LAWS5: I would like to tell you that the keto... - Thyroid UK

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Misscheeks profile image
14 Replies

I would like to tell you that the keto diet could work for you it is working for me. I have been trying everything that you have to do and could get you info on the program.

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Misscheeks profile image
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14 Replies
shaws profile image

Thank you for posting but there is also another viewpoint if hypothyroid.However I'm glad it is working for you:-


"In 2017, one of the most highly-searched terms was “ketogenic diet.” But is it safe for those with thyroid disease? The short answer is ‘no.’ Let’s find out why right now.

"Key Insight: There’s an important distinction to be made between the ketogenic diet and metabolic ketosis. Any diet that supplies less fuel than needed will cause the body to form ketones – this can occur regardless of the levels of carbohydrate and fat intake in the diet.

Here is the big difference: when you are in a state of metabolic ketosis, any time that you are not getting enough fuel, your body will convert fats into fuel (and will eventually use your own fats, if you run out of glycogen). That process does result in some ketones being made.

If you were to have Hashimoto’s disease, or hypothyroidism due to another cause, is this sort of diet a good idea for you? The most thorough amount of research that has been done on this diet has centered around children with epilepsy. I will mention more as we go along, but it is important to note that this audience is the main source of data that we have on possible thyroid side effects.

Bottom Line: All studies done to date agree that the ketogenic diet has the potential to be harmful to thyroid function. The findings here are especially important because thyroid disease increased with age (and is less common in pediatric populations)."

teacherspet profile image
teacherspet in reply to shaws

The point of the Ketogenic diet is not to restrict the overall calorie intake (as implied in the extract) because that damages your metabolism. But it shifts the emphasis on where your carbs come from. Plenty of veg as opposed to things made from refined flour and sugars - the things in the typical western diet.

MaisieGray profile image

Your post reads as if you are trying to sell something - if you want to share about a protocol you have been following, why wouldn't you just write about it, instead of offering to get people info on the programme?

AnneEvo profile image
AnneEvo in reply to MaisieGray

That's exactly how the post reads.

Just to add another take on the suitability of the Keto diet, Amy Myers' explanation of how a modified approach might work, may be helpful. As with so many aspects of health, we are all very different. For me 20 - 30g carbs is too low.

in reply to

Dr Myers appears to be selling products too.

I keep seeing conflict. Some say bad, some say good. I haven't seen any actual research that convinced me either way - in fact, I can't find much at all - but I'm really interested to read it if anyone has. I'm heading back to keto as it was when I felt the best and I'm desperate to lose some weight. 20-30g carb is probably good but I find it hard to eat so few vegetables (I was surprised how quickly the allowed veg adds up!).

If I've read it right, this very small study on healthy men (ie, not people like me!) showed higher T4 and free T4, as well as fat loss and decrease in serum insulin on low carb:

teacherspet profile image
teacherspet in reply to

Everybody has a bias. If they are selling something then that influences their interpretation of studies. Many things talked about in the Keto diet are similar to things published in a cookbook in 1917 by Doctors for diabetics who didn't have insulin back then. Food for thought...…………..

G2G2 profile image

Keto helped you with what? Agree with MaisieGray that without any info your post sounds like you're selling something. Tons out there free on keto diets. On another note, I did very low carb/high fat for many years, before it was called keto, to control T1 diabetes at the cost of my thyroid. I had to raise carbs, though am still low carb, to feel human with hypothyroidism.

in reply to G2G2

From what I read keto or Very low / Zero carb isn't recommended for type 1, and some other conditions. I too think lower carbs can be good, it's just a matter of how low and reading up first before embarking on it. It's a shame is has such bad press because the principle has a lot of benefits.

Most quality guides suggest we all have a different level at which we'll feel good and can sustain weight loss, and at different rates, if that is your goal.

I agree with Hidden about the constant sell, but most health sites seem to have that, just stick to the free stuff 😊.

Martina Slajerova has Hashimoto and runs

an app for everything low carb.

The site has a lot of GOOD QUALITY FREE info, though of course there is content which can be purchased.

Edit - I forgot to mention that I've only started lower carb, having been on a stable dose of thyroid meds and getting nutrients in a good place and being symptom free for a length of time. Accepting of course that gluten/grain/processed food elimination can be hugely beneficial for many who are Hashi.

teacherspet profile image
teacherspet in reply to

I totally agree with what you say. I'm trying a form of keto but not going very low carb.. If going gluten free is a good thing (as many have said) for those of us with hypo, how can keto be so wrong - it reduces carbs by cutting out the things that normally contain gluten... bread, biscuit, pastry, cakes etc and filling up by eating more veg instead.

McPammy profile image

Hi. Yes. That sounds like something to certainly consider. I’m going to see a new Endo next week and run this past him too as I’m under on vitamins presently. And don’t want to go any further down

Thank you!


cgauthie profile image

I started to follow Amy Myers Autoimmune protocol diet or aip (autoimmune paleo) year ago.

Basically I eliminated gluten and dairy from my diet. She didn’t sell me anything except the concept in her book. Today I am not on any meds for my thyroid or beta blockers. My free t4 and free t3 are now normal. They were not for years.

My antibodies have decreased to almost 0. I lost 20 lbs in that time and feel great.

You have to eliminate gluten and dairy 100%. No cheating. It worked for me hands down and I have nothing to sell! I also gave up alcohol. I took several supplements daily like magnesium and d.

In August 2017 I was told my thyroid needed to be removed. I refused to let it happen so I tried this and it worked. Many people on this site are struggling.

You need to make a significant lifestyle change commitment if you want to see improvement. This site is committed to helping people. I am not selling a thing. There are thousands of free aip (autoimmune paleo) recipes online ... all free.


Luck to anyone who has the courage to fight and beat this disease by making lifestyle changes. I did and it worked.

cgauthie profile image
cgauthie in reply to cgauthie

btw the difference between aip and Keto is that aip Doesn’t restrict the carbs like Keto tho some specific carbs are eliminated on aip.

cgauthie profile image
cgauthie in reply to cgauthie

Finally traditional endos seem to know nothing about lifestyle changes and dietary changes and thyroid. They prescribe meds.

If you can find a “functional physician” a medical doctor who studies western medicine along with wholistic approaches to medicine they could help you greatly. These exist in the USA. However I dont live there and didn’t have one available to me.

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