I've been on 5mcg of T3 for 11 days. Reduced thyroxine from 75mcg to 50 at the same time. (Recent blood results are in my profile).
The first two days were fabulous, my feeling of suffocation was much reduced and not so tired and lethargic. But particularly in the last few days, I'm wiped out by 3pm and struggle to stay awake in the evening. The air hunger is worse again, whereas the first few days, it was still better even once the tablet had worn off.
Should I wait until day 14 to increase my T3 dose to 10mcg or should I reduce to 2.5mcg, then gradually increase by 2.5mcg every two weeks? On another post, it mentioned about reducing to balance out the cortisol levels.
Or as I've been feeling cold, could my thyroid be struggling more as the weather has turned colder?
I was similar when I started on thyroxine, a really quick improvement, even with the first tablet but then it petered out.
Many thanks as always.