I am soooooo upset!!
I have been battling with a whole range of symptoms for over a year now and after becoming a literal 'lab rat' in terms of blood tests / MRI's / CT Scans / Ultrasounds / Cannulated Prolactin Tests and Short Synachthen test I am drained of all life!!!
My hormones are out of balance and I was referred to Kings College Endocrinology and they basically told me a woman does not need testosterone and tried to discharge me! I asked for a second opinion and was referred to Guys where I asked to be seen by a female consultant. They sound that my Prolactin was elevated as well as other hormones being below the normal range. They found a 3mm adenoma on my Pituitary but yet again I am being told that it is unlikely to be responsible for my symptoms. I am at a complete loss!! I feel like death and I don't know what else they want to see before they start treating me???
0.9 umol/L (1.6 - 7.8) 27/12/2017
0.6 umol/L (1.6-7.8) 15/03/2018
0.7 umol/L (0.9-11.6) 02/05/2018
0.6 umol/L (0.9-11.6) 18/07/2018
-Serum Testosterone:
0.28 nmol/L (0.29 - 1.67) 03/01/2018 <0.5
0.3 nmol/L 07/02/2018 (Kings)
<0.5nmol/L (0.0-1.8) 18/07/2018
-Free Androgen Index:
0.6 (1.0 - 6.0) 03/01/2018
0.6 (1.0 - 6.0) 03/01/2018 0.5 07/02/2018
532 (102-496mlU/L) 02/05/2018
465 (102-496mlU/L) 18/07/2018
Cannulated Prolactin Test:
602miu/L (baseline), 543miu/L (30mins), 626miu/L (60mins)
64(70-130mL/min) 02/05/2018
64(70-130mL/min) 18/07/2018
64(70-130mL/min) 02/08/2018
Osmolality -
283 (285-295mOsmol) 18/07/2018
Creatinine -
83 (45-84umol/L) 18/07/2018
84(44-80umol/L) 02/08/2018
Creatinine (Urine) -
31.60 (2.47-19.2mmol/L) 21/06/2018
24 (22-275ug/L) 18/07/2018
Serum Folate -
3.6(3.1-20.5ug/L) 18/07/2018
Inorganic Phosphate -
0.71(0.81-1.45mmol/L) 02/08/2018
11mm/h(1-12mm/h) 02/08/2018
Active B12 -
>128 (25-108pmol/L) 18/07/2018
Problem / Diagnosis:
•Hyperprolactineamia – dated 23/07/2018
•3mm part-cystic hypoenhancing left pituitary lesion / Adenoma
24/07/2018 (Pituitary MRI results)
Just having a moan as I feel that low hormones in females are not taken seriously. I am 45 years old.
I explained my symptoms of lack of libido / vaginal dryness / zero sex drive / fatigue / lethargy / lack of energy / peripheral blurry vision (left eye) / thinning hair / acne / blemishes / forgetfulness / nails tearing / some night sweats …. the list goes on. I have stressed that my priority symptom is extreme fatigue.
It is clear from medical research that these symptoms are directly related to Low DHEA / Low Testosterone / Pituitary Issues.
It would appear that despite having blood tests which have shown my levels to be out of the normal range, and a Pituitary MRI has shown I have a pituitary lesion that these test results are being minimised? Despite these issues being Endocrine issues they do not seem to consider them to be causing my symptoms? I am really struggling to understand the rationale for this. I understood Endocrinology to treat people who suffer from hormonal imbalances, in order to restore normal balance. My Hormone balance has not yet been restored to normal?
I don't know what else to do!!