I am at risk of developing hypothyroidism so have blood tests every year. It was 3.8 in July but my symptoms have been worse since my hysterectomy in July so she did it again. Only did TSH as that's all she would do and it is now 3.2 so classed as normal by my gp. I am struggling so much and really fed up. I had many symptoms before my op but didn't really discuss with gp as I wasn't sure what was fibroids wereresponsible for. My symptoms are constipation (taking 2x senna and lactulose), feeling low, cold feet and hands, hair loss, a lot of difficulty losing weight and fatigue. I am going to see my gp next week but I am unsure what to say, any ideas? Would like to try something to see if I can lower my levels but I don't think they will do anything. I can't keep feeling like this. Thanks for any replies.
TSH lower but still having many symptoms - Thyroid UK
TSH lower but still having many symptoms

In another country you would have a diagnosis of hypothyroidism with a TSH of 3. If your GP only does TSH then why not get a full thyroid panel privately with a home fingerprick test with one of our recommended labs. Your GP may not accept the results but if they do show problems you can use them to invite your GP to do her own further tests.
The best test you can do is a full thyroid panel with vitamins and minerals. These are
Blue Horizon Thyroid plus Eleven bluehorizonmedicals.co.uk/t... and code ENDOFYEAR gives 20% discount until the end of December.
Medichecks Thyroid Check UltraVit medichecks.com/thyroid-func... and code THYROIDUK gives 10% discount
Come back with the results and reference ranges and members will comment and help you with a way forward.
I was just looking at tests done privately. I am going to see my GP next week and will discuss further tests. I will see if she is willing to do more tests. Thank you.
Thank you for the reply. My mum had hypothyroidism and breast cancer which is what makes me think my symptoms are due to hypothyroidism.
I’m not sure that you are “at risk of developing hypothyroidism’; more like you’ve already got it. Good advice from the forum team.