Has anyone done the Blue Horizons thyroid DNA test, is it worth doing? Does anyone know of any discount codes or anything?
Has anyone done the Blue Horizons thyroid DNA test, is it worth doing? Does anyone know of any discount codes or anything?
Discount codes sometimes pop up when on BH's website.
The thyroid DNA test is currently discounted to £99 and all three DNA tests for £199
It's not, as I understand it, useable as a medical proof of DNA issues. On the Blue Horizon website it suggests it's for "educational purposes"
If you want to do DIO2 gene test to present as argument for being prescribed T3 to your endocrinologist you probably need to do Regenerus one. An official DNA test has to include counselling if it's a recognised medical DNA test
Hi, why does a DNA test need counselling to make the result more believable?
I did it, but I'm not sure it was worth it. Not at all the results I was expecting. Interesting, but not very useful.