I posted my latest thyroid results yesterday which show that I’m still really hypo despite large increases in thyroid hormone dosage. My numbers simply aren’t budging much despite increasing meds. I’m curretly taking 50mcg levo and 20mcg t3 and still really hypo.
It has been suggested that I have poor absorption of thyroid hormone. I am addressing my gut and taking the correct steps to heal it if it needs healing.
I also wondered though, can sex hormones, if out of whack, also affect absorption of thyroid meds? I know my sex hormones are out of whack because my monthly cycle is often non existent - which in turn I know can be down to being hypo.
But- had anyone increased their absorption of thyroid hormone by balancing their sex hormones? Could that be preventing me from absorbing and utilising thyroid hormones correctly? Any info appreciated. I’m feeling rather sad today!