Hi there just wondered what to do if I have overdosed t3 I’m having lose stools 2-3 times a day temp 37.1 tired n dizzy thirsty etc please what to do should I stop t3 all for few days and reintroduce it slowly back again ?
T3 overdose: Hi there just wondered what to do if... - Thyroid UK
T3 overdose

The NHS considers an excessive high temperature to be 38° and over, and generally a "normal" range can be anywhere between 36.1°C to 37.2°C. Whether 37.1C is excessive/worrying for you individually, depends on what your temperature routinely measures as. By "overdose" do you mean you have taken more tablets than you are prescribed or usually take; or do you mean that you have become gradually over time, over-medicated on your routine dose? Are you taking, or have recently started to take, any other meds or supplements that may be the cause of your symptoms? Have you taken your blood pressure and heart rate, if so, what are the readings? How much T3 are you taking and how long at that dose?
Iam very small and little person so I will need very little medication . I was previously sensitive on t3. My bo is 117/71 and 90 bpm testing which is high enough . I feel myheart is beating and having lose stools same time . Iam on a small dose currently which is 7.5mcg morning and 5mcg afternoon. My weight is 54 kg I have lost 2 kg now . I increase t3 quite quickly by 2.5mcg at a time in couple of days and reached this . My last reading was tsh 2.01 t3 4.9 and t4 11.5. But that time I was on 3.5mcg and 2.5mcg a day of t3 and than I ended up with 7.5 much t3 and 5mcg and than I was sweating a lot and having now all overdose symptoms . It took one month till I got to this dose and I think I have gone over now. I feel so so sleepy no power at all. My cortisol levels came high so I have come off from adrenal support Adrenavive (I was just on small dose again not even one capsule a day) than I went of from liquorice stick and came off from other cortisol stimulating things . (7 month ago cortisol was low) . I feel so powerless and having huge headache with headache in my both sides of head and back also my eyes are in pain . Please help
Isn't this the same dose you were on when you asked the same question a couple of weeks ago here
If you re-read my last reply to you in that thread I said
Did you feel OK at any time when adding T3? If so then I would go back to that dose and stick to it for a few weeks.
You didn't come back and reply to that so I imagine you didn't reduce your dose then.
Yes I have decreased on 2.5mcg now from 7.5 and 5 mcg t3 five days and still lose stools u think it will take time to settle down? I have hugest headache and iam boiling hot .
I'm not sure I understand exactly what you are taking now. You said in your opening post
Iam on a small dose currently which is 7.5mcg morning and 5mcg afternoon
and now you're saying
Yes I have decreased on 2.5mcg now from 7.5 and 5 mcg t3 five days
Are you taking just 2.5mcg T3 only? And what about 5 days? You need to take the same amount of T3 every day, it has a short half life of 24 hours, you can't take different daily amounts like you can with Levo.
And are you still taking NDT?
Like MaisieGray says, and was pointed out in my reply to your previous thread, you have made too many changes in too short a time, you're not giving anything time to work or see how you do on a certain dose.
Ari3 Dosing may, but not necessarily does, follow weight - when I was your weight and a little under 5' 2", I took 125mcg T4 and 20 mcg T3 for years, and neither my FT3 or 4 ever went over range nor did I have symptoms of being over-medicated. Weight may be a useful indicator for a starting dose but thereon in, you should be medicated according to your need and how you feel. I think that you are making too many changes too quickly, with regard to both your thyroid meds and your supplements, and in addition have been using a number of things in combination - Adrenavive, liquorice, and "other cortisol stimulating things" - despite believing yourself to be particularly sensitive to meds. Liquorice in excessive quantities can cause both muscle fatigue and diarrhea by the way; in fact liquorice root can alter the effects of some medications, and can prevent the liver from breaking down and excreting them, causing increased side effects from prescription medications and toxicity. All adrenal supplements can by definition, have a stimulatory effect causing nervous system excitement, especially glandular extracts; and all supplements can in fact cause stomach and intestinal irritation. Couple all that with the anxiety issues for which you are medicated, as mentioned in your profile; and it may perhaps explain how you've arrived at your present situation.
It sounds much more like you've got some sort of flu, or other infection, rather than the symptoms being due to your T3 dose. Headache, loose stools, highish temperature… flu?