a nightmare to find. I can't find it by going to their website, if I want to read them I have to Google "Medichecks Terms and Conditions" and it takes me to them.
Just a thought, maybe worth trying. Send an email, just ask "Can you please reactivate this test for me please as I've gone past the 6 months". They will let you know how much they are going to charge to reactivate it.
With Blue Horizon you get one year to use it. From their Ts & Cs
One year usage Guarantee
You have up to one year from when you have purchased the kit to return it to the Laboratory in the supplied envelope. After a year has expired if you still would like your test please contact us and we’ll see what we can do for you. We may just need to check expiry dates of batch components.
Thank you for this informative reply. It looks like I need to pay £25 for reactivation. Not too pleased about it but I might consider it and use Blue Horizon next time.
I always go the "oh really, I didn't see that, what numpty" route first, or actually I do occasionally bring out the senior citizen card depending on the circumstances
If I were you, just try emailing first, not mentioning any cost, just ask if you can still use it, see what they say. It's worth a try and you may get it reactivated more cheaply.
Another thought, try finding their Ts and Cs by going to the website and looking for them. Can't find them? If they want to charge you £25, ask them how to find the Ts and Cs saying you looked for them and couldn't find them, and if you had been able to find them you'd have known about the 6 month limit.