Hi all,
I've just come back from seeing my Endo who suggested I maybe over-medicated as my hair is getting finer all over and falling out, my throat feels tight, sleep is not great and my TSH is surpressed/ below range.
Currently I take 125mcg of T4 and 20mcg of T3 everyday and am gluten, dairy and grain free on the Autoimmune Protocol diet (plenty of meat, veg etc).
My last set of labs are as follows (tests were fasted.. no meds 24hrs):
Serum TSH: 0.09mu/L (0.35- 5.00mu/L)
Free T4: 16.2 pmol/L (9.00 - 24.00 pmol/L)
Free T3: 5.8 pmol/L (3.50-6.50 pmol/L)
Ferritin: 182 ug/L (15.00-300ug/L)
VitD: 83 nmol/L (75.00-200nmol/L)
B12: 400 ng/L (200-900ng/L)
I have started to up my dose of Vit D3 everyday at 5000Ui except when in the sun.
I'm starting to think my endo might be right... she thinks we need to reduce my meds slightly (either T3 or T4, she left it up to me) as this might be causing he hair thinning.
I was diagnosed 7 years ago but my hair was not an original symptom... however I had other symptoms which have mainly resolved.. except since going on T3 have had throat tightness and noticed a quicker more significant amount of hairloss (even all over head like TE).
Has anyone had a similar experience and seen it resolve? Any good advice is very much sought and welcomed
Thanks in advance,