Chronic inflamation: It seem I have low albumen... - Thyroid UK

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Chronic inflamation

55 Replies

It seem I have low albumen and high levels of inflamation. Any suggestion of how to reduce inflamation. I am under a lot of chronic stress some of which I have to live with.

55 Replies
olgadimitri profile image

I'm reducing my inflammation with row vegetables and fruits diet, mild exercises, but most of all stress reduction.

in reply to olgadimitri

Yes I know I need toreduce stress but I am goign through so much being inthe middle of a divorce.I need to take him to court to get him out of my home but that is a big battle. I am working with some mindfulness and Iam soneone who enjoys stress whcih is apprently good.

olgadimitri profile image
olgadimitri in reply to

It's the very difficult situation. I've been in it, but still when we get angry we get sick. Ruins our immunity.

BadHare profile image

Take a look at Chris Kresser’s website for dietary advice. Mark Hyman’s is also good. I don’t agree with everything they write, but there’s a lot of good ideas, especially with regard to avoiding processed toxic foods.

Ask your GP if there is a local mindfulness class you can join, or see if there’s a Frazzled group in a city near you.

Peanut31 profile image


I can sympathise with the inflammation, I’m suffering with a stiff neck and neck pain. I was given muscle relax tablets by my GP and this has not helped at all.

I’ve found that turmeric tablets (high dosage) are giving me some relief with paracetamols.

I have definitely noticed a difference maybe try this?

Best Wishes


in reply to Peanut31

Thank you. I could get some turmeric tea perhaps. I have had some before. I have back ache today.

greygoose profile image
greygoose in reply to

Have you tried CBD oil? You can get one with turmeric in it. Doesn't take too good, so mix with a little honey and hold under your tongue for a few minutes. And drink ginger tea, that is wonderful. :)

Avidreader profile image
Avidreader in reply to greygoose

Agree ! the CBD Oil I keep by my bed & take last thing at night for shoulders pain

Avidreader profile image
Avidreader in reply to Peanut31

I have high inflammation according to blood test by Medichecks & have had both shoulders very painful started 2 months after going on Nature Throid & stiff neck getting worse ( yet my thyroid levels are ok ) 🤔I take CBD oil at night to help with sleeping on my sides - which helps with pain -

I take Boswellia/Turmeric every day it's very good at reducing inflammation, therefore, allowing the body to heal itself. It is not a quick fix and may take a few weeks but the results are amazing and of course, natural.

Avidreader profile image
Avidreader in reply to

I also add organic turmeric to soups etc - but on Amazon

fibrolinda profile image

I second the Turmeric, My CRP halved within weeks of starting and last test was actually in range😮🙂.

Are you supporting your adrenals at all? I use Holy Basil capsules during times of stress and they work for me. I would certainly find a way to support your adrenals... Maybe look into adrenal cocktail, there's recipes on here or ppl will tell you their recipes if you post the question

Babaji1971 profile image
Babaji1971 in reply to fibrolinda

Hi would you mind sharing what brand you are taking or is it tumeric on its own or combined like with black pepper or something? Thanks.

fibrolinda profile image
fibrolinda in reply to Babaji1971

Sorry just seen your message, I use Nu U Nutrition organic Tumeric Curcumin and organic black pepper, 600mg. I take 2 A day. Oh and I buy them through Amazon. 🙂

Babaji1971 profile image
Babaji1971 in reply to fibrolinda

Thank you!😀

You can purchase these online in tablet form but you must take them every day.

in reply to

looking into it thank you.

Maybe21 profile image

in reply to Maybe21

Thank you .looking now.

StarFlower2 profile image

Krill oil worked for me. Taking 2000mg daily reduced my high ferritin levels. It’s more expensive that most fish oils but worth it.

in reply to StarFlower2

I have some. So will start. Did you mean to say ferritin.

StarFlower2 profile image
StarFlower2 in reply to

Yes, high ferritin is an indicator of inflammation in the body.

in reply to StarFlower2

Thank you. Will take some krill.

Treepie profile image
Treepie in reply to

I think you need to check the iodine in krill oil .Iodine probably not helpful if hypo.

in reply to Treepie

Thank you treepie. I will check this out.

posthinking01 profile image

Hi Mandyjane - my name is Mandy too and I suffered with loads of stress in my day and I mean loads - living with an alcoholic for over 20 years. I am so sorry you are suffering like this. Stress is dreadfully damaging for the body as we know - you say you thrive on it - that isn't strictly true - you think you are - what is actually happening is that you are running on adrenaline which makes us feel good and has everything within the body running at max levels - it is when the stress stops that you will feel it. So you have to look after yourself through the stress - Vitamin C 1,000 mg is a must for the adrenals (I recommend Vega Nutritional's 1500 mg) also Vitamin B complex - ginger in your food will reduce inflammation - not tablets though. Also blueberries - although expensive reduce inflammation - I also found walking got rid of a lot of the adrenaline running the body - any chance you can go to a dance class or anything to get your mind off things. I wouldn't recommend the raw vegetables someone has suggested as your stomach acid will be low and you could pick up an infection from raw vegetables (I know I have had E coli Sepsis) - eat plenty of vegetables not overcooked - especially green vegetables and try to eat apples (peel them) as they are good for the adrenals - be careful with the turmeric tea as it could affect your kidneys which will be under pressure due to the stress - use turmeric in food but tablets are too strong. Finally - Better You Magnesium oil - a couple of squirts of this during the day can calm you ................hope this helps and remember one day you will get through this awful ordeal and start enjoying life again. Take Care now..............

Lovecake profile image
Lovecake in reply to posthinking01

Name and stress reasons the same. 😕 Many things are linked with this nasty issue. I’ll take on board some of your suggestions too. Plus I have a GP hovering and fussing over my low TSH when I’m on some t3 with my T4. She’s totally messed up my thoughts in the last month or so. Thinking I’ll tell her she’s causing me to feel worse. (Shame she won’t leave the private endo to do his job and stop treating me like I’m an ignorant fool).

The magnesium oil and lotion is great, definitely recommend that too.

I look forward to enjoying life again one day too. 🙂

posthinking01 profile image
posthinking01 in reply to Lovecake

You will...................

in reply to posthinking01

Thank you. The battles are a tad wearing are they not. My ex wont leave and he is very controlling coerciveand micro manages, constant nit picks, critism abot silly stuff Like putting a tea bag on a saucer by the kettle. He has been away this week but dreading the return tommrow.

posthinking01 profile image
posthinking01 in reply to

If he has an alcohol problem I found it easier to realise he was ill. But it isn't easy still living with it.

in reply to posthinking01

lsie he is ill but he does'nt . I am working towards getting him out now. itis too detrimantal to me.

isolda_m profile image

Diet has a lot to do with inflammation. Avoid added sugar, refined grains and processed foods. Eat at least 5 servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables. Fish, herbs, spices, tea and herbal teas are also anti-inflammatory foods. Yoga every morning really helps with stress. Here is a good beginners program.

Fightmaster Yoga 30 day beginners challenge:

in reply to isolda_m

Thank you. I might be a bit arthritic for yoga. I practice mindfulness but will have a go at the first one to see if I can do it.

isolda_m profile image

Oh, well, I guess the url didn't post correctly. Just google "fightmaster yoga 30 day beginner challenge". Yoga is great for stress but exercise in general, even just walking, can bring down stress levels.

Tina_Maria profile image

Inflammation is usually a response either to an injury or bacteria / virus. Low grade inflammation has also been seen in obese people, as adipose (fat) tissue releases inflammatory factors called cytokines. If you are worried that you have any kind of inflammation present, you could ask your doctor to do a CRP test (C-reactive protein) - which measures the inflammation status in your body. If there is inflammation present (but be aware if you have a cold or an infection, CRP can also be high), your CRP will be elevated.

It has been shown that following a 'mediterranean style' diet can reduce markers of inflammation. A mediterranean diet is rich in fresh veg, fish, fruits and plenty of unsaturated fats such as olive oil and avocados. Other benefits are also associated with a mediterranean diet. 5 studies have analysed the health effects of this kind of diet, here is a link you could have a look at:

in reply to Tina_Maria

Thank you. GP concerned about inflamation levels and blood taken. Something weird is happening with weight gaining and losing large amounts in short periods of time but eating normally. We think it might be low albuman and this can be caused by high inflamation.I think I need to reduce inflamtion to stablise the protein but it is hard when you are stuck in stressful situation. I will have a look at link. I am quite a healthy eater, avoid refined sugar, use advocado oil, lots of organic veg.

kymkat profile image

Hi Mandyjane, I have found msm useful for inflammation,if you google you can see its benefits,I am not well enough today to text more,hope it helps,Kym.

in reply to kymkat

Thank you.

Paula101 profile image

I'm sorry you are going through a rough time. I too am having a time of it with a very unwell family member. I've just been reading up on Holy Basil. It's meant to help with stressful moments.

I've been reading up on a site called organicauthority. com, if you're interested. I'm off to see if I can get some in the form of tea.

I'm would have sent you the link but I'm not able to as I'm using my phone. I'm not tech minded, so knowing me there probably is a way of doing it, but I've no darn clue how to go about it 🙄😉

Sending you hugs to help 😊

Sylvia22 profile image

I am taking CBD Brothers blue edition oil. Only 2 drops a day under tongue. Seems to be helping And I feel better generally.

dinahnow profile image

Golden Milk has helped me so much with inflammation (finger joints/even sore throats) and I have it every evening as my bedtime 'treat'. It has been used for thousands of years and is soothing and delicious. Basic recipe: 1/4 cup turmeric powder into a saucepan with 3/4 tsp ground black pepper and half a cup water. Heat, stirring, till starts to gently bubble, and gently bubble it and stir for 7-10 minutes. It turns into a paste. Then add 5 tablespoons of coconut oil and mix well. I put this in a jar, let it cool, then keep it in the fridge - for 2-3 weeks. Just put half to one teaspoon of it into a mug/glass with your favourite kind of milk, and your preferred form of sweetening, and heat to warm/hot (I do it in the micro.) - it is indeed golden milk! By having and cooking the black pepper in the mix, it has been proved to increase the effect of the turmeric many times. Note - it is better to freeze some, as I never get to the end of this quantity before I have to throw some away, as it will go off even in the fridge eventually - you will be able to taste when this happens, but it's far better to freeze some, and finish the mix in the fridge before this starts to happen.

in reply to dinahnow

That sounds lush. I need to get some coconut oil. I used coconut milk quite a lot I imagine I could do something similar with this.

dinahnow profile image
dinahnow in reply to

You need to cook the powder and pepper in some sort of oil - I just love coconut oil, as it's so gentle and soothing in my tummy! I happen to use oat milk these days, having given up soya - thank goodness!! - when I came on this site and found out the soya I was having every day for 4 years as milk/tofu (vegan) was so bad for thyroid issues. Also cut out all gluten - and wow, my knuckles lost their rheum.arthritic stiffness and swelling literally overnight! never come back either. And I'm lowering my antibodies by this diet too, now that I've paid for a blood test and found I have Hashimotos (doctor's basic TSH/T4 cannot and would never have realised this).

HLAB35 profile image
HLAB35 in reply to dinahnow

I use golden milk for sore throats as well with a bit of honey and cardomom. Yummy. Wish it could be condensed to make a lovely dessert.

LAHs profile image
LAHs in reply to dinahnow

Hi Dinahnow, well, I just did this and have a couple of urgent questions.

1) can you use the paste directly after making it? When you say "keep it in the fridge for 2-3 weeks" do you mean before using it, like, does something have to ferment or do you mean it will last about 2-3 weeks in the fridge and then you had better make some fresh?

I hope I can use it tonight, I have terribly arthritic knees and I am desperate to find some sort of relief. Increasing my T3 has helped in the past but now if I increase it my blood pressure goes up.

I am not much of a cook and I now have a yellow sink, yellow saucepan, yellow draining board and yellow tea towel - but Hell, who cares, if it works that's great!

dinahnow profile image
dinahnow in reply to LAHs

It's ready as soon as you've mixed in the oil. As I've got a sore throat at the moment I have it mid-morning as well as at night, and it's most delicious I find when it's quite hot, making sure you can safely swallow it - warm is not as good for me.

It goes in the fridge to keep it 'fresh' - as it will 'go off' (don't know how quickly) at room temperature.

I also keep a teaspoon in the glass, and stir in between swallows, as the pepper can sink to the bottom leaving a gritty last mouthful.

It def'y helps bring down inflammation throughout the body.

What made the biggest and immediate difference to my arthritis, and permanently (!) was cutting out all gluten (wheat,barley,rye products).

Some get permanent relief cutting out all tomatoes/peppers/potatoes (belong to deadly-nightshade family - but don't happen to trouble me). Try cutting them out, see if get improvement. If not sure, carry on excluding them for a few days, then re-introduce, and see if 'gets worse'.

Inflammation from arthritis is an auto-immune reaction, just like Hashimotos thyroid issue. So whatever improves the one will be improving the other, win win. xx

LAHs profile image
LAHs in reply to dinahnow

Hi Dinahnow, thank you SO much. I checked it out this morning (our morning and night are reversed - I'm in the US) AND IT WORKED! My muscle pains went away completely and my knee pain was reduced to ~10%, and that's only with my first teaspoonful.

I don't want to sound corny but it is such a miracle that I can wake up one morning with so much pain that I can hardly walk and I get a suggestion from thousands of miles away and then less than 24 hours later the pain goes away! Yes, it's corny but I have been thinking that all day, especially when I was walking from the car uphill to the supermarket.

I will be having this mixture every night from now on. Thank you Dinahnow.

dinahnow profile image
dinahnow in reply to LAHs Dr Bergman is so up-to-speed about thyroids and arthritis and how to improve them a great deal through diet .. worth a look, I think he's got the right idea ..

HLAB35 profile image

My CRP inflammation marker has reduced significantly since increasing the amount of Magnesium (citrate) I take - which is a medium (not high) dose three times a day. (Large doses are wasted because the excess just gets pee'd out and they can cause the runs.) Spray, bath salts and lotions with Magnesium in are also very good. Magnesium is the most underrated mineral that we all need. Any kind of stress will use it up, also hot weather and sweating, a diet high in dairy and processed meat (probably why vegan or Mediterranean diets can help many people) taking vitamin d, iron or high dose B vitamins all use up Magnesium.

Also, you need good fats such as coconut oil and olive oil to make good cholesterol for making hormones like pregnenalone which keep adrenals healthy. If adrenals are healthy, then stress will take less of a physical toll on the body.

SmallBlueThing profile image

Here's an article which claims to be evidence-based and repeats much of the advice already offered:

Rebounding (gentle or full-on bouncing on a mini-trampoline) helps the lymph system and hence inflammation. The type with rubber bungees rather than springs is very quiet but can be a struggle to assemble, and usually won't fold for storage.

in reply to SmallBlueThing

re bounding sounds lovely.I would have to get a trampleijne with handles as balance so very poor.

SmallBlueThing profile image
SmallBlueThing in reply to

It can actually be quite a tough activity at first, with your core strengthened to maintain balance, but if that's too much, just sitting and bouncing is beneficial.

Thank you thatsbrill. I have really got into advacado oil.

RobinAnn profile image

Hey mandyjane, I agree wholeheartedly that you are what you eat. It depends on what type of inflammation you are experiencing and if you have/or what type of autoimmune disease/s. For me personally zero added fat is my miracle. When i do add in fats (healthy fats) my joints can get so inflamed I can barely walk. Once I get inflammation under control fats are fine, and necessary. Nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, potatoes)can be a trigger for others. Or gluten or eggs. Or dairy. But also low B12 and possible other anemias. Low B12 impacts your blood cell count which can exasperate mild inflammation.

I have reduced inflammation by taking Boswellia, also Turmeric/Black Pepper. These are both organic. They take a few weeks to kick in and they should be taken with the fattest meal of thew day. These two have been used for centuries, so quite sate.

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