Anyone have list of full blood tests for low thyroid
Blood tests: Anyone have list of full blood tests... - Thyroid UK
Blood tests

SlowDragon gave you the list in reply to your previous post
"For full Thyroid evaluation you need TSH, FT4, FT3 plus TPO and TG thyroid antibodies and also very important to test vitamin D, folate, ferritin and B12"
Thankyou so much yes she did will write them down as am get nowhere with my docter
If you have symptoms then ask GP for an urgent referal to an Endocrinologist. Keep going back to doctors. Is there another one in the practice you can see?
The one I seen who rang me about first blood results but seem to connect tummy bugs to thyroid
I would write a list of all your symptoms - hair loss, very tired etc - show to the doctor and politely insist on an Endocrinologist referal. If this is refused then produce another list and say you would like these tests please : Vitamin D; B12 & Ferritin (you already had Folate tested?).
You could also ask for an Ultrasound scan of your Thyroid. But I would be asking if you could have some tests to check your Adrenal function too.
Your doctor may refuse and say to wait until after your next tests.
You may also be given a higher dose of Levothyroxine after them.
What dose were you started on 50mcg?
You can also ask for a copy of your blood tests results.
I am not medically qualified and your TSH is very high (mine was the same as yours and I know how unwell one can be). I had been told I had no problems at all as as my blood test was 'fine'. I think (I am not medically qualified) as your dose is increased (by 25mcg every six weeks after a blood test) until TSH is 1 or lower you should slowly improve. So it will take some time for you to begin to feel better. Do you know how to get the best results on your blood test? Just a reminder - all blood tests for thyroid hormones have to be at the earliest possible, fasting, - you can drink water - and allow a gap of 24 hours between last dose of levo and test and take afterwards.
Learning slot on this site thankyou
This is a copy of possible symptoms. Thankfully we don't get all of them.
You can tick off the ones that are relieved.
The aim is relief of all symptoms and a TSH of 1 or lower and Free T4 and Free T3 in the upper part of the ranges. You may already have had these tested. However, if not, I'd get a one-off test so you have a starting point.
It will take time for you to get your TSH to 1 and I hope your doctor isn't one who will stop increasing dose once your TSH is 'within range'.
I also hope your GP has signed you off to, at least, enable you to get your TSH low enough for you to feel better. Thyroid hormones run our whole body, from head to toe and we have millions of T3 receptor cells which have to have T3.
Levothyroxine is T4 only and is an inactive hormone that has to convert to T3. T3 (liothyronine) is the Active thyroid hormone and our brain and heart have the most cells.
Hi Morebally
Is that photo your tortoise?
Sorry to hear how unwell you are and what you're suffering at work.
Like you ( and many on here ) I suffered a long time before diagnosis. And lots of trouble at work & with doctors.
You could ask your doctor to refer you to an Endocrinologist.
Have you started taking the Levothyroxine yet? What dose?
It does take some time to get better.
But the tummy bugs alone will leave you drained. Do you think you could be dehydrated? Do you keep a supply of Diarolytes Sachets in, - for when you get a bug? Tesco's do there own brand for about £2.30 for 6 sachets. I would suggest the blackcurrant flavour (not original ). I used to also live on Pepsi (not diet) , Mint Imperials, Fox's Glacier Mints & Fruits for days till able to eat again.
Are you able to get some early nights or are you working shifts?
Some early nights and drinking lots of water and getting some nourishment will help.
Hope things improve in work.
Are you in a Union? If so could you discuss this with the Full time official and get someone to speak to the boss on your behalf?
Keep in touch.
x ♡
Hi dunno bout pic Def not a tortoise my boss doesn't believe me bout tummy bug and thyroid apparently she has over active thyroid she gonna read up and give me her discision on Tues my doc made ass of me said doesn't make me vunerable to virus .I know how I been feeling he like gave tablets u will b better when get u meds right .4 weeks on levo and folic acid I do take diarilytes have tried everything not sleepn properly no energy hair coming out skin dryed up Weight gain brain turned mush depressed don't socialise an a doc who seems a twat