My TSH used to be around 2.74 on 100 Thuroxine now it’s nearer 1.33 on 150 thyroxine and I feel worse. Shouldn’t I feel better the nearer my TSH to 1 is?
TSH: My TSH used to be around 2.74 on 10... - Thyroid UK

Hi there, Wayne,
I do not have an answer for you (and hoping you don't mind me posting), but I phoned my GP practice today and the receptionist told me mine (TSH) is 3.47 so no further action needed (currently taking 50 mg of Lev') as the tsh is apparently normal. Like you, I am a little confused - even more so now I have read your post.
The TSH doesn't actually make you feel anything. It's the FT3 that causes symptoms if it's too high or too low. Have you had that tested? The TSH will not tell you if your FT3 is at the right level.
Hey greygoose
Thank you for your response but I'm bit perplexed.
If my doctor will only test TSH and I go private to get FT3/FT4. What do I do with those results? I'm assuming if my GP's requirement is only to test TSH. Then I show him the other results what's he gonna do?
Ps I'm rambling but hope you get the jist!
Probably nothing, he's too ignorant. But you will know, and you can take over the management of your own health, if you feel the need.
That's what I mean even if I get private results my GP isn't going to medicate me based on them.
So I would have to get private blood tests every 6 weeks. Even then I'm not really happy managing my condition myself bit risky.
Thousands of us manage our own conditions and don't find it risky at all. I've been self-treating for years - and have made a much better job of it than any doctor ever did! No, you won't need private testing every six weeks. You'll learn to listen to your body and know what it wants. You do a test occasionally to confirm what you suspect. And then you'll just need FT4 and FT3, or whatever, not the whole caboose. It might be a bit dicey to begin with, but you'll learn. I haven't had a blood test since 2014.
So if I get the TSH FT4 and FT4 tested and show you the results you can advise me on what dose to have?
I went for an ultrasound today on my feet as I've been experiencing numbness pins and needles and pain in my arch. I thought it was nerve damage but had that ruled out today. So I'm assuming it could be linked to my thyroid!
My doctor did say if I still feel rubbish after 6 weeks he will refer me to an Endocrinologist.
How's your B12? That's the first thing to check when have pins and needles in the feet.
No-one can advise you what dose you need. One can just tell you if you're on the right dose at the moment. If not, then you need to increase slowly until you feel well. Optimal is how you feel, not a number on a blood test. We can just advise you how to proceed to get to optimal.
Will you be allowed to chose your own endo? Because the majority of them are diabetes specialists who know nothing about thyroid. They can really mess people up with their strange ideas! Not always a good idea to see one unless you know beforehand that he's good with thyroid.
My serum B12 is 599
Well im on 150 thyroxine now and feel worse then when I was on 100 and my TSH IS 127.
Umm I doubt it as the GP will prob refer me
How will you know if im on the right dose?
By looking at your FT4/FT3/TSH results and taking your symptoms into account.
Your TSH is 127 on 150 mcg levo? What was it on 100?
How do you take your levo? On an empty stomach, leaving at least one hour before eating or drinking anything other than water? Do you take any other medication or supplements at the same time as your levo? Because there's something not quite right, there.
Yes that's correct 127 on 150mcg
it was 2.48 on 100mcg
I take Levo in morn and wait 30 min before eating
no I don't take any other supplements at same time
whats not quite right?
im taking magnesium and the numbing is still there so is there anything else I can take?
Who said taking magnesium would get rid of the 'numbing'? Have you had your B12 tested? You could have a peripheral neuropathy.
Yes my B12 is 599 and I had an ultrasound on my feet yesterday and he ruled out anything. I'm assuming peripheral neuropathy would've been picked up somehow during that ultrasound/
What's not quite right is having a TSH of 127 on 150 mcg levo. Surely your doctor has told you that's all wrong, no? Why hasn't he tested your FT4 and FT3? It's imperative he does that to either confirm that the high TSH is correct, or show that further investigation is needed. I would suspect laboratory error or interference with the TSH testing.
However, in your original question, you say that your TSH is 1.33. When did it jump to 127?
I doubt it will make that much difference, but it would be better to leave an hour before eating.
what should my TSH be on 150 then? why would the DR say that's wrong?
my dr don't test ft4 ft3 only tsh that's what they do right?
It should at least be in range. A TSH of 127 says you're very, very hypo. How can you be on 150 mcg levo? It doesn't make any sense.
Wayne, do you know what a decimal point is? I just looked at your last post, and your TSH is 1.27 - one point two seven! Not 127. Do you not know what a difference that makes?
This is my latest blood test
I was on 120 mcg for 6 weeks and my TSH was1.34 mu/Lm
T4 was 14.3 pmol/L
I have just started on 150mcg and then will have another blood test after 6 weeks
Sorry I think I confused you
1.27 obviously
I rather think that you're the one that's confused! How can you muddle up 1.27 and 127? I even asked you if you were sure, and you said yes. So how is it supposed to be 'obvious'? Obvious to whom? Don't make out it's all my fault because I'm confused! How can I take you seriously after that?
I find you a bit rude to be honest!!!!!
id rather not have your advice anymore thank you. So please ignore my posts in the future.
Not sure who you think you are I've not come on here to be patronised by you.
There a way to talk to people that you obviously haven't learned.
There's always one!!
I most certainly won't reply to your posts anymore. I tried to help you. But how can anyone help you when you give false information. I'm afraid it made me very cross that you then go on to tell me I'm confused. I think that's a bit rude, too. I've just wasted a lot of time trying to get to the bottom of this, so I'm not going to spend any more time trying to work it out. If that's rude, then ok, I'm rude. But I think you bear some of the responsibility, too.
I'm not sure who you think I am, either.
Yes you are very rude patronising someone and making out I'm stupid don't sit well with me.
I didn't make out you were stupid, and I didn't patronise you. But, quite honestly, there's just such a huge difference between 1.27 and 127, I just don't understand why you didn't notice when I said it wasn't good. I lost my temper, and I apologise for that. But you weren't very nice to me, either. You said it was obvious that your TSH was 1.27, but I have to be able to believe what people tell me, I can't read minds. If you insist that your TSH is 127, then what am I supposed to do? I give up my time to help people - I should actually be somewhere else, now, but what the hell - I'm used to not being thanked for it, but being told I'm rude and patronising is something else.
Well, I assure you it won't happen again. That's me out. Good luck.