Does anyone know where I can get some Low Dose Naltrexone, I went to Endo today and he said he’d never heard of it- obviously too controversial and he also had a student in with him!!
LDN ?: Does anyone know where I can get some Low... - Thyroid UK

It needs to be 5mg amounts
Yes I even said I had a short video on you tube he could watch and he just said no that’s not something we do
This is bizarre coming up. It’s the 4th time I’ve seen this in 3 days as several people myself included have considered it.
My specialist definitely does know about it but said all your ducks have to be in a row can’t have it now. It’s v expensive and only private- comes from say Scotland ( i nodded off by this stage).
Well if all my ducks were in a row I’d not need an apt would I?
I had no t3 for ten years an esr of 199 both did massive irreparable damage which he knows and admits.
Anyway I thought xxxx you I’ll look round. You can get 75 mcg tablets v easily but dosages are 3-10 mcgs.
So it’s crush a tablet up time. I’ll be ordering some. Takes 14 days ish.
I’ve used the co before so let me know if you’re interested and I’ll send you the link. Possibly wait till mine come. Also I think I heard a report that you can apply on line for a private prescription - waiting for a chemist to get back to me on that.
However I’ve heard decent reports regarding it from colleagues.
Oh and it is £15 plus postage for 10 x 75mcg. So well over 100 days supply.
I looked into this for a friend who has MS and I think at the time it worked out at 18p per day from Scotland. Where do they get these endocrinologists and what do they train in - not endocrinology, obviously?
This was about 5 years’ ago so things may have changed. I found a site where they prescribe LDN and it says that the cost for LDN is £20/month. There are some other costs for consultation (£30 which includes a month’s supply and repeat prescription charges, £14.50.). This doesn’t sound too expensive.
LDN was discovered in a low dose when it helped MS patients who happened to be alcoholics I guess. That was in the 80's. In the 90's the cost was very low and in some places could be found without prescription. It doesn't work for everyone or everything but I think it's worth a try.