Please can i know what the difference is re
n/mol and p/mol ?
Sorry if its a daft question
My tsh is pmol/L
Some i notice are n/mol
Please can i know what the difference is re
n/mol and p/mol ?
Sorry if its a daft question
My tsh is pmol/L
Some i notice are n/mol
They are units of measurement - picomole per litre and nanomole per litre. There are 1000 picomole in a nanomole.
Ah thanking you for explanation
.... so is it negligible with the serum number ?
Sorry, I'm not sure what you're asking as you've not provided your actual TSH result to judge if it's say, optimal, or negligible; but what is important with all our test results, is where the result sits within its respective reference range irrespective of the units eg A TSH result of say 0.5 against a range 0.5 - 4.75 is clearly low within the range irrespective of the units of measurement. For our practical purposes here, differing units of measurement is only an issue when making comparisons or considering test results carried out in say, the US for instance.
You might find my abbreviations and acronyms document of some help:
I think you will find TSH is universally measured in mU/L (milliunits per litre) - sometimes written mIU/L (where the I stands for International) but they mean exactly the same.
mol is short for mole - effectively a count of the molecules (or atoms)