Treatment and test advice
Hello there, I wonder if I can get some treatment and test result advice. I had three months of hyperthyroidism in early 2017 caused by thyroiditis. After a bit of a struggle to get a diagnosis and a referral down the psychiatric route I became hypothyroid and I finally was diagnosed in Oct 2017. At this time my nutrition tests were fine and TPO was negative. I’ve been trying to get back to health on levothyroxine with advice and support from this site. I considered a private endo appointment last summer and got some great advice from Shaws but in the end I was offered an appointment with the same endo in Oct of this year on the nhs. I was feeling much clearer headed and no fatigue on 137.5 micrograms of levo but was a bit jittery so agreed to try a reduction and agreed if I still couldn’t get back to health after that I would do a trial levo and T3.
When I last wrote in November I was feeling pretty good but my TSH was 0.08 on 131mg levo. My GP agreed I could stick to this dose as I felt the best I have but eventually I began to feel hyper and couldn’t tolerate it. So I tried a drop to 125.
This week I was still feeling jittery and my results came back as
TSH 0.08 (0.3 to 5) identical to six weeks ago
T4 lab didn’t do it – was 20.6 six weeks ago range 12 to 22
T3 5.5 (3.1 to 6.8) identical to six weeks ago
GP also asked for a TPO antibody test which for the first time came back positive.
264, cut off less than 100.
I saw a locum endo this week who was a bit monosyllabic. He said the plan in my notes was to try T3 at this point if I still wasn’t coping with levo. So he prescribed a six month trial of 75 mg levo and a month of ten mg T3 then increasing to 20 mg T3. I was in and out in five minutes because he was basically following the plan agreed in my notes with the permanent endo so didn’t get to ask anything. Can anyone advise if this sounds like the right treatment dose for T3 and if I should just drop my levo to 75 from 125 and start taking T3 right away or do I need to phase the reduction. I know it’s a good thing to get T3 on the NHS and I hope it helps with me improve further but I’m a bit scared of dropping my levo as I felt so awful before.
Also does anyone know why I’ve gone from 0 TPO antibodies last year to 264 this week? Does it mean I have hashimotos? My thyroid basically got wrecked by a severe autoimmune reaction to a vaccine that caused sudden onset subacute thyroiditis (with a hyper phase) followed by a crash in to permanent hypothyroidism so the cause wasn’t originally hashimotos.
Sorry that’s very long,
Thanks Michael