I was on 1 and a half grains of WP Thyroid but was unable to get anymore from America and was advised to take Metavive which you can get in UK without subscription. Can anyone advise what dosage of Metavive to take. Each capsule weighs 30mg but the company I purchased Metavive from cannot advise on dosage
Metavive11 v WP Thyroid : I was on 1 and a half... - Thyroid UK
Metavive11 v WP Thyroid

Why not try the NatureThroid from RLC labs (makers of WP)?
Thanks for your reply. I have visited RCL website but it is prescription only
Hi I know you wrote a while back Myra. How is it going may I ask, re metavive, have you continued? 🙃
Sorry not to have replied until now but had so many emails to read. Yes I have got used to Metavive. I started on 90 mg. I also took adrenavive to start with as advised by dr peatfield. I didn’t feel any difference with adrenavive so stopped taking . I reduced Metavive 11 to 60mg and saw endo who did blood tests and said I should reduce Metavive to 45mg because free t3 was over the range. TSH was 0.1 I have been on 45mg for about a month. I am feeling fine. Hope this helps
Thanks so much for reply
That's great for you, and yes they are accessible
Iv JUST started to improve myslef it's like an amazing window I haven't felt well for years
And I've taken Adrenavive for ages and now found I can tolerate levo finally. I'm on 75
So il see what t4 and t3 is soon I guess
Then can make choice re metavive at some stage
So our journeys all vary so much for sure
Iv been also keen on the vitamins and gut health, so it is the whole thing x
Thanks for your reply. I was on levo and put on about 3 stone and I couldn’t shift it. I first changed to armour and lost about a stone. I could only get armour on a prescription and it was expensive. (The doctors and endos are all against me taking NDT. But Dr Peatfield advises NDT). Changed to W P Thyroid from America lost more weight. Lost another stoneThen couldn’t get it any more so changed to Metavive. It took a bit of time getting the dosage right and I should now arrange a blood test for full thyroid panel but I wouldn’t go back on levo as I couldn’t shift the weight and before Hashimoto’s I never had a weight problem
I also take cytoplan whole foods multi vitamin and mins and cytoplan 1000g vit c twice a day. N T factor advanced physicians formula b complex 5 tablets daily (3 morning and 2 evening) lamberts magnesium 150mg twice a day and lamberts zinc 15mg. I also drink water (half my body weight in oz a day). I can’t drink it cold so add a little honey lemon and cider vinegar to warm water. I have a Brita water filter. I try not to eat carbohydrates just a small amount of protein plenty of vegetables and lots of good fat MCT oil. UDOs choice omega 3 6 and 9 fatty acids coconut milk and avacadoes. I did say ‘try’ I then spoil it all by eating ginger biscuits and chocolate when watching tv !!!! Bad habit
Most important I make my own bone broth and try to drink this every day. I bought a book by terry wahls called the wahls protocol. She cured herself of multiple sclerosis and I think her book helped me the most.
HIIT exercise when I can and get at least 8 hours sleep. I also do intermittent fasting.
I hope this helps. Actually do you know howI put this on the main website as it might help someone else?
Hi sorry to hijack this post but may I ask did you decide to take adrenavive yourself or was it advised by a gp or endo ? The reason I ask is that I'm convinced my adrenals are messed up and I truly believe the reason I can't shift the 3st weight i put on taking levo is due to my adrenals , I know where to purchase the adrenavive im just nervous incase its not to be used unless advised , my GP wont do tests for my adrenals as my cortisol levels were "in range " but their version of in range isnt the same as ours lol , any advice greatly appreciated
Well for me i had no energy and couldnt feel any benefit from levo and felt worse on it
I had ok adrenal urine test from endo
Then i had private saliva test and had low Dhea
I also had ominous neck rash which i believe to be adrenal fatigue but not much to substantiate only its gone now i take adrenavive
....i saw Dr Peatfield in Crawleyhe diagnosed insufficiency via outdated balancing tests
I know, its a mindfield
His theory if read chapter on adrenals is for some, they thyroid may be fune and come back into its own once the adrenals are strong
....i had years of stress its true so they had taken a beating
Other theories are that once the thyroid is balanced the adrenals follow? ...john bergman may help on utube as describes the process ?!
Thankyou appreciate your help, so without the adrenals test is it safe to take adrenavive without a gp advice ? Iv purchased a bottle but scared to take it in 100% convinced my adrenals are in bad state as iv had tremendous stress related issues for years and I literally live on my nerves would it harm me to take adrenavive without permission from a gp ?
No one i feel can answer itbut you
I know its difficult!
I knew after seeing Dr P
You could maybe seek a ‘functiional therapist like Dr Sarah Myhill, she has a good website
Im listening to Dr John Bergman right now on u tube
Have a listen and read it may help but yes, being under a functional doctor good thought
Nutri advanced have a helpful consultant also you can chat to
- she moved me along quite well as very knowledgable
And they sell adrenal support too - iv got it on standby as adrenavive is out of stock for a month
Thanks jeppy iv just bought adrenavive from them it was delivered on 29th December I just didn't want to take it without advice from members here as my symptoms defo relate to adrenals ,
Where did you get it, Natural choices? (Nutri have their own)
Put out a new post maybe to ask others,
Have you done a search in the box xx
Yes hun natural choices and yes I feel totally on edge and anxious and cry even at the silliest thing i live on my nerves constantly on edge and worry myself silly over my little lad who has life limited illnesses so I'm convinced my adrenals are messed up
Im so sorry
Yes i cried lots id almost forgotten
And i was afraid of tablets in general i think id gotten quite phobic
Light at end of tunnel, do what you need, maybe chat to Nutri consultant as easy start, she persuaded me to take a ‘slither’ of it to start with 😊 i had been also very itchy which all calmed, funnily its back as swoppes to Nutri adrenal whilst awaiting adrenavive
Keep in top of Vits, are you on levo
Do yôu know how much T4 and T3 is in the 45 you are taking?
Because it is natural desiccated thyroid- porcine T4,T3,T2,T1, calcitron and enzymes it is difficult to compare with t3 and t4. I looked on my bottle of WP Thyroid which was in grains. 2 grains (130mg) levo t4 -76micro grams. T3 liothyroxine 18 micro grams. But it also has t2 t 1calcitron and enzymes I used to take l grain of WP Thyroid. So my Metavive that comes in 30mg and 15mg bottles. One of each (45mg) would have to be changed to milligrams for you to work out t3 and t4. I spoke to my supplier of Metavive and he was not allowed to say how much t3 and T4 was in each tablet as they were selling it as a ‘supplement’ and he said each capsule contained either 30 or 15 mg of NDT. I spoke to dr peatfield and he said adjust the dose every 2 weeks and check your temperature and pulse every day before you get out of bed and go by how you feel. I started on 90mg and went to 60mg and t3 on blood test was over range so now seeing how I get along with the lower amount of 45mg.
Hope this helps
Thanks for all that il look into some of it
Is coconut milk the carton one or in tin???
Iv got metavive 1?
What was tsh that you bought 11? Did dr p say 11? He said 1 to me
I dont know what to do or to take, its a lonely place and still tsh4.8
This is a usual post isnt it?
Metavive 1 is the 15mg capsules.
Metavive 11 is the 30mg capsules. Both porcine
Biona organic coconut milk in tin on line from dolphin fitness. Metavive 1 is 15mg capsules and Metavive 11 is 30mg capsules. If you switch to metavive don’t take the levo thyroxine (T4). I was on 50mg levo. So if you are on 75mg levo and want change to Metavive try starting on 60mg hope this helps you
Just got an email from <edited by admin> in America to say that WP Thyroid is now available in one grain doses. What a coincidence as I felt my best on WP Thyroid
Hi Myra18, that’s great news! Have you an idea of the price for WP? I also took Erfa and Armour before and now NDT from Germany and Austria, but prices are climbing extremely . How do you get the WP from America? Thanks!
You can order on line from <edited by admin> (RLC Labs). At the moment they are only doing 1 grain (65mg) 100 tablets for £61.33. I get Metavive from The Natural choice.co.uk. They come in 15mg and 30mg capsules. You can also order these in line but I ring them up. Hope this helps x
The new WP is NOT the same as before... It made me and many others very ill. It made my thyroid swell and become very painful the same way ERFA did when they changed their supplier of thyroid powder. The NDT powder used in these products is no longer safe... I believe they are coming in from China or India. Either that or they are being processed differently now... the change is VERY bad...
Is that 15 of t4 pls
Yes I am sure you are right
Thankyou. I couldn’t do the maths for Jeppy
Thanks lots xxxxx