I wonder if anyone could possibly help with my situation please . I've been on T3 for around two years and have managed quite well , I add a small amount of t4 too. I'm not about to run a marathon anytime soon but was feeling quite ok .
However this past few weeks I've begun to get the old exhausted feelings back again and my hair is thinning , puffy eyes , feeling quite cold etc , for no apparent reason as I've changed nothing . I take 37mcg a day split into two doses . Up until now I have had no adverse effects, racing heart etc , just a darn sight better than before I started taking it .
So a couple of times I raised the dose to 50mcg , as I was running out of steam around lunchtime and I have to say I have had no bad reactions ... until about 8pm this evening when my heart started to race and my blood pressure went to 99 over 66 and my pulse was 109 .I felt pretty awful , and certainly had no more energy . This is after a very exhausting day though .
I have heard that people can experience a ' blip ' after a while and am wondering if that's what's going on . Also I've not had any blood tests for around eighteen months , so I realise it's probably time I did perhaps ? Any opinions would be gratefully received .