Hi I had a Short Synacthem Test on 28-08-2018 and got the results today.
My test was done at 9am. I have recently been diagnosed with a 3mm part cystic pituitary adenoma.
My Cortisol (nmol/L) results are as follows:
Baseline at 9am - 190
After 30 mins - 394
After 60 mins - 490
I have nothing to compare the results too. There are no normal reference ranges! All I know is I am exhausted every morning despite 8+ hours per night I don’t feel like I have slept for a minute!!
My ACTH (ng/L) was 18.
Potassium (mmol/L) 4.4
Sodium (mmol/L) 141
I don’t have any reference ranges but would be greatful for any thoughts on my levels. I was told morning cortisol should be between 300-400 nmol/L.
Hospital is of the view that anything over 420nmol/L at 30 or 60 minutes is a normal response.
I don’t feel right in the mornings! Severely fatigued/ weak /nauseous / faint on standing!!
All views would be greatly appreciated!!