Hi all its that time again, can you tell me your opinion on my bloods, you know my history but briefly still on 2.5 MG's of carbi every other day since may, I saw Endo on Tuesday and he wants to keep me on carbi for at least another 3 months, I disagreed with I'm as I think carbi is keeping me feel unwell now, I've have been feeling palpy, breathy, tight throat etc exhausted, I've noticed a decline and have wondered if I need it now, my frees are still lower end of scale and want to aim in getting them higher end but if I stay on this dose then I am stagment feeling rubbish.
Tsh 1.76 (035-494) was 1.26 4 months ago
Ft4 13.7 (9.00-23.00) 4 months ago it was 12.8.
Ft3 4 (2.5-5.8) same 4 months ago
Endo said he wants me to stay on it has I'm normal(famous words) but I think if I do not come off it or reduce further he will make me more ill.
He says I could relapse but I argued the point of what difference does it matter whether its now after 14 months or another 3 months as people relapse after 18 months or even 2 years or more? Eye rolled at this point, he said "I'm not changing my decision!! Xπ